// cl_exp_aux(). // General includes. #include "cl_sysdep.h" // Specification. #include "cl_F_tran.h" // Implementation. #include "cln/lfloat.h" #include "cl_LF_tran.h" #include "cl_LF.h" #include "cln/integer.h" #include "cl_alloca.h" #include "cln/abort.h" #undef floor #include #define floor cln_floor namespace cln { const cl_LF cl_exp_aux (const cl_I& p, uintE lq, uintC len) { { Mutable(cl_I,p); var uintE lp = integer_length(p); // now |p| < 2^lp. if (!(lp <= lq)) cl_abort(); lp = lq - lp; // now |p/2^lq| < 2^-lp. // Minimize lq (saves computation time). { var uintC lp2 = ord2(p); if (lp2 > 0) { p = p >> lp2; lq = lq - lp2; } } // Evaluate a sum(0 <= n < N, a(n)/b(n) * (p(0)...p(n))/(q(0)...q(n))) // with appropriate N, and // a(n) = 1, b(n) = 1, p(n) = p for n>0, q(n) = n*2^lq for n>0. var uintC actuallen = len+1; // 1 Schutz-Digit // How many terms to we need for M bits of precision? N terms suffice, // provided that // 1/(2^(N*lp)*N!) < 2^-M // <== N*(log(N)-1)+N*lp*log(2) > M*log(2) // First approximation: // N0 = M will suffice, so put N<=N0. // Second approximation: // N1 = floor(M*log(2)/(log(N0)-1+lp*log(2))), slightly too small, // so put N>=N1. // Third approximation: // N2 = ceiling(M*log(2)/(log(N1)-1+lp*log(2))), slightly too large. // N = N2+2, two more terms for safety. var uintC N0 = intDsize*actuallen; var uintC N1 = (uintC)(0.693147*intDsize*actuallen/(::log((double)N0)-1.0+0.693148*lp)); var uintC N2 = (uintC)(0.693148*intDsize*actuallen/(::log((double)N1)-1.0+0.693147*lp))+1; var uintC N = N2+2; CL_ALLOCA_STACK; var cl_I* pv = (cl_I*) cl_alloca(N*sizeof(cl_I)); var cl_I* qv = (cl_I*) cl_alloca(N*sizeof(cl_I)); var uintC* qsv = (uintC*) cl_alloca(N*sizeof(uintC)); var uintC n; init1(cl_I, pv[0]) (1); init1(cl_I, qv[0]) (1); for (n = 1; n < N; n++) { init1(cl_I, pv[n]) (p); init1(cl_I, qv[n]) ((cl_I)n << lq); } var cl_pq_series series; series.pv = pv; series.qv = qv; series.qsv = qsv; var cl_LF fsum = eval_rational_series(N,series,actuallen); for (n = 0; n < N; n++) { pv[n].~cl_I(); qv[n].~cl_I(); } return shorten(fsum,len); // verkürzen und fertig }} // Bit complexity (N = len, and if p has length O(log N) and ql = O(log N)): // O(log(N)*M(N)). } // namespace cln