// partial_gcd(). // General includes. #include "cl_sysdep.h" // Specification. #include "cl_I.h" // Implementation. #include "cln/integer.h" #include "cl_D.h" namespace cln { // Dasselbe wie partial_gcd(z1,z2,erg), nur daß z1 und z2 Doppelworte sind. // Bevor im Ergebnis erg ein Überlauf eintritt, wird abgebrochen. #if HAVE_DD static inline uintDD muluDD_unchecked(uintD q, uintDD a) { return muluD(q,lowD(a)) + highlowDD_0(muluD_unchecked(q,highD(a))); } // Division: liefert min(floor(x / y), 2^intDsize-1). // Vorausgesetzt wird, daß x >= 2 * y > 0. static uintD floorDD (uintDD x, uintDD y) { // vgl. Algorithmus für divu_3232_3232(). var uintD q; if (y < ((uintDD)1 << intDsize)) { if (highD(x) >= y) q = ~(uintD)0; // instead of overflow else divuD(x, (uintD)y, q =, ); return q; } { var uintC shift; integerlengthD(highD(y), shift=); // NB: 0 < shift < intDsize since 2^intDsize <= y < 2^(2*intDsize-1). // Determine q := floor((x>>shift) / ((y>>shift)+1)). var uintD y_shifted = y >> shift; y_shifted += 1; if (y_shifted == 0) q = highD(x) >> shift; else divuD(highD(x) >> shift, y_shifted, q =, ); } // May need to increment q at most twice. { var uintDD p = muluDD_unchecked(q,y); #ifdef DEBUG_GCD if (x < p) throw runtime_exception(); #endif x -= p; } if (x >= y) { q += 1; x -= y; if (x >= y) { q += 1; #ifdef DEBUG_GCD x -= y; if (x >= y) throw runtime_exception(); #endif } } return q; } void partial_gcd (uintDD z1, uintDD z2, partial_gcd_result* erg) { var uintD x1 = 1; var uintD y1 = 0; var uintD x2 = 0; var uintD y2 = 1; for (;;) { // Hier ist z1-y1>=z2+y2. // Bestimme q := floor((z1-y1)/(z2+y2)) >= 1 : { var uintDD zaehler = z1 - (uintDD)y1; var uintDD nenner = z2 + (uintDD)y2; // z2+y2 <= z1-y1 < beta^2 ! if (x2 > (~x1) >> 3) // x1 + 8*x2 >= beta ? goto do_subtract_1; if (y2 > (~y1) >> 3) // y1 + 8*y2 >= beta ? goto do_subtract_1; // Ist floor(zaehler,8) >= nenner ? Wenn nein -> do_subtract_1. if ((zaehler >> 3) < nenner) goto do_subtract_1; if (1) { var uintD q = floorDD(zaehler,nenner); repeat_1: var uintDD qx = muluD(q,x2); if (qx > (uintDD)(~x1)) { // Choose a smaller value for q, to avoid overflow of x1. q = floorD(~x1,x2); goto repeat_1; } var uintDD qy = muluD(q,y2); if (qy > (uintDD)(~y1)) { // Choose a smaller value for q, to avoid overflow of y1. q = floorD(~y1,y2); goto repeat_1; } x1 += (uintD)qx; y1 += (uintD)qy; z1 -= muluDD_unchecked(q,z2); } else { do_subtract_1: do { // Checks to avoid overflow. if (x2 > ~x1) goto done; if (y2 > ~y1) goto done; #ifdef DEBUG_GCD if (z1 < z2) throw runtime_exception(); #endif // Now really subtract. x1 += x2; y1 += y2; z1 -= z2; } while (z1 - (uintDD)y1 >= nenner); } } if (z2 - (uintDD)x2 <= z1 + (uintDD)(x1-1)) goto done; // Hier ist z2-x2>=z1+x1. // Bestimme q := floor((z2-x2)/(z1+x1)) >= 1 : { var uintDD zaehler = z2 - (uintDD)x2; var uintDD nenner = z1 + (uintDD)x1; // z1+x1 <= z2-x2 < beta^2 ! if (x1 > (~x2) >> 3) // x2 + 8*x1 >= beta ? goto do_subtract_2; if (y1 > (~y2) >> 3) // y2 + 8*y1 >= beta ? goto do_subtract_2; // Ist floor(zaehler,8) >= nenner ? Wenn nein -> do_subtract_2. if ((zaehler >> 3) < nenner) goto do_subtract_2; if (1) { var uintD q = floorDD(zaehler,nenner); repeat_2: var uintDD qx = muluD(q,x1); if (qx > (uintDD)(~x2)) { // Choose a smaller value for q, to avoid overflow of x2. q = floorD(~x2,x1); goto