// Fast integer multiplication using FFT in a modular ring. // Bruno Haible 14.5.,16.5.1996 // FFT in the complex domain has the drawback that it needs careful round-off // error analysis. So here we choose another field of characteristic 0: Q_p. // Since Q_p contains exactly the (p-1)th roots of unity, we choose // p == 1 mod N and have the Nth roots of unity (N = 2^n) in Q_p and // even in Z_p. Actually, we compute in Z/(p^m Z). // All operations the FFT algorithm needs is addition, subtraction, // multiplication, multiplication by the Nth root and unity and division // by N. Hence we can use the domain Z/(p^m Z) even if p is not a prime! // We use the Schönhage-Strassen choice of the modulus: p = 2^R+1. This // has two big advantages: Multiplication and division by 2 (which is a // (2R)th root of unity) or a power of 2 is just a shift and an subtraction. // And multiplication mod p is just a normal multiplication, followed by // a subtraction. // In order to exploit the (2R)th root of unity for FFT, we choose R = 2^r, // and do an FFT of size M with M = 2^m and M | 2R. // Say we want to compute the product of two integers with N1 and N2 bits, // respectively. We choose N >= N1+N2 and K, R, M with // ceiling(N1/K)+ceiling(N2/K)-1 <= M (i.e. roughly N <= K*M), // 2*K+ceiling(log2(M)) <= R, // R = 2^r, M = 2^m, M | 2R. // We then split each of the factors in M K-bit chunks each, and do // an FFT mod p = 2^R+1. We then recover the convolution of the chunks // from the FFT product (the first inequality ensures that this is possible). // The second inequality ensures that we have no overflow, i.e. the // convolution result is valid in Z, not only in Z/pZ. // The computation time (bit complexity) will be proportional to // Mul(N) = O(M log(M) * O(2R)) + M * Mul(R+1). // Hence we try to choose R as small as possible. // Roughly, R >= 2*K, R >= M/2, hence R^2 >= K*M >= N. // For example, when N1 = N2 = 1000000: // Choosing R = 1024, M = 2048, K = 506, ceiling(N1/K) = ceiling(N2/K) = 1977, // M >= 3953, doesn't work. // Choosing R = 2048, M = 4096, K = 1018, ceiling(N1/K) = ceiling(N2/K) = 983, // M >= 1965, works. // Actually, we will also want intDsize | K, so that splitting into chunks // and putting together the result can be done without shifts. So // choose R = 2048, M = 4096, K = 992, ceiling(N1/K) = ceiling(N2/K) = 1009. // We see that M = 2048 suffices. // In contrast to Nussbaumer multiplication, here we can use the standard // Karatsuba algorithm for multiplication mod p = 2^R+1. We don't have to // recurse until N=1. // Define this for (cheap) consistency checks. //#define DEBUG_FFTM // Operations modulo p = 2^R+1, each chunk represented as chlen words // (chlen = floor(R/intDsize)+1). static inline void assign (const uintC R, const uintC chlen, const uintD* a, uintD* r) { cl_unused R; copy_loop_lsp(a,r,chlen); } // r := (a + b) mod p static void addm (const uintC R, const uintC chlen, const uintD* a, const