// pi(). // General includes. #include "cl_sysdep.h" // Specification. #include "cl_F_tran.h" // Implementation. #include "cln/lfloat.h" #include "cl_LF_tran.h" #include "cl_LF.h" #include "cln/integer.h" #include "cl_alloca.h" namespace cln { ALL_cl_LF_OPERATIONS_SAME_PRECISION() // For the next algorithms, I warmly recommend // [Jörg Arndt: hfloat documentation, august 1996, // http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~arndt/ hfdoc.dvi // But beware of the typos in his formulas! ] const cl_LF compute_pi_brent_salamin (uintC len) { // Methode: // [Richard P. Brent: Fast multiple-precision evaluation of elementary // functions. J. ACM 23(1976), 242-251.] // [Jonathan M. Borwein, Peter B. Borwein: Pi and the AGM. // Wiley 1987. Algorithm 2.2, p. 48.] // [Jörg Arndt, formula (4.51)-(4.52).] // pi = AGM(1,1/sqrt(2))^2 * 2/(1 - sum(k=0..infty, 2^k c_k^2)). // where the AGM iteration reads // a_0 := 1, b_0 := 1/sqrt(2). // a_(k+1) := (a_k + b_k)/2, b_(k+1) := sqrt(a_k*b_k). // and we set // c_k^2 := a_k^2 - b_k^2, // i.e. c_0^2 = 1/2, // c_(k+1)^2 = a_(k+1)^2 - b_(k+1)^2 = (a_k - b_k)^2/4 // = (a_k - a_(k+1))^2. // (Actually c_(k+1) is _defined_ as = a_k - a_(k+1) = (a_k - b_k)/2.) // d=len, n:=intDsize*d. Verwende Long-Floats mit intDsize*(d+1) // Mantissenbits. // (let* ((a (coerce 1 'long-float)) ; 1 // (b (sqrt (scale-float a -1))) ; 2^-(1/2) // (eps (scale-float a (- n))) ; 2^-n // (t (scale-float a -2)) ; 1/4 // (k 0) // ) // (loop // (when (< (- a b) eps) (return)) // (let ((y a)) // (setq a (scale-float (+ a b) -1)) // (setq b (sqrt (* b y))) // (setq t (- t (scale-float (expt (- a y) 2) k))) // ) // (incf k) // ) // (/ (expt a 2) t) // ) var uintC actuallen = len + 1; // 1 guard digit var uintE uexp_limit = LF_exp_mid - intDsize*len; // Ein Long-Float ist genau dann betragsmäßig <2^-n, wenn // sein Exponent < LF_exp_mid-n = uexp_limit ist. var cl_LF a = cl_I_to_LF(1,actuallen); var cl_LF b = sqrt(scale_float(a,-1)); var uintL k = 0; var cl_LF t = scale_float(a,-2); until (TheLfloat(a-b)->expo < uexp_limit) { // |a-b| < 2^-n -> fertig var cl_LF new_a = scale_float(a+b,-1); // (a+b)/2 b = sqrt(a*b); var cl_LF a_diff = new_a - a; t = t - scale_float(square(a_diff),k); a = new_a; k++; } var cl_LF pires = square(a)/t; // a^2/t return shorten(pires,len); // verkürzen und fertig } // Bit complexity (N := len): O(log(N)*M(N)). const cl_LF compute_pi_brent_salamin_quartic (uintC len) { // See [Borwein, Borwein, section 1.4, exercise 3, p. 17]. // See also [Jörg Arndt], formulas (4.52) and (3.30)[wrong!]. // As above, we are using the formula // pi = AGM(1,1/sqrt(2))^2 * 2/(1 - sum(k=0..infty, 2^k c_k^2)). // where the AGM iteration reads // a_0 := 1, b_0 := 1/sqrt(2). // a_(k+1) := (a_k + b_k)/2, b_(k+1) := sqrt(a_k*b_k). // But we keep computing with // wa_k := sqrt(a_k) and wb_k := sqrt(b_k) // at the same time and do two iteration steps at once. // The iteration takes now takes the form // wa_0 := 1, wb_0 := 2^-1/4, // (wa_k, wb_k, a_k, b_k) // --> ((wa_k^2 + wb_k^2)/2, wa_k*wb_k) // --> (((wa_k + wb_k)/2)^2, sqrt(wa_k*wb_k*(wa_k^2 + wb_k^2)/2)), // i.e. wa_(k+2) = (wa_k + wb_k)/2 and // wb_(k+2) = sqrt(sqrt(wa_k*wb_k*(wa_k^2 + wb_k^2)/2)). // For the sum, we can group two successive items together: // 2^k * c_k^2 + 2^(k+1) * c_(k+1)^2 // = 2^k * [(a_k^2 - b_k^2) + 2*((a_k - b_k)/2)^2] // = 2^k * [3/2*a_k^2 - a_k*b_k - 1/2*b_k^2] // = 2^k * [2*a_k^2 - 1/2*(a_k+b_k)^2] // = 2^(k+1) * [a_k^2 - ((a_k+b_k)/2)^2] // = 2^(k+1) * [wa_k^4 - ((wa_k^2+wb_k^2)/2)^2]. // Hence, // pi = AGM(1,1/sqrt(2))^2 * 1/(1/2 - sum(k even, 2^k*[....])). var uintC actuallen = len + 1; // 1 guard digit var uintE uexp_limit = LF_exp_mid - intDsize*len; var cl_LF one = cl_I_to_LF(1,actuallen); var cl_LF a = one; var cl_LF wa = one; var cl_LF b = sqrt(scale_float(one,-1)); var cl_LF wb = sqrt(b); // We keep a = wa^2, b = wb^2. var uintL k = 0; var cl_LF t = scale_float(one,-1); until (TheLfloat(wa-wb)->expo < uexp_limit) { // |wa-wb| < 2^-n -> fertig var cl_LF wawb = wa*wb; var cl_LF new_wa = scale_float(wa+wb,-1); var cl_LF a_b = scale_float(a+b,-1); var cl_LF new_a = scale_float(a_b+wawb,-1); var cl_LF new_b = sqrt(wawb*a_b); var cl_LF new_wb = sqrt(new_b); t = t - scale_float((a - a_b)*(a + a_b),k); a = new_a; wa = new_wa; b = new_b; wb = new_wb; k += 2; } var cl_LF pires = square(a)/t; return shorten(pires,len); // verkürzen und fertig } // Bit complexity (N := len): O(log(N)*M(N)). const cl_LF compute_pi_ramanujan_163 (uintC len) { // 1/pi = 1/sqrt(-1728 J) // * sum(n=0..infty, (6n)! (A+nB) / 12^(3n) (3n)! n!^3 J^n) // mit J = -53360^3 = - (2^4 5 23 29)^3 // A = 163096908 = 2^2 3 13 1045493 // B = 6541681608 = 2^3 3^3 7 11 19 127 163 // See [Jörg Arndt], formulas (4.27)-(4.30). // This is also the formula used in Pari. // The absolute value of the n-th summand is approximately // |J|^-n * n^(-1/2) * B/(2*pi^(3/2)), // hence every summand gives more than 14 new decimal digits // in precision. // The sum is best evaluated using fixed-point arithmetic, // so that the precision is reduced for the later summands. var uintC actuallen = len + 4; // 4 guard digits var sintC scale = intDsize*actuallen; static const cl_I A = "163096908"; static const cl_I B = "6541681608"; //static const cl_I J1 = "10939058860032000"; // 72*abs(J) static const cl_I J2 = "333833583375"; // odd part of J1 var cl_I sum = 0; var cl_I n = 0; var cl_I factor = ash(1,scale); while (!zerop(factor)) { sum = sum + factor * (A+n*B); factor = factor * ((6*n+1)*(2*n+1)*(6*n+5)); n = n+1; factor = truncate1(factor,n*n*n*J2); // Finally divide by 2^15 and change sign. if (minusp(factor)) factor = (-factor) >> 15; else factor = -(factor >> 15); } var cl_LF fsum = scale_float(cl_I_to_LF(sum,actuallen),-scale); static const cl_I J3 = "262537412640768000"; // -1728*J var cl_LF pires = sqrt(cl_I_to_LF(J3,actuallen)) / fsum; return shorten(pires,len); // verkürzen und fertig } // Bit complexity (N := len): O(N^2). #if defined(__mips__) && !defined(__GNUC__) // workaround SGI CC bug #define A A_fast #define B B_fast #define J3 J3_fast #endif const cl_LF compute_pi_ramanujan_163_fast (uintC len) { // Same