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7. Modular integers

7.1 Modular integer rings

CLN implements modular integers, i.e. integers modulo a fixed integer N. The modulus is explicitly part of every modular integer. CLN doesn't allow you to (accidentally) mix elements of different modular rings, e.g. (3 mod 4) + (2 mod 5) will result in a runtime error. (Ideally one would imagine a generic data type cl_MI(N), but C++ doesn't have generic types. So one has to live with runtime checks.)

The class of modular integer rings is

                 Modular integer ring

and the class of all modular integers (elements of modular integer rings) is

                    Modular integer

Modular integer rings are constructed using the function

cl_modint_ring find_modint_ring (const cl_I& N)
This function returns the modular ring `Z/NZ'. It takes care of finding out about special cases of N, like powers of two and odd numbers for which Montgomery multiplication will be a win, and precomputes any necessary auxiliary data for computing modulo N. There is a cache table of rings, indexed by N (or, more precisely, by abs(N)). This ensures that the precomputation costs are reduced to a minimum.

Modular integer rings can be compared for equality:

bool operator== (const cl_modint_ring&, const cl_modint_ring&)
bool operator!= (const cl_modint_ring&, const cl_modint_ring&)
These compare two modular integer rings for equality. Two different calls to find_modint_ring with the same argument necessarily return the same ring because it is memoized in the cache table.

7.2 Functions on modular integers

Given a modular integer ring R, the following members can be used.

cl_I R->modulus
This is the ring's modulus, normalized to be nonnegative: abs(N).
cl_MI R->zero()
This returns 0 mod N.
cl_MI R->one()
This returns 1 mod N.
cl_MI R->canonhom (const cl_I& x)
This returns x mod N.
cl_I R->retract (const cl_MI& x)
This is a partial inverse function to R->canonhom. It returns the standard representative (>=0, <N) of x.
cl_MI R->random(random_state& randomstate)
cl_MI R->random()
This returns a random integer modulo N.

The following operations are defined on modular integers.

cl_modint_ring x.ring ()
Returns the ring to which the modular integer x belongs.
cl_MI operator+ (const cl_MI&, const cl_MI&)
Returns the sum of two modular integers. One of the arguments may also be a plain integer.
cl_MI operator- (const cl_MI&, const cl_MI&)
Returns the difference of two modular integers. One of the arguments may also be a plain integer.
cl_MI operator- (const cl_MI&)
Returns the negative of a modular integer.
cl_MI operator* (const cl_MI&, const cl_MI&)
Returns the product of two modular integers. One of the arguments may also be a plain integer.
cl_MI square (const cl_MI&)
Returns the square of a modular integer.
cl_MI recip (const cl_MI& x)
Returns the reciprocal x^-1 of a modular integer x. x must be coprime to the modulus, otherwise an error message is issued.
cl_MI div (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
Returns the quotient x*y^-1 of two modular integers x, y. y must be coprime to the modulus, otherwise an error message is issued.
cl_MI expt_pos (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
y must be > 0. Returns x^y.
cl_MI expt (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
Returns x^y. If y is negative, x must be coprime to the modulus, else an error message is issued.
cl_MI operator<< (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
Returns x*2^y.
cl_MI operator>> (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
Returns x*2^-y. When y is positive, the modulus must be odd, or an error message is issued.
bool operator== (const cl_MI&, const cl_MI&)
bool operator!= (const cl_MI&, const cl_MI&)
Compares two modular integers, belonging to the same modular integer ring, for equality.
cl_boolean zerop (const cl_MI& x)
Returns true if x is 0 mod N.

The following output functions are defined (see also the chapter on input/output).

void fprint (cl_ostream stream, const cl_MI& x)
cl_ostream operator<< (cl_ostream stream, const cl_MI& x)
Prints the modular integer x on the stream. The output may depend on the global printer settings in the variable default_print_flags.

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