// Fast integer multiplication using FFT over the complex numbers, modified // to work with real numbers only in the implementation. // [Donald Ervin Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. II: // Seminumerical Algorithms, second edition. Section 4.3.3, p. 290-294.] // Bruno Haible 6.5.1996, 24.-25.8.1996, 27.-30.8.1996 // FFT in the complex domain has the drawback that it needs careful round-off // error analysis. But for CPUs with good floating-point performance it might // nevertheless be better than FFT mod Z/mZ. // The usual FFT(2^n) computes the values of a polynomial p(z) mod (z^(2^n)-1) // at the (2^n)-th roots of unity. For our purposes, we start out with // polynomials with real coefficients. So the values at z_j = exp(2 pi i j/N) // and z_-j = exp(- 2 pi i j/N) will be complex conjugates of each other, // which means that there exists a polynomial r(z) of degree <= 1 with real // coefficients such that p(z_j) = r(z_j) and p(z_-j) = r(z_-j). This // implies that r(z) is the remainder of p(z) divided by // (z - z_j) (z - z_-j) = (z^2 - 2 cos(2 pi j/N) z + 1). // // Based on this insight, we replace the usual n FFT steps // for m = n...0: // (z^(2^n)-1) = prod(j=0..2^(n-m)-1, (z^(2^m) - exp(2 pi j/2^(n-m)))) // by // for m = n...1: // (z^(2^n)-1) = (z^(2^m)-1) * prod(j=1..2^(n-m)-1, factor_m[j](z)) // where // factor_m[j](z) = prod(k mod 2^n with k == j or k == -j mod 2^(n-m+1), // (z - exp(2 pi i k/N)) ) // = prod(k=0..2^(m-1)-1, // (z - exp(2 pi i (j+2^(n-m+1)k)/N)) // (z - exp(- 2 pi i (j+2^(n-m+1)k)/N)) ) // = (z^(2^(m-1)) - exp(2 pi i j 2^(m-1)/N)) // (z^(2^(m-1)) - exp(- 2 pi i j 2^(m-1)/N)) // = (z^(2^(m-1)) - exp(2 pi i j/2^(n-m+1))) // (z^(2^(m-1)) - exp(- 2 pi i j/2^(n-m+1))) // = (z^(2^m) - 2 cos(2 pi j/2^(n-m+1)) z^(2^(m-1)) + 1). // The factors and the input are real polynomials, hence all intermediate // and final remainders will be real as well. // // The usual FFT algorithm // Input: polynomial p in x[0..2^n-1]. // for l = n-1..0: // step m=l+1 -> m=l // for s in {0,..,2^(n-1-l)-1}: // exp := bit_reverse(n-1-l,s)*2^l, // // chinese remainder algorithm for (z^(2^(l+1)) - w^(2*exp)) = // // = (z^(2^l) - w^exp) * (z^(2^l) - w^(exp+2^(n-1))). // for t in {0,..,2^l-1}: // i1 := s*2^(l+1) + t, i2 := s*2^(l+1) + 2^l + t, // replace (x[i1],x[i2]) by (x[i1] + w^exp*x[i2], x[i1] - w^exp*x[i2]) // Invariant: // for m = n..0: // for j in {0..2^(n-m)-1}: // p(z) mod (z^(2^m) - exp(2 pi i j/2^(n-m))) // in x[bit_reverse(n-m,j)*2^m .. bit_reverse(n-m,j)*2^m+2^m-1]. // Output: p(z_j) in x[bit_reverse(n,j)]. // is thus replaced by the algorithm // Input: polynomial p in x[0..2^n-1]. // for l = n-1..1: // step m=l+1 -> m=l // for s in {0}: // // chinese remainder algorithm for (z^(2^(l+1)) - 1) = // // = (z^(2^l) - 1) * (z^(2^l) + 1). // for t in {0,..,2^l-1}: // i1 := t, i2 := 2^l + t, // replace (x[i1],x[i2]) by (x[i1] + x[i2], x[i1] - x[i2]) // for s in {1,..,2^(n-1-l)-1}: // exp := shuffle(n-1-l,s)*2^(l-1), // // chinese remainder algorithm for // // (z^(2^(l+1)) - 2 cos(2 pi 2*exp/N) z^(2^l) + 1) = // // = (z^(2^l) - 2 cos(2 pi exp/N) z^(2^(l-1)) + 1) // // * (z^(2^l) - 2 cos(2 pi (2^(n-1)-exp)/N) z^(2^(l-1)) + 1) // gam := 2 cos(2 pi exp/N), // for t in {0,..,2^(l-1)-1}: // i1 := s*2^(l+1) + t, i2 := s*2^(l+1) + 2^(l-1) + t, // i3 := s*2^(l+1) + 2^l + t, i4 := s*2^(l+1) + 2^l + 2^(l-1) + t, // replace (x[i1],x[i2],x[i3],x[i4]) by // (x[i1]-x[i3] - x[i4]*gam, x[i3]*gam + x[i2]+x[i4]*(gam^2-1), // x[i1]-x[i3] + x[i4]*gam, - x[i3]*gam + x[i2]+x[i4]*(gam^2-1)) // Invariant: // for m = n..1: // p(z) mod (z^(2^m) - 1) in x[0..2^m-1], // for j in {1,..,2^(n-m)-1}: // p(z) mod (z^(2^m) - 2 cos(2 pi j/2^(n-m+1)) z^(2^(m-1)) + 1) // in x[invshuffle(n-m,j)*2^m .. invshuffle(n-m,j)*2^m+2^m-1]. // Output: p(z) mod (z^2 - 1) in x[0],x[1], // p(z) mod (z^2 - 2 cos(2 pi j/2^n) z + 1) (0 < j < 2^(n-1)) // in x[2*invshuffle(n-1,j)],x[2*invshuffle(n-1,j)+1]. // // The shuffle function is defined like this: // shuffle(n,j) defined for n >= 0, 0 < j < 2^n, yields 0 < shuffle(n,j) < 2^n. // Definition by splitting off the least significant bit: // n = 0: void. // n > 0: shuffle(n,1) = 2^(n-1), // n > 0, 0 < j < 2^(n-1): shuffle(n,2*j) = shuffle(n-1,j), // n > 0, 0 < j < 2^(n-1): shuffle(n,2*j+1) = 2^n - shuffle(n-1,j). // Its inverse function is defined like this: // invshuffle(n,j) defined for n >= 0, 0 < j < 2^n, 0 < invshuffle(n,j) < 2^n. // Definition by splitting off the most significant bit: // n = 0: void. // n > 0, 0 < j < 2^(n-1): invshuffle(n,j) = invshuffle(n-1,j)*2, // n > 0, j = 2^(n-1): invshuffle(n,j) = 1, // n > 0, 2^(n-1) < j < 2^n: invshuffle(n,j) = invshuffle(n-1,2^n-j)*2+1. // Note that shuffle(n,.) and invshuffle(n,.) are _not_ the same permutation // for n>=4. // It is important to have precise round-off error estimates. Although // (by laws of statistics) in the average the actual round-off error makes up // only half of the bits provided for round-off protection, we cannot rely // on this average behaviour, but have to produce correct results. // // Knuth's formula (42), p. 294, says: // If we want to multiply l-bit words using an FFT(2^k), our floating point // numbers shall have m >= 2(k+l) + k + log_2 k + 3.5 mantissa bits. // // Here is a more careful analysis, using absolute error estimates. // // 1. We assume floating point numbers with radix 2, with the properties: // (i) Multiplication with 2^n and 2^-n is exact. // (ii) Negation x -> -x is exact. // (iii) Addition: When adding x and y, with |x| <= 2^a, |y| <= 2^a, // the result |x+y| <= 2^(a+1) has an error <= e*2^(a+1-m). // (iv) Multiplication: When multiplying x and y, with |x| <= 2^a, // |y| <= 2^b, the result |x*y| <= 2^(a+b) has an error <= e*2^(a+b-m). // (v) Division: When dividing x by y, with |x| <= 2^a, // 2^b <= |y| <= 2^(b+1), the result |x/y| <= 2^(a-b) has an error // <= e*2^(a-b-m). // Here e = 1 for a truncating arithmetic, but e = 1/2 for a rounding // arithmetic like IEEE single and double floats. // 2. Let's introduce some notation: err(x) means |x'-x| where x is the // exact mathematical value and x' is its representation in the machine. // 3. From 1. we get for real numbers x,y: // (i) err(2^n*x) = 2^n * err(x), // (ii) err(-x) = err(x), // (iii) |x| <= 2^a, |y| <= 2^a, then // err(x+y) <= err(x) + err(y) + e*2^(a+1-m), // [or .... ............... + e*2^(a-m) if |x+y| <= 2^a]. // (iv) |x| <= 2^a, |y| <= 2^b, then // err(x*y) <= 2^a * err(y) + 2^b * err(x) + e*2^(a+b-m). // (v) |x| <= 2^a, 2^b <= |y| <= 2^(b+1), then // err(x/y) <= 2^(-b) * err(x) + 2^(a-2b) * err(y) + e*2^(a-b-m). // 4. Our complex arithmetic will be based on the formulas: // (i) 2^n*(x+iy) = (2^n*x)+i(2^n*y) // (ii) -(x+iy) = (-x)+i(-y) // (iii) (x+iy)+(u+iv) = (x+u)+i(y+v) // (iv) (x+iy)*(u+iv) = (x*u-y*v)+i(x*v+y*u) // The notation err(z) means |z'-z|, as above, with |.| being the usual // absolute value on complex numbers (_not_ the L^1 norm). // 5. From 3. and 4. we get for complex numbers x,y: // (i) err(2^n*x) = 2^n * err(x), // (ii) err(-x) = err(x), // (iii) |x| <= 2^a, |y| <= 2^a, then // err(x+y) <= err(x) + err(y) + e*2^(a+3/2-m), // (iv) |x| <= 2^a, |y| <= 2^b, then // err(x*y) <= 2^a * err(y) + 2^b * err(x) + 3*e*2^(a+b+1/2-m). // 6. We start out with precomputed roots of unity: // |exp(2 pi i/2^n)| <= 1, // err(exp(2 pi i/2^n)) <= e*2^(1/2-m), (even err(..)=0 for n=0,1,2), // and compute exp(2 pi i * j/2^k) according to the binary digits of j. // This way, each root of unity will be a product of at most k precomputed // roots. If (j mod 2^(k-2)) has n bits, then exp(2 pi i * j/2^k) will // be computed using n factors, i.e. n-1 complex multiplications, and by // 5.iv. we'll have // err(exp(2 pi i * j/2^k)) <= n*e*2^(1/2-m) + max(n-1,0)*3*e*2^(1/2-m) // = max(4*n-3,0)*e*2^(1/2-m). // Hence the maximum roots-of-unity error is (set n=k-2) // err(w^j) <= (4*k-11)*e*2^(1/2-m), // and the average roots-of-unity error is (set n=(k-2)/2) // < 2*(k-2)*e*2^(1/2-m). // 7. We use precomputed values of gam = 2*cos(2*pi*j/2^k) (0 < j < 2^(k-2)), // 12*2^-k <= |gam| <= 2, // err(gam) <= (4*k-11)*e*2^(3/2-m), // and // err(gam-1) <= (4*k-11)*e*2^(3/2-m), // err(gam+1) <= (4*k-9)*e*2^(3/2-m), // err(gam^2-1) <= (20*k-51)*e*2^(3/2-m), // err(1/gam) <= (4*k-10)*e*(2*k-9/2-m). // 8. Now we start the FFT. // Before the first step, x_i are integral, |x_i| < 2^l and err(x_i) = 0. // After the first butterfly, which replaces (x(i1),x(i2)) by // (x(i1) + x(i2), x(i1) - x(i2)), we have |x_i| < 2^(l+1) and err(x_i) = 0. // Then, for each of the remaining k-2 steps, a butterfly replaces // (x[i1],x[i2],x[i3],x[i4]) by // (x[i1]-x[i3] - x[i4]*gam, x[i3]*gam + x[i2]+x[i4]*(gam^2-1), // x[i1]-x[i3] + x[i4]*gam, - x[i3]*gam + x[i2]+x[i4]*(gam^2-1)). // Thus, after n steps we have |x_i| < 2^(l+3n) and err(x_i) <= E_i where // E_0 = 0, // E_1 = 0, // E_(n+1) = ... // // This is just too complicated. We use fftc's round-off error estimates. // As a consequence, sometimes the algorithm bails out, saying // "FFT problem: checksum error"!!! #if !