uintD* b, uintD* r) { cl_unused R; // r := a+b. add_loop_lsp(a,b, r, chlen); #if 0 if (lspref(r,chlen-1) < ((uintD)1 << (R % intDsize))) return; if (lspref(r,chlen-1) == ((uintD)1 << (R % intDsize))) if (!DS_test_loop(r lspop (chlen-1),chlen-1,r)) return; // r >= p, so subtract r := r-p. lspref(r,chlen-1) -= ((uintD)1 << (R % intDsize)); dec_loop_lsp(r,chlen); #else if (lspref(r,chlen-1) < 1) return; if (lspref(r,chlen-1) == 1) if (!DS_test_loop(r lspop (chlen-1),chlen-1,r)) return; // r >= p, so subtract r := r-p. lspref(r,chlen-1) -= 1; dec_loop_lsp(r,chlen); #endif } // r := (a - b) mod p static void subm (const uintC R, const uintC chlen, const uintD* a, const uintD* b, uintD* r) { cl_unused R; // r := a-b. sub_loop_lsp(a,b, r, chlen); #if 0 if ((sintD)lspref(r,chlen-1) >= 0) return; // r < 0, so add r := r+p. lspref(r,chlen-1) += ((uintD)1 << (R % intDsize)); inc_loop_lsp(r,chlen); #else if ((sintD)lspref(r,chlen-1) >= 0) return; // r < 0, so add r := r+p. lspref(r,chlen-1) += 1; inc_loop_lsp(r,chlen); #endif } // r := (a << s) mod p (0 <= s < R). // Assume that a and r don't overlap. static void shiftleftm (const uintC R, const uintC chlen, const uintD* a, uintL s, uintD* r) { // Write a = 2^(R-s)*b + c, then // a << s = 2^R*b + (c << s) = (c << s) - b. #if 0 if (chlen == 1) { // R < intDsize. var uintD b = lspref(a,0) >> (R-s); var uintD c = lspref(a,0) & (((uintD)1 << (R-s)) - 1); c = c << s; c -= b; if ((sintD)c < 0) c += ((uintD)1 << R) + 1; lspref(r,0) = c; return; } #endif // Here R >= intDsize, hence intDsize | R. if ((s % intDsize) == 0) { var uintP lenb = s/intDsize; var uintP lenc = (R-s)/intDsize; // chlen = 1 + lenb + lenc. lspref(r,lenb+lenc) = 0; copy_loop_lsp(a,r lspop lenb,lenc); copy_loop_lsp(a lspop lenc,r,lenb); if ((lspref(a,lenb+lenc) > 0) || neg_loop_lsp(r,lenb)) // -b gives carry? if (dec_loop_lsp(r lspop lenb,lenc)) // add p = 2^R+1 to compensate with carry inc_loop_lsp(r,chlen); } else { var uintP lenb = floor(s,intDsize); var uintP lenc = floor(R-s,intDsize)+1; // chlen = 1 + lenb + lenc. s = s % intDsize; lspref(r,lenb+lenc) = 0; var uintD b0 = shiftleftcopy_loop_lsp(a,r lspop lenb,lenc,s); var uintD bov; if (lenb == 0) bov = b0; else { bov = shiftleftcopy_loop_lsp(a lspop lenc,r,lenb,s); lspref(r,0) |= b0; } bov |= lspref(a,lenb+lenc) << s; if (neg_loop_lsp(r,lenb)) bov++; if (lspref(r,lenb) >= bov) lspref(r,lenb) -= bov; else { lspref(r,lenb) -= bov; if (dec_loop_lsp(r lspop (lenb+1),lenc-1)) // add p = 2^R+1 to compensate with carry inc_loop_lsp(r,chlen); } } } // r := (a * b) mod p static void mulm (const uintC R, const uintC chlen, const uintD* a, const uintD* b, uintD* r) { cl_unused R; // The leading digits are very likely to be 0. var uintP a_len = chlen; if (lspref(a,a_len-1) == 0) do { a_len--; } while ((a_len > 0) && (lspref(a,a_len-1) == 0)); if (a_len == 0) { clear_loop_lsp(r,chlen); return; } var uintP b_len = chlen; if (lspref(b,b_len-1) == 0) do { b_len--; } while ((b_len > 0) && (lspref(b,b_len-1) == 