formula as above, using a binary splitting evaluation. // See [Borwein, Borwein, section 10.2.3]. struct rational_series_stream : cl_pqa_series_stream { uintC n; static cl_pqa_series_term computenext (cl_pqa_series_stream& thisss) { static const cl_I A = "163096908"; static const cl_I B = "6541681608"; static const cl_I J1 = "10939058860032000"; // 72*abs(J) var rational_series_stream& thiss = (rational_series_stream&)thisss; var uintC n = thiss.n; var cl_pqa_series_term result; if (n==0) { result.p = 1; result.q = 1; } else { result.p = -((cl_I)(6*n-5)*(cl_I)(2*n-1)*(cl_I)(6*n-1)); result.q = (cl_I)n*(cl_I)n*(cl_I)n*J1; } result.a = A+n*B; thiss.n = n+1; return result; } rational_series_stream () : cl_pqa_series_stream (rational_series_stream::computenext), n (0) {} } series; var uintC actuallen = len + 4; // 4 guard digits static const cl_I A = "163096908"; static const cl_I B = "6541681608"; static const cl_I J1 = "10939058860032000"; // 72*abs(J) // Evaluate a sum(0 <= n < N, a(n)/b(n) * (p(0)...p(n))/(q(0)...q(n))) // with appropriate N, and // a(n) = A+n*B, b(n) = 1, // p(n) = -(6n-5)(2n-1)(6n-1) for n>0, // q(n) = 72*|J|*n^3 for n>0. var const uintC n_slope = (uintC)(intDsize*32*0.02122673)+1; // n_slope >= 32*intDsize*log(2)/log(|J|), normally n_slope = 22. var uintC N = (n_slope*actuallen)/32 + 1; // N > intDsize*log(2)/log(|J|) * actuallen, hence // |J|^-N < 2^(-intDsize*actuallen). var cl_LF fsum = eval_rational_series(N,series,actuallen,actuallen); static const cl_I J3 = "262537412640768000"; // -1728*J var cl_LF pires = sqrt(cl_I_to_LF(J3,actuallen)) / fsum; return shorten(pires,len); // verkürzen und fertig } // Bit complexity (N := len): O(log(N)^2*M(N)). // Timings of the above algorithms, on an i486 33 MHz, running Linux. // N Brent Brent4 R 163 R 163 fast // 10 0.0079 0.0079 0.0052 0.0042 // 25 0.026 0.026 0.014 0.012 // 50 0.085 0.090 0.037 0.033 // 100 0.29 0.29 0.113 0.098 // 250 1.55 1.63 0.60 0.49 // 500 5.7 5.7 2.24 1.71 // 1000 21.6 22.9 8.5 5.5 // 2500 89 95 49 19.6 // 5000 217 218 188 49 // 10000 509 540 747 117 // 25000 1304 1310 4912 343 // We see that // - "Brent4" isn't worth it: No speed improvement over "Brent". // - "R 163" is pretty fast at the beginning, but it is an O(N^2) // algorithm, hence it loses in the end, // - "R 163 fast", which uses the same formula as "R 163", but evaluates // it using binary splitting, is an O(log N * M(N)) algorithm, and // outperforms all of the others. const cl_LF pi (uintC len) { var uintC oldlen = TheLfloat(cl_LF_pi())->len; // vorhandene Länge if (len < oldlen) return shorten(cl_LF_pi(),len); if (len == oldlen) return cl_LF_pi(); // TheLfloat(cl_LF_pi())->len um mindestens einen konstanten Faktor // > 1 wachsen lassen, damit es nicht zu häufig nachberechnet wird: var uintC newlen = len; oldlen += floor(oldlen,2); // oldlen * 3/2 if (newlen < oldlen) newlen = oldlen; // gewünschte > vorhandene Länge -> muß nachberechnen: cl_LF_pi() = compute_pi_ramanujan_163_fast(newlen); return (len < newlen ? shorten(cl_LF_pi(),len) : cl_LF_pi()); } } // namespace cln