(intDsize==32) #error "real fft implemented only for intDsize==32" #endif #include "cln/floatparam.h" #include "cln/io.h" #include "cln/abort.h" #if defined(HAVE_LONGDOUBLE) && (long_double_mant_bits > double_mant_bits) && (defined(__i386__) || defined(__m68k__) || (defined(__sparc__) && 0)) // Only these CPUs have fast "long double"s in hardware. // On SPARC, "long double"s are emulated in software and don't work. typedef long double fftr_real; #define fftr_real_mant_bits long_double_mant_bits #define fftr_real_rounds long_double_rounds #else typedef double fftr_real; #define fftr_real_mant_bits double_mant_bits #define fftr_real_rounds double_rounds #endif // We need complex numbers for precomputing the roots of unity. typedef struct fftr_complex { fftr_real re; fftr_real im; } fftr_complex; // For every integer exp, we need to precompute gam = 2 cos(2 pi exp/N). typedef union { fftr_complex c; // exp(2 pi i exp/N) struct { fftr_real d; // gam = 2 cos(2 pi exp/N) fftr_real e; // gam^2-1 fftr_real f; // 1/gam } gam; } fftr_cosinus; static const fftr_complex fftr_roots_of_1 [32+1] = // roots_of_1[n] is a (2^n)th root of unity in C. // Also roots_of_1[n-1] = roots_of_1[n]^2. // For simplicity we choose roots_of_1[n] = exp(2 pi i/2^n). { #if (fftr_real_mant_bits == double_mant_bits) // These values have 64 bit precision. { 1.0, 0.0 }, { -1.0, 0.0 }, { 0.0, 1.0 }, { 0.7071067811865475244, 0.7071067811865475244 }, { 0.9238795325112867561, 0.38268343236508977172 }, { 0.9807852804032304491, 0.19509032201612826784 }, { 0.99518472667219688623, 0.098017140329560601996 }, { 0.9987954562051723927, 0.049067674327418014254 }, { 0.9996988186962042201, 0.024541228522912288032 }, { 0.99992470183914454094, 0.0122715382857199260795 }, { 0.99998117528260114264, 0.0061358846491544753597 }, { 0.9999952938095761715, 0.00306795676296597627 }, { 0.99999882345170190993, 0.0015339801862847656123 }, { 0.99999970586288221914, 7.6699031874270452695e-4 }, { 0.99999992646571785114, 3.8349518757139558907e-4 }, { 0.9999999816164292938, 1.9174759731070330744e-4 }, { 0.9999999954041073129, 9.5873799095977345874e-5 }, { 0.99999999885102682754, 4.793689960306688455e-5 }, { 0.99999999971275670683, 2.3968449808418218729e-5 }, { 0.9999999999281891767, 1.1984224905069706422e-5 }, { 0.99999999998204729416, 5.9921124526424278428e-6 }, { 0.99999999999551182357, 2.9960562263346607504e-6 }, { 0.99999999999887795586, 1.4980281131690112288e-6 }, { 0.999999999999719489, 7.4901405658471572114e-7 }, { 0.99999999999992987223, 3.7450702829238412391e-7 }, { 0.99999999999998246807, 1.8725351414619534487e-7 }, { 0.999999999999995617, 9.36267570730980828e-8 }, { 0.99999999999999890425, 4.6813378536549092695e-8 }, { 0.9999999999999997261, 2.340668926827455276e-8 }, { 0.99999999999999993153, 1.1703344634137277181e-8 }, { 0.99999999999999998287, 5.8516723170686386908e-9 }, { 0.9999999999999999957, 2.925836158534319358e-9 }, { 0.9999999999999999989, 1.4629180792671596806e-9 } #else (fftr_real_mant_bits > double_mant_bits) // These values have 128 bit precision. { 1.0L, 0.0L }, { -1.0L, 0.0L }, { 0.0L, 1.0L }, { 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039284L, 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039284L }, { 0.923879532511286756128183189396788286823L, 0.38268343236508977172845998403039886676L }, { 0.980785280403230449126182236134239036975L, 0.195090322016128267848284868477022240928L }, { 0.995184726672196886244836953109479921574L, 0.098017140329560601994195563888641845861L }, { 0.998795456205172392714771604759100694444L, 0.0490676743274180142549549769426826583147L }, { 0.99969881869620422011576564966617219685L, 0.0245412285229122880317345294592829250654L }, { 0.99992470183914454092164649119638322435L, 0.01227153828571992607940826195100321214037L }, { 0.999981175282601142656990437728567716173L, 0.00613588464915447535964023459037258091705L }, { 0.999995293809576171511580125700119899554L, 0.00306795676296597627014536549091984251894L }, { 0.99999882345170190992902571017152601905L, 0.001533980186284765612303697150264079079954L }, { 0.999999705862882219160228217738765677117L, 7.66990318742704526938568357948576643142e-4L }, { 0.99999992646571785114473148070738785695L, 3.83495187571395589072461681181381263396e-4L }, { 0.999999981616429293808346915402909714504L, 1.91747597310703307439909561989000933469e-4L }, { 0.99999999540410731289097193313960614896L, 9.58737990959773458705172109764763511872e-5L }, { 0.9999999988510268275626733077945541084L, 4.79368996030668845490039904946588727468e-5L }, { 0.99999999971275670684941397221864177609L, 