0)); if (b_len == 0) { clear_loop_lsp(r,chlen); return; } CL_SMALL_ALLOCA_STACK; var uintD* tmp = cl_small_alloc_array(uintD,2*chlen); cl_UDS_mul(a,a_len, b,b_len, arrayLSDptr(tmp,2*chlen)); DS_clear_loop(arrayMSDptr(tmp,2*chlen),2*chlen-(a_len+b_len),arrayLSDptr(tmp,2*chlen) lspop (a_len+b_len)); // To divide c (0 <= c < p^2) by p = 2^R+1, // we set q := floor(c/2^R) and r := c - q*p = (c mod 2^R) - q. // If this becomes negative, set r := r + p (at most twice). // (This works because floor(c/p) <= q <= floor(c/p)+2.) // (Actually, here, 0 <= c <= (p-1)^2, hence // floor(c/p) <= q <= floor(c/p)+1, so we have // to set r := r + p at most once!) #if 0 if (chlen == 1) { // R < intDsize. var uintD r0 = (arrayLSref(tmp,2,0) & (((uintD)1 << R) - 1)) - ((arrayLSref(tmp,2,1) << (intDsize-R)) | (arrayLSref(tmp,2,0) >> R)); if ((sintD)r0 < 0) r0 += ((uintD)1 << R) + 1; lspref(r,0) = r0; return; } #endif // Here R >= intDsize, hence intDsize | R. // R/intDsize = chlen-1. // arrayLSref(tmp,2*chlen,2*chlen-1) = 0, arrayLSref(tmp,2*chlen,2*chlen-2) <= 1. lspref(r,chlen-1) = 0; if (sub_loop_lsp(arrayLSDptr(tmp,2*chlen),arrayLSDptr(tmp,2*chlen) lspop (chlen-1),r,chlen-1) || arrayLSref(tmp,2*chlen,2*chlen-2)) // add p = 2^R+1 to compensate with carry inc_loop_lsp(r,chlen); } // b := (a / 2) mod p static void shiftm (const uintC R, const uintC chlen, const uintD* a, uintD* b) { cl_unused R; shiftrightcopy_loop_msp(a lspop chlen,b lspop chlen,chlen,1,0); if (lspref(a,0) & 1) { // ((a + p) >> 1) = (a >> 1) + (p>>1) + 1. #if 0 if (chlen == 1) // R < intDsize. lspref(b,0) |= ((uintD)1 << (R-1)); else #endif // intDsize | R. lspref(b,chlen-2) |= ((uintD)1 << (intDsize-1)); inc_loop_lsp(b,chlen); } } #ifndef _BIT_REVERSE #define _BIT_REVERSE // Reverse an n-bit number x. n>0. static uintC bit_reverse (uintL n, uintC x) { var uintC y = 0; do { y <<= 1; y |= (x & 1); x >>= 1; } while (!(--n == 0)); return y; } #endif static void mulu_fftm (const uintL r, const uintC R, // R = 2^r const uintL m, const uintC M, // M = 2^m const uintC k, // K = intDsize*k const uintD* sourceptr1, uintC len1, const uintD* sourceptr2, uintC len2, uintD* destptr) // Assume: // ceiling(len1/k)+ceiling(len2/k)-1 <= M, // 2*K+m <= R, // R = 2^r, M = 2^m, M | 2R. // m > 0. { var const uintC chlen = floor(R,intDsize)+1; // chunk length (in words) CL_ALLOCA_STACK; var uintD* const arrX = cl_alloc_array(uintD,chlen<= k) { copy_loop_lsp(sptr,ptr,k); clear_loop_lsp(ptr lspop k,chlen-k); sptr = sptr lspop k; slen -= k; } else { copy_loop_lsp(sptr,ptr,slen); clear_loop_lsp(ptr lspop slen,chlen-slen); i++; break; } } // X(i) := ... := X(M-1) := 0 clear_loop_up(&arrX[chlen*i],chlen*(M-i)); } if (!squaring) { var const uintD* sptr = sourceptr2; var uintC slen = len2; for (i = 0; i < M; i++) { var uintD* ptr = Y(i); if (slen >= k) { copy_loop_lsp(sptr,ptr,k); clear_loop_lsp(ptr lspop k,chlen-k); sptr = sptr lspop k; slen -= k; } else { copy_loop_lsp(sptr,ptr,slen); clear_loop_lsp(ptr