// Word level random number generator. // General includes. #include "cl_sysdep.h" // Specification. #include "cl_random.h" // Implementation. #include "cl_low.h" // Zufallszahlengenerator nach [Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. II, // Seminumerical Algorithms, 3.3.4., Table 1, Line 30], nach C. Haynes: // X eine 64-Bit-Zahl. Iteration X := (a*X+c) mod m // mit m=2^64, a=6364136223846793005, c=1. uint32 random32 (cl_random_state& randomstate) { #ifdef HAVE_FAST_LONGLONG // Multiplikator a=6364136223846793005 = 0x5851F42D4C957F2D : var uint64 seed = highlow64(randomstate.seed.hi,randomstate.seed.lo); var const uint64 a = 0x5851F42D4C957F2DUL; var uint64 newseed; // multiplizieren, brauche nur letzte 64 Bit: mulu64(seed,a, , newseed =); // c addieren: newseed += 1; // seed neu füllen: randomstate.seed.hi = high32(newseed); randomstate.seed.lo = low32(newseed); // mittlere 32 Bits als Ergebnis: return (uint32)(newseed >> 16); #else // Multiplikator a=6364136223846793005 = 0x5851F42D4C957F2D : var uint32 seed_hi = randomstate.seed.hi; var uint32 seed_lo = randomstate.seed.lo; var const uint32 a_hi = 0x5851F42D; var const uint32 a_lo = 0x4C957F2D; var uint32 newseed_hi; var uint32 newseed_lo; // multiplizieren, brauche nur letzte 64 Bit: mulu32(seed_lo,a_lo, newseed_hi =, newseed_lo =); mulu32(seed_lo,a_hi, , newseed_hi +=); mulu32(seed_hi,a_lo, , newseed_hi +=); // c addieren: newseed_lo += 1; if (newseed_lo==0) { newseed_hi += 1; } // um 1 erhöhen // seed neu füllen: randomstate.seed.hi = newseed_hi; randomstate.seed.lo = newseed_lo; // mittlere 32 Bits als Ergebnis: return highlow32(low16(newseed_hi),high16(newseed_lo)); #endif }