2.39684498084182187291865771650218200947e-5L }, { 0.999999999928189176709775095883850490262L, 1.198422490506970642152156159698898480473e-5L }, { 0.99999999998204729417728262414778410738L, 5.99211245264242784287971180889086172999e-6L }, { 0.99999999999551182354431058417299732444L, 2.99605622633466075045481280835705981183e-6L }, { 0.999999999998877955886077016551752536504L, 1.49802811316901122885427884615536112069e-6L }, { 0.999999999999719488971519214794719584451L, 7.49014056584715721130498566730655637157e-7L }, { 0.99999999999992987224287980123972873676L, 3.74507028292384123903169179084633177398e-7L }, { 0.99999999999998246806071995015624773673L, 1.8725351414619534486882457659356361712e-7L }, { 0.999999999999995617015179987529456656217L, 9.3626757073098082799067286680885620193e-8L }, { 0.999999999999998904253794996881763834182L, 4.68133785365490926951155181385400969594e-8L }, { 0.99999999999999972606344874922040343793L, 2.34066892682745527595054934190348440379e-8L }, { 0.999999999999999931515862187305098514444L, 1.170334463413727718124621350323810379807e-8L }, { 0.999999999999999982878965546826274482047L, 5.8516723170686386908097901008341396944e-9L }, { 0.999999999999999995719741386706568611352L, 2.92583615853431935792823046906895590202e-9L }, { 0.999999999999999998929935346676642152265L, 1.46291807926715968052953216186596371037e-9L } #endif }; // Define this for (cheap) consistency checks. #define DEBUG_FFTR static fftr_real fftr_pow2_table[64] = // table of powers of 2 { 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0, 16.0, 32.0, 64.0, 128.0, 256.0, 512.0, 1024.0, 2048.0, 4096.0, 8192.0, 16384.0, 32768.0, 65536.0, 131072.0, 262144.0, 524288.0, 1048576.0, 2097152.0, 4194304.0, 8388608.0, 16777216.0, 33554432.0, 67108864.0, 134217728.0, 268435456.0, 536870912.0, 1073741824.0, 2147483648.0, 4294967296.0, 8589934592.0, 17179869184.0, 34359738368.0, 68719476736.0, 137438953472.0, 274877906944.0, 549755813888.0, 1099511627776.0, 2199023255552.0, 4398046511104.0, 8796093022208.0, 17592186044416.0, 35184372088832.0, 70368744177664.0, 140737488355328.0, 281474976710656.0, 562949953421312.0, 1125899906842624.0, 2251799813685248.0, 4503599627370496.0, 9007199254740992.0, 18014398509481984.0, 36028797018963968.0, 72057594037927936.0, 144115188075855872.0, 288230376151711744.0, 576460752303423488.0, 1152921504606846976.0, 2305843009213693952.0, 4611686018427387904.0, 9223372036854775808.0 }; // For a constant expression n (0 <= n < 128), returns 2^n of type fftr_real. #define fftr_pow2(n) \ (((n) & 64 ? (fftr_real)18446744073709551616.0 : (fftr_real)1.0) \ * ((n) & 32 ? (fftr_real)4294967296.0 : (fftr_real)1.0) \ * ((n) & 16 ? (fftr_real)65536.0 : (fftr_real)1.0) \ * ((n) & 8 ? (fftr_real)256.0 : (fftr_real)1.0) \ * ((n) & 4 ? (fftr_real)16.0 : (fftr_real)1.0) \ * ((n) & 2 ? (fftr_real)4.0 : (fftr_real)1.0) \ * ((n) & 1 ? (fftr_real)2.0 : (fftr_real)1.0) \ ) // r := a * b static inline void mul (const fftr_complex& a, const fftr_complex& b, fftr_complex& r) { var fftr_real r_re = a.re * b.re - a.im * b.im; var fftr_real r_im = a.re * b.im + a.im * b.re; r.re = r_re; r.im = r_im; } static uintL shuffle (uintL n, uintL x) { var uintL y = 0; var sintL v = 1; // Invariant: y + v*shuffle(n,x). do { if (x & 1) if (x == 1) return y + (v << (n-1)); else { y = y + (v << n); v = -v; } x >>= 1; } while (!(--n == 0)); cl_abort(); } #if 0 // unused static uintL invshuffle (uintL n, uintL x) { var uintL y = 0; var uintL v = 1; // Invariant: y + v*invshuffle(n,x). do { if (x == ((uintL)1 << (n-1))) return y + v; else if (x > ((uintL)1 << (n-1))) { x = ((uintL)1 << n) - x; y = y+v; } v <<= 1; } while (!(--n == 0)); cl_abort(); } #endif // Compute a real convolution using FFT: z[0..N-1] := x[0..N-1] * y[0..N-1]. static void fftr_convolution (const uintL n, const uintL N, // N = 2^n fftr_real * x, // N numbers fftr_real * y, // N numbers fftr_real * z // N numbers result ) { CL_ALLOCA_STACK; var fftr_cosinus* const w = cl_alloc_array(fftr_cosinus,N>>2); var uintL i; // Initialize w[exp].c to exp(2 pi i exp/N). w[0].c = fftr_roots_of_1[0]; { var int j; for (j = n-3; j>=0; j--) { var fftr_complex r_j = fftr_roots_of_1[n-j]; w[1<>2; i += (2<>2; i++) { var fftr_real gam = w[i].c.re * (fftr_real)2.0; w[i].gam.d = gam; w[i].gam.e = (gam - (fftr_real)1.0) * (gam + (fftr_real)1.0); w[i].gam.f = (fftr_real)1.0 / gam; } var bool squaring = (x == y); // Do an FFT of length N on x. { var uintL l; for (l = n-1; l > 0; l--) { /* s = 0 */ { var const uintL tmax = (uintL)1 << l; for (var uintL