lspop slen,chlen-slen); i++; break; } } // Y(i) := ... := Y(M-1) := 0 clear_loop_up(&arrY[chlen*i],chlen*(M-i)); } // Do an FFT of length M on X. w = 2^(2R/M) = 2^(2^(r+1-m)). { var sintL l; /* l = m-1 */ { var const uintC tmax = M>>1; // tmax = 2^(m-1) for (var uintC t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintC i1 = t; var uintC i2 = i1 + tmax; // Butterfly: replace (X(i1),X(i2)) by // (X(i1) + X(i2), X(i1) - X(i2)). assign(R,chlen, X(i2), tmp); subm(R,chlen, X(i1),tmp, X(i2)); addm(R,chlen, X(i1),tmp, X(i1)); } } for (l = m-2; l>=0; l--) { var const uintC smax = (uintC)1 << (m-1-l); var const uintC tmax = (uintC)1 << l; for (var uintC s = 0; s < smax; s++) { // w^exp = 2^(exp << (r+1-m)). var uintC exp = bit_reverse(m-1-l,s) << (r-(m-1-l)); for (var uintC t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintC i1 = (s << (l+1)) + t; var uintC i2 = i1 + tmax; // Butterfly: replace (X(i1),X(i2)) by // (X(i1) + w^exp*X(i2), X(i1) - w^exp*X(i2)). shiftleftm(R,chlen, X(i2),exp, tmp); subm(R,chlen, X(i1),tmp, X(i2)); addm(R,chlen, X(i1),tmp, X(i1)); } } } } // Do an FFT of length M on Y. w = 2^(2R/M) = 2^(2^(r+1-m)). if (!squaring) { var sintL l; /* l = m-1 */ { var const uintC tmax = M>>1; // tmax = 2^(m-1) for (var uintC t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintC i1 = t; var uintC i2 = i1 + tmax; // Butterfly: replace (Y(i1),Y(i2)) by // (Y(i1) + Y(i2), Y(i1) - Y(i2)). assign(R,chlen, Y(i2), tmp); subm(R,chlen, Y(i1),tmp, Y(i2)); addm(R,chlen, Y(i1),tmp, Y(i1)); } } for (l = m-2; l>=0; l--) { var const uintC smax = (uintC)1 << (m-1-l); var const uintC tmax = (uintC)1 << l; for (var uintC s = 0; s < smax; s++) { // w^exp = 2^(exp << (r+1-m)). var uintC exp = bit_reverse(m-1-l,s) << (r-(m-1-l)); for (var uintC t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintC i1 = (s << (l+1)) + t; var uintC i2 = i1 + tmax; // Butterfly: replace (Y(i1),Y(i2)) by // (Y(i1) + w^exp*Y(i2), Y(i1) - w^exp*Y(i2)). shiftleftm(R,chlen, Y(i2),exp, tmp); subm(R,chlen, Y(i1),tmp, Y(i2)); addm(R,chlen, Y(i1),tmp, Y(i1)); } } } } // Multiply the transformed vectors into Z. if (!squaring) { for (i = 0; i < M; i++) mulm(R,chlen, X(i),Y(i),Z(i)); } else { for (i = 0; i < M; i++) mulm(R,chlen, X(i),X(i),Z(i)); } // Undo an FFT of length M on Z. w = 2^(2R/M) = 2^(2^(r+1-m)). { var uintL l; for (l = 0; l < m-1; l++) { var const uintC smax = (uintC)1 << (m-1-l); var const uintC tmax = (uintC)1 << l; /* s = 0, exp = 0 */ { for (var uintC t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintC i1 = t; var uintC i2 = i1 + tmax; // Inverse Butterfly: replace (Z(i1),Z(i2)) by // ((Z(i1)+Z(i2))/2, (Z(i1)-Z(i2))/(2*w^exp)), // with exp <-- 0. addm(R,chlen, Z(i1),Z(i2), sum); subm(R,chlen, Z(i1),Z(i2), diff); shiftm(R,chlen, sum, Z(i1)); shiftm(R,chlen, diff, Z(i2)); } } for (var uintC s = 1; s < smax; s++) { // w^exp = 2^(exp << (r+1-m)). var uintC exp = bit_reverse(m-1-l,s) << (r-(m-1-l)); exp = R - exp; // negate exp (use w^-1 