repeat_2; } var uintDD qy = muluD(q,y1); if (qy > (uintDD)(~y2)) { // Choose a smaller value for q, to avoid overflow of y2. q = floorD(~y2,y1); goto repeat_2; } x2 += (uintD)qx; y2 += (uintD)qy; z2 -= muluDD_unchecked(q,z1); } else { do_subtract_2: do { // Checks to avoid overflow. if (x1 > ~x2) goto done; if (y1 > ~y2) goto done; #ifdef DEBUG_GCD if (z2 < z1) throw runtime_exception(); #endif // Now really subtract. x2 += x1; y2 += y1; z2 -= z1; } while (z2 - (uintDD)x2 >= nenner); } } if (z1 - (uintDD)y1 <= z2 + (uintDD)(y2-1)) goto done; } done: // Keine Subtraktion (ohne Überlauf) mehr möglich. erg->x1 = x1; erg->y1 = y1; erg->x2 = x2; erg->y2 = y2; // Ergebnis } #else // Division: liefert min(floor(xhi|xlo / yhi|ylo), 2^intDsize-1). // Vorausgesetzt wird, daß xhi|xlo >= 2 * yhi|ylo > 0. static uintD floorDD (uintD xhi, uintD xlo, uintD yhi, uintD ylo) { // vgl. Algorithmus für divu_3232_3232(). var uintD q; if (yhi == 0) { if (xhi >= ylo) q = ~(uintD)0; // instead of overflow else divuD(xhi,xlo, ylo, q =, ); return q; } { var uintC shift; integerlengthD(yhi, shift=); // NB: 0 < shift < intDsize since 2^intDsize <= y < 2^(2*intDsize-1). // Determine q := floor((x>>shift) / ((y>>shift)+1)). var uintD y_shifted = (uintD)(yhi << (intDsize-shift)) | (ylo >> shift); y_shifted += 1; if (y_shifted == 0) q = xhi >> shift; else divuD(xhi >> shift, (uintD)(xhi << (intDsize-shift)) | (xlo >> shift), y_shifted, q =, ); } // May need to increment q at most twice. { var uintD phi; var uintD plo; muluD(q,ylo, phi =, plo =); muluD(q,yhi, , phi +=); #ifdef DEBUG_GCD if ((xhi < phi) || ((xhi == phi) && (xlo < plo))) throw runtime_exception(); #endif xhi = xhi - phi; if (xlo < plo) xhi -= 1; xlo = xlo - plo; } if ((xhi > yhi) || ((xhi == yhi) && (xlo >= ylo))) { q += 1; xhi = xhi - yhi; if (xlo < ylo) xhi -= 1; xlo = xlo - ylo; if ((xhi > yhi) || ((xhi == yhi) && (xlo >= ylo))) { q += 1; #ifdef DEBUG_GCD xhi = xhi - yhi; if (xlo < ylo) xhi -= 1; xlo = xlo - ylo; if ((xhi > yhi) || ((xhi == yhi) && (xlo >= ylo))) throw runtime_exception(); #endif } } return q; } void partial_gcd (uintD z1hi, uintD z1lo, uintD z2hi, uintD z2lo, partial_gcd_result* erg) { var uintD x1 = 1; var uintD y1 = 0; var uintD x2 = 0; var uintD y2 = 1; for (;;) { // Hier ist z1-y1>=z2+y2. // Bestimme q := floor((z1-y1)/(z2+y2)) >= 1 : { var uintD zaehlerhi = z1hi; var uintD zaehlerlo = z1lo - y1; if (zaehlerlo > z1lo) { zaehlerhi--; } var uintD nennerhi = z2hi; var uintD nennerlo = z2lo + y2; if (nennerlo < z2lo) { nennerhi++; } // z2+y2 <= z1-y1 < beta^2 ! if (x2 > (~x1) >> 3) // x1 + 8*x2 >= beta ? goto do_subtract_1; if (y2 > (~y1) >> 3) // y1 + 8*y2 >= beta ? goto do_subtract_1; // Ist floor(zaehler,8) >= nenner ? Wenn nein -> do_subtract_1. if ((zaehlerhi >> 3) < nennerhi) goto do_subtract_1; if ((zaehlerhi >> 3) == nennerhi) if (((uintD)(zaehlerhi << (intDsize-3)) | (zaehlerlo >> 3)) < nennerlo) goto do_subtract_1; if (1) { var uintD q = floorDD(zaehlerhi,zaehlerlo,nennerhi,nennerlo); repeat_1: var uintD qx; var uintD qy; { var uintD qxhi; muluD(q,x2, qxhi =, qx =); if ((qxhi > 0) || (qx > ~x1)) { // Choose a smaller value for q, to avoid overflow of x1. q = floorD(~x1,x2); goto repeat_1; } } { var uintD qyhi; muluD(q,y2, qyhi =, qy =); if ((qyhi > 0) || (qy > ~y1)) { // Choose a smaller value for q, to