GiNaC is a C++ library. It has been developed to become a replacement engine for xloops which in the past was powered by the Maple CAS. Its design is revolutionary in a sense that contrary to other CAS it does not try to provide extensive algebraic capabilities and a simple programming language but instead accepts a given language (C++) and extends it by a set of algebraic capabilities. The name GiNaC is an iterated and recursive abbreviation for GiNaC is Not a CAS, where CAS stands for Computer Algebra System.
As a little example that shows some syntactical candy possible with
GiNaC, here is a complete C++-program that uses
the defining equation for (normalized) Laguerre Polynomials
and the associated Laguerre Polynomials
to compute the first few Laguerre polynomials in the symbolic variable
x. Of course it is not optimized for efficiency. A faster
version would not use Rodrigues' definition with the derivative.
Instead, this version is optimized for elegance:
#include <iostream> #include <ginac/ginac.h> using namespace std; using namespace GiNaC; /* Laguerre Polynomial L_n(z) == exp(z)*(d/dz)^n (z^n*exp(-z)) / n! */ ex LaguerrePoly(int n, const symbol & z) { const ex LKer = exp(-z); return normal(diff(pow(z, n)*LKer, z, n) / LKer) / factorial(n); } /* Associated Laguerre Polynomial L_{n,m}(x) == (d/dx)^m L_n(x). */ ex LaguerrePoly(int n, int m, const symbol & z) { return LaguerrePoly(n, z).diff(z, m); } int main() { symbol x("x"); for (int i=0; i<7; ++i) { cout << " L_" << i << "(" << x << ") == " << LaguerrePoly(i, x) << endl; for (int j=1; j<=i; ++j) { cout << "L_{" << i << ',' << j << "}(" << x << ") == " << LaguerrePoly(i, j, x) << endl; } cout << endl; } return 0; }
When you compile this program and run it, it will type out:
L_0(x) == 1 L_1(x) == 1-x L_{1,1}(x) == -1 L_2(x) == 1-2*x+1/2*x^2 L_{2,1}(x) == -2+x L_{2,2}(x) == 1 L_3(x) == 1-3*x+3/2*x^2-1/6*x^3 L_{3,1}(x) == -3+3*x-1/2*x^2 L_{3,2}(x) == 3-x L_{3,3}(x) == -1 L_4(x) == 1-4*x+3*x^2-2/3*x^3+1/24*x^4 L_{4,1}(x) == -4+6*x-2*x^2+1/6*x^3 L_{4,2}(x) == 6-4*x+1/2*x^2 L_{4,3}(x) == -4+x L_{4,4}(x) == 1 L_5(x) == 1-5*x+5*x^2-5/3*x^3+5/24*x^4-1/120*x^5 L_{5,1}(x) == -5+10*x-5*x^2+5/6*x^3-1/24*x^4 L_{5,2}(x) == 10-10*x+5/2*x^2-1/6*x^3 L_{5,3}(x) == -10+5*x-1/2*x^2 L_{5,4}(x) == 5-x L_{5,5}(x) == -1 L_6(x) == 1-6*x+15/2*x^2-10/3*x^3+5/8*x^4-1/20*x^5+1/720*x^6 L_{6,1}(x) == -6+15*x-10*x^2+5/2*x^3-1/4*x^4+1/120*x^5 L_{6,2}(x) == 15-20*x+15/2*x^2-x^3+1/24*x^4 L_{6,3}(x) == -20+15*x-3*x^2+1/6*x^3 L_{6,4}(x) == 15-6*x+1/2*x^2 L_{6,5}(x) == -6+x L_{6,6}(x) == 1
Currently, GiNaC's capabilities include:
, cos
, atan
, sinh
, etc.)
The capabilites still missing (but would be nice to see implemented) are listed in the ToDo List.
For a more in-depth description of GiNaC we refer to the tutorial which contains many more examples.