t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintL i1 = t; var uintL i2 = i1 + tmax; // replace (x[i1],x[i2]) by // (x[i1] + x[i2], x[i1] - x[i2]) var fftr_real tmp; tmp = x[i2]; x[i2] = x[i1] - tmp; x[i1] = x[i1] + tmp; } } var const uintL smax = (uintL)1 << (n-1-l); var const uintL tmax = (uintL)1 << (l-1); for (var uintL s = 1; s < smax; s++) { var uintL exp = shuffle(n-1-l,s) << (l-1); for (var uintL t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintL i1 = (s << (l+1)) + t; var uintL i2 = i1 + tmax; var uintL i3 = i2 + tmax; var uintL i4 = i3 + tmax; // replace (x[i1],x[i2],x[i3],x[i4]) by // (x[i1]-x[i3] - x[i4]*gam, // x[i3]*gam + x[i2]+x[i4]*(gam^2-1), // x[i1]-x[i3] + x[i4]*gam, // - x[i3]*gam + x[i2]+x[i4]*(gam^2-1)) var fftr_real sum13; var fftr_real sum24; var fftr_real tmp3; var fftr_real tmp4; sum13 = x[i1] - x[i3]; tmp3 = x[i3]*w[exp].gam.d; tmp4 = x[i4]*w[exp].gam.d; sum24 = x[i2]+x[i4]*w[exp].gam.e; x[i1] = sum13 - tmp4; x[i3] = sum13 + tmp4; x[i2] = sum24 + tmp3; x[i4] = sum24 - tmp3; } } } /* l = 0 */ { // replace (x[0],x[1]) by (x[0]+x[1], x[0]-x[1]) var fftr_real tmp; tmp = x[1]; x[1] = x[0] - tmp; x[0] = x[0] + tmp; } } // Do an FFT of length N on y. if (!squaring) { var uintL l; for (l = n-1; l > 0; l--) { /* s = 0 */ { var const uintL tmax = (uintL)1 << l; for (var uintL t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintL i1 = t; var uintL i2 = i1 + tmax; // replace (y[i1],y[i2]) by // (y[i1] + y[i2], y[i1] - y[i2]) var fftr_real tmp; tmp = y[i2]; y[i2] = y[i1] - tmp; y[i1] = y[i1] + tmp; } } var const uintL smax = (uintL)1 << (n-1-l); var const uintL tmax = (uintL)1 << (l-1); for (var uintL s = 1; s < smax; s++) { var uintL exp = shuffle(n-1-l,s) << (l-1); for (var uintL t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintL i1 = (s << (l+1)) + t; var uintL i2 = i1 + tmax; var uintL i3 = i2 + tmax; var uintL i4 = i3 + tmax; // replace (y[i1],y[i2],y[i3],y[i4]) by // (y[i1]-y[i3] - y[i4]*gam, // y[i3]*gam + y[i2]+y[i4]*(gam^2-1), // y[i1]-y[i3] + y[i4]*gam, // - y[i3]*gam + y[i2]+y[i4]*(gam^2-1)) var fftr_real sum13; var fftr_real sum24; var fftr_real tmp3; var fftr_real tmp4; sum13 = y[i1] - y[i3]; tmp3 = y[i3]*w[exp].gam.d; tmp4 = y[i4]*w[exp].gam.d; sum24 = y[i2]+y[i4]*w[exp].gam.e; y[i1] = sum13 - tmp4; y[i3] = sum13 + tmp4; y[i2] = sum24 + tmp3; y[i4] = sum24 - tmp3; } } } /* l = 0 */ { // replace (y[0],y[1]) by (y[0]+y[1], y[0]-y[1]) var fftr_real tmp; tmp = y[1]; y[1] = y[0] - tmp; y[0] = y[0] + tmp; } } // Multiply the transformed vectors into z. { // Multiplication mod (z-1). z[0] = x[0] * y[0]; // Multiplication mod (z+1). z[1] = x[1] * y[1]; #if 0 // This needs w[1..2^(n-1)-1]. var const uintL smax = (uintL)1 << (n-1); for (var uintL s = 1; s < smax; s++) { // Multiplication mod (z^2 - 2 cos(2 pi j/2^n) z + 1) // with j = shuffle(n-1,s). var uintL exp = shuffle(n-1,s); var fftr_real tmp0 = x[2*s] * y[2*s]; var fftr_real tmp1 = x[2*s] * y[2*s+1] + x[2*s+1] * y[2*s]; var fftr_real tmp2 = x[2*s+1] * y[2*s+1]; z[2*s] = tmp0 - tmp2; z[2*s+1] = tmp1 + tmp2*w[exp].gam.d; } #else // This only needs w[1..2^(n-2)-1]. // Multiplication mod (z^2+1). /* s = 1 */ { var fftr_real tmp0 = x[2] * y[2]; var fftr_real tmp1 = x[2] * y[3] + x[3] * y[2]; var fftr_real tmp2 = x[3] * y[3]; z[2] = tmp0 - tmp2; z[3] = tmp1; } var const uintL smax = (uintL)1 << (n-2); for (var uintL s = 1; s < smax; s++) { var uintL exp = shuffle(n-2,s); // Multiplication mod (z^2 - 2 cos(2 pi j/2^n) z + 1) // with j = shuffle(n-1,2*s) = shuffle(n-2,s). var fftr_real gam = w[exp].gam.d; { var fftr_real tmp0 = x[4*s] * y[4*s]; var fftr_real tmp1 = x[4*s] * y[4*s+1] + x[4*s+1] * y[4*s]; var fftr_real tmp2 = x[4*s+1] * y[4*s+1]; z[4*s] = tmp0 - tmp2; z[4*s+1] = tmp1 + tmp2 * gam; } // Multiplication mod (z^2 - 2 cos(2 pi j/2^n) z + 1) // with j = shuffle(n-1,2*s+1) = 2^(n-1) - shuffle(n-2,s). { var fftr_real tmp0 = x[4*s+2] * y[4*s+2]; var fftr_real tmp1 = x[4*s+2] * y[4*s+3] + x[4*s+3] * y[4*s+2]; var fftr_real tmp2 = x[4*s+3] * y[4*s+3]; z[4*s+2] = tmp0 - tmp2; z[4*s+3] = tmp1 - tmp2 * gam; } } #endif } // Undo an FFT of length N on z. { var uintL l; /* l = 0 */ { // replace (z[0],z[1]) by ((z[0]+z[1])/2, (z[0]-z[1])/2) var fftr_real tmp; tmp = z[1]; z[1] = (z[0] - tmp) * (fftr_real)0.5; z[0] = (z[0] + tmp) * (fftr_real)0.5; } for (l = 1; l < n; l++) { /* s = 0 */ { var const uintL tmax = (uintL)1 << l; for (var uintL t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintL i1 = t; var uintL i2 = i1 + tmax; // replace (z[i1],z[i2]) by // ((z[i1]+z[i2])/2, (z[i1]-z[i2])/2) // Do