// m > 1 odd, Montgomery representation // We use Montgomery's modular multiplication trick // [Peter L. Montgomery: Modular multiplication without trial division, // Mathematics of Computation 44 (1985), 519-521.] // // Assume we want to compute modulo M, M odd. V and N will be chosen // so that V*N==1 mod M and that (a,b) --> a*b*V mod M can be more easily // computed than (a,b) --> a*b mod M. Then, we have a ring isomorphism // (Z/MZ, +, * mod M) \isomorph (Z/MZ, +, (a,b) --> a*b*V mod M) // x mod M --------> x*N mod M // It is thus preferrable to use x*N mod M as a "representation" of x mod M, // especially for computations which involve at least several multiplications. // // The precise algorithm to compute a*b*V mod M, given a and b, and the choice // of N and V depend on M and on the hardware. The general idea is this: // Choose N = 2^n, so that division by N is easy. Recall that V == N^-1 mod M. // 1. Given a and b as m-bit numbers (M <= 2^m), compute a*b in full // precision. // 2. Write a*b = c*N+d, i.e. split it into components c and d. // 3. Now a*b*V = c*N*V+d*V == c+d*V mod M. // 4. Instead of computing d*V mod M // a. by full multiplication and then division mod M, or // b. by left shifts: repeated application of // x := 2*x+(0 or 1); if (x >= M) { x := x-M; } // we compute // c. by right shifts (recall that d*V == d*2^-n mod M): repeated application // of if (x odd) { x := (x+M)/2; } else { x := x/2; } // Usually one will choose N = 2^m, so that c and d have both m bits. // Several variations are possible: In step 4 one can implement the right // shifts in hardware. Or (for example when N = 2^160 and working on a // 32-bit machine) one can do 32 shift steps at the same time: // Choose M' == M^-1 mod 2^32 and compute n/32 times // x := (x - ((x mod 2^32) * M' mod 2^32) * M) / 2^32. // Here, we choose to use Montgomery representation only if |V| can be chosen // to be very small, and in that case we compute d*V mod M using standard // multiplication and division. // So we choose N = 2^n with 0 < n <= m (the larger n, the better) and hope // that it will yield V with |V| < 2^k. We thus replace a division of // 2m bits by m bits (cost: approx. m^2) by a multiplication of n bits with // k bits (cost: approx. n*k) and a division of max(2m-n,n+k) bits by m bits // (cost: approx. (max(2m-n,n+k)-m)*m). Of course, U*M+V*N=1 implies (roughly) // n+k >= m. It is worth it when // m^2 > n*k + (n+k-m)*m and m^2 > n*k + (m-n)*m // <==> 3*m^2 > (n+m)*(k+m) and m > k // <== 3/2*m > k+m (assume n to be near m) // <==> m/2 > k . // // How to find N and V: // U*M+V*N=1 means that U = (M mod 2^n)^-1 = U_m mod 2^n, where // U_m := (M mod 2^m)^-1 (2-adic reciprocal). |V| < 2^(m/2) is more or less // equivalent to |V*N| < 2^(n+m/2) <==> |U|*M < 2^(n+m/2) <==> |U| < n-m/2 // <==> the most significant m/2 bits of |U| are all equal. So we search // for a bit string of at least m/2+1 equal bits in U_m, which has m bits. // Very easy: take the middle bit of U_m, look how many bits adjacent to it // (at the left and at the right) have the same value. Say these are the // bits n-1,...,n-l. (Choose n and l as large as possible. k = m-l + O(1).) // If l < m/2, forget it. Else fix n and compute V = (1-U*M)/2^n. // // It is now clear that only very few moduli M will allow such a good // choice of N and V, but in these cases the Montgomery multiplication // reduces the multiplication complexity by a large constant factor. class cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom : public cl_heap_modint_ring { SUBCLASS_cl_heap_modint_ring() public: // Constructor. cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom (const cl_I& M, uintL m, uintL n, const cl_I& V); // Virtual destructor. ~cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom () {} // Additional information. uintL m; // M = 2^m uintL n; // N = 2^n, n <= m cl_I V; }; // Assuming 0 <= x < 2^(2m), return V*x mod M. static inline const cl_I montgom_redc (cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom* R, const cl_I& x) { return mod((x >> R->n) + (R->V * ldb(x,cl_byte(R->n,0))), R->modulus); } static const _cl_MI montgom_canonhom (cl_heap_modint_ring* _R, const cl_I& x) { var cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom* R = (cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom*)_R; return _cl_MI(R, mod(x << R->n, R->modulus)); } static const cl_I montgom_retract (cl_heap_modint_ring* _R, const _cl_MI& x) { var cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom* R = (cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom*)_R; return montgom_redc(R,x.rep); } static const _cl_MI montgom_one (cl_heap_modint_ring* _R) { var cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom* R = (cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom*)_R; var cl_I zr = (cl_I)1 << R->n; return _cl_MI(R, R->n == R->m ? zr - R->modulus : zr); } static const _cl_MI montgom_mul (cl_heap_modint_ring* _R, const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y) { var cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom* R = (cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom*)_R; return _cl_MI(R, montgom_redc(R,x.rep * y.rep)); } static const _cl_MI montgom_square (cl_heap_modint_ring* _R, const _cl_MI& x) { var cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom* R = (cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom*)_R; return _cl_MI(R, montgom_redc(R,square(x.rep))); } static const cl_MI_x montgom_recip (cl_heap_modint_ring* _R, const _cl_MI& x) { var cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom* R = (cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom*)_R; var const cl_I& xr = x.rep; var cl_I u, v; var cl_I g = xgcd(xr,R->modulus,&u,&v); // g = gcd(x,M) = x*u+M*v if (eq(g,1)) return cl_MI(R, mod((minusp(u) ? u + R->modulus : u) << (2*R->n), R->modulus)); if (zerop(xr)) cl_error_division_by_0(); return cl_notify_composite(R,xr); } static const cl_MI_x montgom_div (cl_heap_modint_ring* _R, const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y) { var cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom* R = (cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom*)_R; var const cl_I& yr = y.rep; var cl_I u, v; var cl_I g = xgcd(yr,R->modulus,&u,&v); // g = gcd(y,M) = y*u+M*v if (eq(g,1)) return cl_MI(R, mod((x.rep * (minusp(u) ? u + R->modulus : u)) << R->n, R->modulus)); if (zerop(yr)) cl_error_division_by_0(); return cl_notify_composite(R,yr); } #define montgom_addops std_addops static cl_modint_mulops montgom_mulops = { montgom_one, montgom_canonhom, montgom_mul, montgom_square, std_expt_pos, montgom_recip, montgom_div, std_expt, std_reduce_modulo, montgom_retract }; // Constructor. inline cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom::cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom (const cl_I& M, uintL _m, uintL _n, const cl_I& _V) : cl_heap_modint_ring (M, &std_setops, &montgom_addops, &montgom_mulops), m (_m), n (_n), V (_V) {} static cl_heap_modint_ring* try_make_modint_ring_montgom (const cl_I& M) { if (!oddp(M)) return NULL; var uintL m = integer_length(M); CL_ALLOCA_STACK; var uintC len; var const uintD* M_LSDptr; I_to_NDS_nocopy(M, ,len=,M_LSDptr=,cl_false,); if (lspref(M_LSDptr,len-1)==0) { len--; } // normalize // Compute U as 2-adic inverse of M. var uintD* U_LSDptr; num_stack_alloc(len,,U_LSDptr=); recip2adic(len,M_LSDptr,U_LSDptr); // Look at U's bits. #define U_bit(i) (lspref(U_LSDptr,floor(i,intDsize)) & ((uintD)1 << ((i)%intDsize))) var uintL i_min; var uintL i_max; var uintL i = floor(m,2); var cl_boolean negative; if (U_bit(i)) { for (; --i > 0; ) if (!U_bit(i)) break; i_min = i+1; i = floor(m,2); for (; ++i < m; ) if (!U_bit(i)) break; i_max = i; negative = cl_true; } else { for (; --i > 0; ) if (U_bit(i)) break; i_min = i+1; i = floor(m,2); for (; ++i < m; ) if (U_bit(i)) break; i_max = i; negative = cl_false; } #undef U_bit // OK, all the bits i_max-1..i_min of U are equal. if (i_max - i_min <= floor(m,2)) return NULL; var uintL n = i_max; // Turn U (mod 2^n) into a signed integer. if (n % intDsize) { if (negative) lspref(U_LSDptr,floor(n,intDsize)) |= (uintD)(-1) << (n % intDsize); else lspref(U_LSDptr,floor(n,intDsize)) &= ((uintD)1 << (n % intDsize)) - 1; } var uintL U_len = ceiling(n,intDsize); var cl_I U = DS_to_I(U_LSDptr lspop U_len,U_len); var cl_I V_N = 1 - U*M; if (ldb_test(V_N,cl_byte(n,0))) cl_abort(); var cl_I V = V_N >> n; return new cl_heap_modint_ring_montgom(M,m,n,V); }