avoid overflow of y1. q = floorD(~y1,y2); goto repeat_1; } } x1 += qx; y1 += qy; { var uintD qzhi; var uintD qzlo; muluD(q,z2lo, qzhi =, qzlo =); muluD(q,z2hi, , qzhi +=); z1hi -= qzhi; if (z1lo < qzlo) z1hi -= 1; z1lo -= qzlo; } } else { do_subtract_1: for (;;) { // Checks to avoid overflow. if (x2 > ~x1) goto done; if (y2 > ~y1) goto done; #ifdef DEBUG_GCD if (z1hi < z2hi) throw runtime_exception(); if (z1hi == z2hi) if (z1lo < z2lo) throw runtime_exception(); #endif // Now really subtract. x1 += x2; y1 += y2; z1hi -= z2hi; if (z1lo < z2lo) z1hi -= 1; z1lo -= z2lo; var uintD z1dec_hi = z1hi; var uintD z1dec_lo = z1lo - y1; if (z1lo < y1) z1dec_hi -= 1; if (z1dec_hi < nennerhi) break; if (z1dec_hi == nennerhi) if (z1dec_lo < nennerlo) break; } } } { var uintD z1inc_hi = z1hi; var uintD z1inc_lo = z1lo + x1-1; if (z1inc_lo < z1lo) z1inc_hi += 1; var uintD z2dec_hi = z2hi; var uintD z2dec_lo = z2lo - x2; if (z2dec_lo > z2lo) z2dec_hi -= 1; if (z2dec_hi < z1inc_hi) goto done; if (z2dec_hi == z1inc_hi) if (z2dec_lo <= z1inc_lo) goto done; } // Hier ist z2-x2>=z1+x1. // Bestimme q := floor((z2-x2)/(z1+x1)) >= 1 : { var uintD zaehlerhi = z2hi; var uintD zaehlerlo = z2lo - x2; if (zaehlerlo > z2lo) { zaehlerhi--; } var uintD nennerhi = z1hi; var uintD nennerlo = z1lo + x1; if (nennerlo < z1lo) { nennerhi++; } // z1+x1 <= z2-x2 < beta^2 ! if (x1 > (~x2) >> 3) // x2 + 8*x1 >= beta ? goto do_subtract_2; if (y1 > (~y2) >> 3) // y2 + 8*y1 >= beta ? goto do_subtract_2; // Ist floor(zaehler,8) >= nenner ? Wenn nein -> do_subtract_2. if ((zaehlerhi >> 3) < nennerhi) goto do_subtract_2; if ((zaehlerhi >> 3) == nennerhi) if (((uintD)(zaehlerhi << (intDsize-3)) | (zaehlerlo >> 3)) < nennerlo) goto do_subtract_2; if (1) { var uintD q = floorDD(zaehlerhi,zaehlerlo,nennerhi,nennerlo); repeat_2: var uintD qx; var uintD qy; { var uintD qxhi; muluD(q,x1, qxhi =, qx =); if ((qxhi > 0) || (qx > ~x2)) { // Choose a smaller value for q, to avoid overflow of x2. q = floorD(~x2,x1); goto repeat_2; } } { var uintD qyhi; muluD(q,y1, qyhi =, qy =); if ((qyhi > 0) || (qy > ~y2)) { // Choose a smaller value for q, to avoid overflow of y2. q = floorD(~y2,y1); goto repeat_2; } } x2 += qx; y2 += qy; { var uintD qzhi; var uintD qzlo; muluD(q,z1lo, qzhi =, qzlo =); muluD(q,z1hi, , qzhi +=); z2hi -= qzhi; if (z2lo < qzlo) z2hi -= 1; z2lo -= qzlo; } } else { do_subtract_2: for (;;) { // Checks to avoid overflow. if (x1 > ~x2) goto done; if (y1 > ~y2) goto done; #ifdef DEBUG_GCD if (z2hi < z1hi) throw runtime_exception(); if (z2hi == z1hi) if (z2lo < z1lo) throw runtime_exception(); #endif // Now really subtract. x2 += x1; y2 += y1; z2hi -= z1hi; if (z2lo < z1lo) z2hi -= 1; z2lo -= z1lo; var uintD z2dec_hi = z2hi; var uintD z2dec_lo = z2lo - x2; if (z2lo < x2) z2dec_hi -= 1; if (z2dec_hi < nennerhi) break; if (z2dec_hi == nennerhi) if (z2dec_lo < nennerlo) break; } } } { var uintD z2inc_hi = z2hi; var uintD z2inc_lo = z2lo + y2-1; if (z2inc_lo < z2lo) z2inc_hi += 1; var uintD z1dec_hi = z1hi; var uintD z1dec_lo = z1lo - y1; if (z1dec_lo > z1lo) z1dec_hi -= 1; if (z1dec_hi < z2inc_hi) goto done; if (z1dec_hi == z2inc_hi) if (z1dec_lo <= z2inc_lo) goto done; } } done: // Keine Subtraktion (ohne Überlauf) mehr möglich. erg->x1 = x1; erg->y1 = y1; erg->x2 = x2; erg->y2 = y2; // Ergebnis } #endif } // namespace cln