the division by 2 later. var fftr_real tmp; tmp = z[i2]; z[i2] = z[i1] - tmp; z[i1] = z[i1] + tmp; } } var const uintL smax = (uintL)1 << (n-1-l); var const uintL tmax = (uintL)1 << (l-1); for (var uintL s = 1; s < smax; s++) { var uintL exp = shuffle(n-1-l,s) << (l-1); for (var uintL t = 0; t < tmax; t++) { var uintL i1 = (s << (l+1)) + t; var uintL i2 = i1 + tmax; var uintL i3 = i2 + tmax; var uintL i4 = i3 + tmax; // replace (z[i1],z[i2],z[i3],z[i4]) by // ((z[i1]+z[i3]+(z[i2]-z[i4])/gam)/2, // (z[i2]+z[i4]-(z[i3]-z[i1])/gam*(gam^2-1))/2, // (z[i2]-z[i4])/(gam*2), // (z[i3]-z[i1])/(gam*2)) // Do the division by 2 later. var fftr_real sum13; var fftr_real sum24; var fftr_real tmp3; var fftr_real tmp4; sum13 = z[i1] + z[i3]; sum24 = z[i2] + z[i4]; tmp4 = (z[i3] - z[i1]) * w[exp].gam.f; tmp3 = (z[i2] - z[i4]) * w[exp].gam.f; z[i1] = sum13 + tmp3; z[i2] = sum24 - tmp4*w[exp].gam.e; z[i3] = tmp3; z[i4] = tmp4; } } } // Do all divisions by 2 now. { var fftr_real f = (fftr_real)2.0 / (fftr_real)N; // 2^-(n-1) for (i = 0; i < N; i++) z[i] = z[i]*f; } } } // For a given k >= 2, the maximum l is determined by // 2*l < m - 1/2 - 2*k - log_2(12*k-15) - (1 if e=1.0, 0 if e=0.5). // This is a decreasing function of k. #define max_l(k) \ (int)((fftr_real_mant_bits \ - 2*(k) \ - ((k)<=2 ? 4 : (k)<=3 ? 5 : (k)<=5 ? 6 : (k)<=8 ? 7 : (k)<=16 ? 8 : (k)<=31 ? 9 : 10) \ - (fftr_real_rounds == rounds_to_nearest ? 0 : 1)) \ / 2) static int max_l_table[32+1] = { 0, 0, max_l(2), max_l(3), max_l(4), max_l(5), max_l(6), max_l(7), max_l(8), max_l(9), max_l(10), max_l(11), max_l(12), max_l(13), max_l(14), max_l(15), max_l(16), max_l(17), max_l(18), max_l(19), max_l(20), max_l(21), max_l(22), max_l(23), max_l(24), max_l(25), max_l(26), max_l(27), max_l(28), max_l(29), max_l(30), max_l(31), max_l(32) }; // Split len uintD's below sourceptr into chunks of l bits, thus filling // N real numbers at x. static void fill_factor (uintL N, fftr_real* x, uintL l, const uintD* sourceptr, uintL len) { var uintL i; if (max_l(2) > intDsize && l > intDsize) { // l > intDsize if (max_l(2) > 64 && l > 64) { fprint(std::cerr, "FFT problem: l > 64 not supported by pow2_table\n"); cl_abort(); } var fftr_real carry = 0; var sintL carrybits = 0; // number of bits in carry (>=0, 0) { var uintD digit = lsprefnext(sourceptr); if (carrybits+intDsize >= l) { x[i] = carry + (fftr_real)(digit & bitm(l-carrybits)) * fftr_pow2_table[carrybits]; i++; carry = (l-carrybits == intDsize ? (fftr_real)0 : (fftr_real)(digit >> (l-carrybits))); carrybits = carrybits+intDsize-l; } else { carry = carry + (fftr_real)digit * fftr_pow2_table[carrybits]; carrybits = carrybits+intDsize; } len--; } if (carrybits > 0) { x[i] = carry; i++; } if (i > N) cl_abort(); } else if (max_l(2) >= intDsize && l == intDsize) { // l = intDsize if (len > N) cl_abort(); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { var uintD digit = lsprefnext(sourceptr); x[i] = (fftr_real)digit; } } else { // l < intDsize var const uintD l_mask = bit(l)-1; var uintD carry = 0; var sintL carrybits = 0; // number of bits in carry (>=0, = l) { x[i] = (fftr_real)(carry & l_mask); carry >>= l; carrybits -= l; } else { if (len == 0) break; len--; var uintD digit = lsprefnext(sourceptr); x[i] = (fftr_real)((carry | (digit << carrybits)) & l_mask); carry = digit >> (l-carrybits); carrybits = intDsize - (l-carrybits); } } while (carrybits > 0) { if (!(i < N)) cl_abort(); x[i] = (fftr_real)(carry & l_mask); carry >>= l; carrybits -= l; i++; } if (len > 0) cl_abort(); } for ( ; i < N; i++) x[i] = (fftr_real)0; } // Given a not too large floating point number, round it to the nearest integer. static inline fftr_real fftr_fround (fftr_real x) { return #if (fftr_real_rounds == rounds_to_nearest) (x + (fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2))) - (fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2)); #elif (fftr_real_rounds == rounds_to_infinity) (fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2)) - ((fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2)) - (x + (fftr_real)0.5)); #else // rounds_to_zero, rounds_to_minus_infinity ((x + (fftr_real)0.5) + (fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2))) - (fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2)); #endif } // Given a not too large floating point number, round it down. static inline fftr_real fftr_ffloor (fftr_real x) { #if (fftr_real_rounds == rounds_to_nearest) var fftr_real y = (x + (fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2))) - (fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2)); if (y <= x) return y; else return y - (fftr_real)1.0; #elif (fftr_real_rounds == rounds_to_infinity) return (fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2)) - ((fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2)) - x); #else // rounds_to_zero, rounds_to_minus_infinity return (x + (fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2))) - (fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-1)+fftr_pow2(fftr_real_mant_bits-2)); #endif } // Combine the N real numbers at z into uintD's below destptr. // The z[i] are known to be approximately integers >= 0, < N*2^(2*l). // Assumes room for floor(N*l/intDsize)+(1+ceiling((n+2*l)/intDsize)) uintD's // below destptr. Fills len digits and returns (destptr lspop len). static uintD* unfill_product (uintL n, uintL N, // N = 2^n const fftr_real * z, uintL l, uintD* destptr) { var uintL i; if (n + 2*l <= intDsize) { // 2-digit carry is sufficient, l < intDsize var uintD carry0 = 0; var uintD carry1 = 0; var uintL shift = 0; // shift next digit before adding it to the carry, >=0, 0) { carry1 += digit >> (intDsize-shift); digit = digit << shift; } if ((carry0 += digit) < digit) carry1 += 1; shift += l; if (shift >= intDsize) { lsprefnext(destptr) = carry0; carry0 = carry1; carry1 = 0; shift -= intDsize; } } lsprefnext(destptr) = carry0; lsprefnext(destptr) = carry1; } else if (n + 2*l <= 2*intDsize) { // 3-digit carry is sufficient, l < intDsize #if HAVE_DD var uintDD carry0 = 0; var uintD carry1 = 0; var uintL shift = 0; // shift next digit before adding it to the carry, >=0, 0) { carry1 += (uintD)(digit >> (2*intDsize-shift)); digit = digit << shift; } if ((carry0 += digit) < digit) carry1 += 1; shift += l; if (shift >= intDsize) { lsprefnext(destptr) = lowD(carry0); carry0 = highlowDD(carry1,highD(carry0)); carry1 = 0; shift -= intDsize; } } lsprefnext(destptr) = lowD(carry0); lsprefnext(destptr) = highD(carry0); lsprefnext(destptr) = carry1; #else var uintD carry0 = 0; var uintD carry1 = 0; var uintD carry2 = 0; var uintL shift = 0; // shift next digit before adding it to the carry, >=0, 0) { carry2 += digit1 >> (intDsize-shift); digit1 = (digit1 << shift) | (digit0 >> (intDsize-shift)); digit0 = digit0 << shift; } if ((carry0 += digit0) < digit0) if ((carry1 += 1) == 0) carry2 += 1; if ((carry1 += digit1) < digit1) carry2 += 1; shift += l; if (shift >= intDsize) { lsprefnext(destptr) = carry0; carry0 = carry1; carry1 = carry2; carry2 = 0; shift -= intDsize; } } lsprefnext(destptr) = carry0; lsprefnext(destptr) = carry1; lsprefnext(destptr) = carry2; #endif } else { // 1-digit+1-float carry is sufficient var uintD carry0 = 0; var fftr_real carry1 = 0; var uintL shift = 0; // shift next digit before adding it to the carry, >=0, = (fftr_real)0 && z[i] > digit - (fftr_real)0.5 && z[i] < digit + (fftr_real)0.5)) cl_abort(); #endif if (shift > 0) digit = digit * fftr_pow2_table[shift]; var fftr_real digit1 = fftr_ffloor(digit*((fftr_real)1.0/fftr_pow2(intDsize))); var uintD digit0 = (uintD)(digit - digit1*fftr_pow2(intDsize)); carry1 += digit1; if ((carry0 += digit0) < digit0) carry1 += (fftr_real)1.0; shift += l; while (shift >= intDsize) { lsprefnext(destptr) = carry0; var fftr_real tmp = fftr_ffloor(carry1*((fftr_real)1.0/fftr_pow2(intDsize))); carry0 = (uintD)(carry1 - tmp*fftr_pow2(intDsize)); carry1 = tmp; shift -= intDsize; } } if (carry0 > 0 || carry1 > (fftr_real)0.0) { lsprefnext(destptr) = carry0; while (carry1 > (fftr_real)0.0) { var fftr_real tmp = fftr_ffloor(carry1*((fftr_real)1.0/fftr_pow2(intDsize))); lsprefnext(destptr) = (uintD)(carry1 - tmp*fftr_pow2(intDsize)); carry1 = tmp; } } } return destptr; } static inline void mulu_fftr_nocheck (const uintD* sourceptr1, uintC len1, const uintD* sourceptr2, uintC len2, uintD* destptr) // Es ist 2 <= len1 <= len2. { // We have to find parameters l and k such that // ceiling(len1*intDsize/l) + ceiling(len2*intDsize/l) - 1 <= 2^k, // and (12*k-15)*e*2^(2*l+2*k+1/2-m) < 1/2. // Try primarily to minimize k. Minimizing l buys you nothing. var uintL k; // Computing k: If len1 and len2 differ much, we'll split source2 - // hence for the moment just substitute len1 for len2. // // First approximation of k: A necessary condition for // 2*ceiling(len1*intDsize/l) - 1 <= 2^k // is 2*len1*intDsize/l_max - 1 <= 2^k. { var const int l = max_l(2); var uintL lhs = 2*ceiling((uintL)len1*intDsize,l) - 1; // >=1 if (lhs < 3) k = 2; else integerlength32(lhs-1, k=); // k>=2 } // Try whether this k is ok or whether we have to increase