instead of w) for (var uintC t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintC i1 = (s << (l+1)) + t; var uintC i2 = i1 + tmax; // Inverse Butterfly: replace (Z(i1),Z(i2)) by // ((Z(i1)+Z(i2))/2, (Z(i1)-Z(i2))/(2*w^exp)), // with exp <-- (M/2 - exp). addm(R,chlen, Z(i1),Z(i2), sum); subm(R,chlen, Z(i2),Z(i1), diff); // note that w^(M/2) = 2^R = -1 shiftm(R,chlen, sum, Z(i1)); shiftleftm(R,chlen, diff,exp-1, Z(i2)); } } } /* l = m-1 */ { var const uintC tmax = M>>1; // tmax = 2^(m-1) for (var uintC t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintC i1 = t; var uintC i2 = i1 + tmax; // Inverse Butterfly: replace (Z(i1),Z(i2)) by // ((Z(i1)+Z(i2))/2, (Z(i1)-Z(i2))/2). addm(R,chlen, Z(i1),Z(i2), sum); subm(R,chlen, Z(i1),Z(i2), diff); shiftm(R,chlen, sum, Z(i1)); shiftm(R,chlen, diff, Z(i2)); } } } var uintC zchlen = 2*k + ceiling(m,intDsize); #ifdef DEBUG_FFTM // Check that every Z(i) has at most 2*K+m bits. { var uintC zerodigits = chlen - zchlen; for (i = 0; i < M; i++) if (DS_test_loop(Z(i) lspop chlen,zerodigits,Z(i) lspop zchlen)) throw runtime_exception(); } #endif // Put together result. var uintC destlen = len1+len2; clear_loop_lsp(destptr,destlen); for (i = 0; i < M; i++, destptr = destptr lspop k, destlen -= k) { if (zchlen <= destlen) { if (addto_loop_lsp(Z(i),destptr,zchlen)) if (inc_loop_lsp(destptr lspop zchlen,destlen-zchlen)) throw runtime_exception(); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_FFTM if (DS_test_loop(Z(i) lspop zchlen,zchlen-destlen,Z(i) lspop destlen)) throw runtime_exception(); #endif if (addto_loop_lsp(Z(i),destptr,destlen)) throw runtime_exception(); } if (destlen <= k) { i++; break; } } #ifdef DEBUG_FFTM // Check that Z(i)..Z(M-1) are all zero. if (test_loop_up(&arrZ[chlen*i],chlen*(M-i))) throw runtime_exception(); #endif #undef diff #undef sum #undef tmp #undef Z #undef Y #undef X } // The running time of mulu_fftm() is roughly // O(M log(M) * O(2R)) + M * R^(1+c), where c = log3/log2 - 1 = 0.585... // Try to minimize this given the constraints // ceiling(len1/k)+ceiling(len2/k)-1 <= M, // K = intDsize*k, 2*K+m <= R, // R = 2^r, M = 2^m, M | 2R. // m > 0. // Necessary conditions: // len1+len2 <= k*(M+1), intDsize*(len1+len2) <= K*(M+1) <= (R-1)/2 * (2*R+1) < R^2. // 2*intDsize+1 <= R, log2_intDsize+1 < r. // So we start with len1 <= len2, // r := max(log2_intDsize+2,ceiling(ceiling(log2(intDsize*2*len1))/2)), R := 2^r. // try // kmax := floor((R-(r+1))/(2*intDsize)), Kmax := intDsize*kmax, // m := max(1,ceiling(log2(2*ceiling(len1/kmax)-1))), M := 2^m, // if m > r+1 retry with r <- r+1. // [Now we are sure that we can at least multiply len1 and len1 digits using these // values of r and m, symbolically (r,m) OKFOR (len1,len1).] // [Normally, we will have m=r+1 or m=r.] // For (len1,len2), we might want to split the second integer into pieces. // If (r,m) OKFOR (len1,len2) // If (r-1,m) OKFOR (len1,ceiling(len2/2)) // then use (r-1,m) and two pieces // else use (r,m) and one piece // else // q1 := number of pieces len2 needs to be splitted into to be OKFOR (r,m), // If m= log2_intDsize+2, R >= 4*intDsize, so chlen >= 5. // To avoid infinite recursion, mulu_fft_modm() must only be called with len1 > 5. static bool okfor (uintL r, uintL m, uintC len1, uintC len2) { var uintC R = (uintC)1 << r; var uintC M = (uintC)1 << m; var uintC k = floor(R-m,2*intDsize); return (ceiling(len1,k)+ceiling(len2,k) <= M+1); } static uintC numpieces (uintL r, uintL m, uintC len1, uintC len2) { var uintC R = (uintC)1 << r; var uintC M = (uintC)1 << m; var uintC k = floor(R-m,2*intDsize); var uintC piecelen2 = (M+1-ceiling(len1,k))*k; #ifdef DEBUG_FFTM if ((sintC)piecelen2 <= 0) throw runtime_exception(); #endif return ceiling(len2,piecelen2); } static void mulu_fft_modm (const uintD* sourceptr1, uintC len1, const uintD* sourceptr2, uintC len2, uintD* destptr) // Called only with 6 <= len1 <= len2. { var uint32 n; integerlengthC(len1-1, n=); // 2^(n-1) < len1 <= 2^n var uintL r; var uintL m; r = ceiling(log2_intDsize+1+n,2); if (r < log2_intDsize+2) r = log2_intDsize+2; retry: { var uintC k = floor(((uintC)1 << r) - (r+1), 2*intDsize); var uintC M = 2*ceiling(len1,k)-1; integerlengthC(M, m=); if (m == 0) m = 1; if (m > r+1) { r++; goto retry; } } #ifdef DEBUG_FFTM if (!(m > 0 && m <= r+1 && okfor(r,m,len1,len1))) throw runtime_exception(); #endif if (okfor(r,m,len1,len2)) { if ((m <= r) && (r > log2_intDsize+2) && okfor(r-1,m,len1,ceiling(len2,2))) if (!(sourceptr1 == sourceptr2 && len1 == len2)) // when squaring, keep one piece r--; } else { var uintC q1 = numpieces(r,m,len1,len2); if (m <= r) { var uintC q2 = numpieces(r,m+1,len1,len2); if (2*q2 <= q1) m++; } else { var uintC q2 = numpieces(r+1,m,len1,len2); if (3*q2 <= q1) r++; } } var uintC R = (uintC)1 << r; var uintC M = (uintC)1 << m; var uintC k = floor(R-m,2*intDsize); var uintC piecelen2 = (M+1-ceiling(len1,k))*k; if (piecelen2 >= len2) { // One piece only. mulu_fftm(r,R, m,M, k, sourceptr1,len1, sourceptr2,len2, destptr); return; } CL_ALLOCA_STACK; var uintD* tmpptr; num_stack_alloc(len1+piecelen2,,tmpptr=); var uintC destlen = len1+len2; clear_loop_lsp(destptr,destlen); do { var uintC len2p; // length of a piece of source2 len2p = piecelen2; if (len2p > len2) len2p = len2; // len2p = min(piecelen2,len2). var uintC destlenp = len1 + len2p; // destlenp = min(len1+piecelen2,destlen). // Use tmpptr[-destlenp..-1]. if (len2p == 1) { // cheap case mulu_loop_lsp(lspref(sourceptr2,0),sourceptr1,tmpptr,len1); } else if (2*len2p < piecelen2) { // semi-cheap case cl_UDS_mul(sourceptr1,len1, sourceptr2,len2p, tmpptr); } else { mulu_fftm(r,R, m,M, k, sourceptr1,len1, sourceptr2,len2p, tmpptr); } if (addto_loop_lsp(tmpptr,destptr,destlenp)) if (inc_loop_lsp(destptr lspop destlenp,destlen-destlenp)) throw runtime_exception(); // Decrement len2. destptr = destptr lspop len2p; destlen -= len2p; sourceptr2 = sourceptr2 lspop len2p; len2 -= len2p; } while (len2 > 0); }