k. for ( ; ; k++) { if (k >= sizeof(max_l_table)/sizeof(max_l_table[0]) || max_l_table[k] <= 0) { fprint(std::cerr, "FFT problem: numbers too big, floating point precision not sufficient\n"); cl_abort(); } if (2*ceiling((uintL)len1*intDsize,max_l_table[k])-1 <= ((uintL)1 << k)) break; } // We could try to reduce l, keeping the same k. But why should we? // Calculate the number of pieces in which source2 will have to be // split. Each of the pieces must satisfy // ceiling(len1*intDsize/l) + ceiling(len2*intDsize/l) - 1 <= 2^k, var uintL len2p; // Try once with k, once with k+1. Compare them. { var uintL remaining_k = ((uintL)1 << k) + 1 - ceiling((uintL)len1*intDsize,max_l_table[k]); var uintL max_piecelen_k = floor(remaining_k*max_l_table[k],intDsize); var uintL numpieces_k = ceiling(len2,max_piecelen_k); var uintL remaining_k1 = ((uintL)1 << (k+1)) + 1 - ceiling((uintL)len1*intDsize,max_l_table[k+1]); var uintL max_piecelen_k1 = floor(remaining_k1*max_l_table[k+1],intDsize); var uintL numpieces_k1 = ceiling(len2,max_piecelen_k1); if (numpieces_k <= 2*numpieces_k1) { // keep k len2p = max_piecelen_k; } else { // choose k+1 k = k+1; len2p = max_piecelen_k1; } } var const uintL l = max_l_table[k]; var const uintL n = k; var const uintL N = (uintL)1 << n; CL_ALLOCA_STACK; var fftr_real* const x = cl_alloc_array(fftr_real,N); var fftr_real* const y = cl_alloc_array(fftr_real,N); #ifdef DEBUG_FFTR var fftr_real* const z = cl_alloc_array(fftr_real,N); #else var fftr_real* const z = x; // put z in place of x - saves memory #endif var uintD* const tmpprod1 = cl_alloc_array(uintD,len1+1); var uintL tmpprod_len = floor(l< len2) len2p = len2; if (len2p == 1) { // cheap case var uintD* tmpptr = arrayLSDptr(tmpprod1,len1+1); mulu_loop_lsp(lspref(sourceptr2,0),sourceptr1,tmpptr,len1); if (addto_loop_lsp(tmpptr,destptr,len1+1)) if (inc_loop_lsp(destptr lspop (len1+1),destlen-(len1+1))) cl_abort(); } else { var bool squaring = ((sourceptr1 == sourceptr2) && (len1 == len2p)); // Fill factor x. fill_factor(N,x,l,sourceptr1,len1); // Fill factor y. if (!squaring) fill_factor(N,y,l,sourceptr2,len2p); // Multiply. if (!squaring) fftr_convolution(n,N, &x[0], &y[0], &z[0]); else fftr_convolution(n,N, &x[0], &x[0], &z[0]); #ifdef DEBUG_FFTR // Check result. { var fftr_real re_lo_limit = (fftr_real)(-0.5); var fftr_real re_hi_limit = (fftr_real)N * fftr_pow2_table[l] * fftr_pow2_table[l] + (fftr_real)0.5; for (var uintL i = 0; i < N; i++) if (!(z[i] > re_lo_limit && z[i] < re_hi_limit)) cl_abort(); } #endif var uintD* tmpLSDptr = arrayLSDptr(tmpprod,tmpprod_len); var uintD* tmpMSDptr = unfill_product(n,N,z,l,tmpLSDptr); var uintL tmplen = #if CL_DS_BIG_ENDIAN_P tmpLSDptr - tmpMSDptr; #else tmpMSDptr - tmpLSDptr; #endif if (tmplen > tmpprod_len) cl_abort(); // Add result to destptr[-destlen..-1]: if (tmplen > destlen) { if (test_loop_msp(tmpMSDptr,tmplen-destlen)) cl_abort(); tmplen = destlen; } if (addto_loop_lsp(tmpLSDptr,destptr,tmplen)) if (inc_loop_lsp(destptr lspop tmplen,destlen-tmplen)) cl_abort(); } // Decrement len2. destptr = destptr lspop len2p; destlen -= len2p; sourceptr2 = sourceptr2 lspop len2p; len2 -= len2p; } while (len2 > 0); } #ifndef _CHECKSUM #define _CHECKSUM // Compute a checksum: number mod (2^intDsize-1). static uintD compute_checksum (const uintD* sourceptr, uintC len) { var uintD tmp = ~(uintD)0; // -1-(sum mod 2^intDsize-1), always >0 do { var uintD digit = lsprefnext(sourceptr); if (digit < tmp) tmp -= digit; // subtract digit else tmp -= digit+1; // subtract digit-(2^intDsize-1) } while (--len > 0); return ~tmp; } // Multiply two checksums modulo (2^intDsize-1). static inline uintD multiply_checksum (uintD checksum1, uintD checksum2) { var uintD checksum; var uintD cksum_hi; #if HAVE_DD var uintDD cksum = muluD(checksum1,checksum2); cksum_hi = highD(cksum); checksum = lowD(cksum); #else muluD(checksum1,checksum2, cksum_hi =, checksum =); #endif if ((checksum += cksum_hi) + 1 <= cksum_hi) checksum += 1; return checksum; } #endif // _CHECKSUM static void mulu_fftr (const uintD* sourceptr1, uintC len1, const uintD* sourceptr2, uintC len2, uintD* destptr) { // Compute checksums of the arguments and multiply them. var uintD checksum1 = compute_checksum(sourceptr1,len1); var uintD checksum2 = compute_checksum(sourceptr2,len2); var uintD checksum = multiply_checksum(checksum1,checksum2); mulu_fftr_nocheck(sourceptr1,len1,sourceptr2,len2,destptr); if (!(checksum == compute_checksum(destptr,len1+len2))) { fprint(std::cerr, "FFT problem: checksum error\n"); cl_abort(); } }