// format_cardinal(). // General includes. #include "cl_sysdep.h" // Specification. #include "cl_format.h" // Implementation. #include #include "cln/integer.h" #include "cln/integer_io.h" #include "cln/exception.h" namespace cln { static const char * const cl_format_ones [20] = { NULL, "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen", }; // gibt eine ganze Zahl >0, <1000 im Klartext auf englisch auf den stream aus. // (arg=0 -> gibt nichts aus.) static void format_small_cardinal (std::ostream& stream, uintL arg) { var uintL hundreds = floor(arg,100); var uintL tens_and_ones = arg % 100; if (hundreds > 0) { fprint(stream,cl_format_ones[hundreds]); fprint(stream," hundred"); } if (tens_and_ones > 0) { if (hundreds > 0) fprint(stream," and "); var uintL tens = floor(tens_and_ones,10); var uintL ones = tens_and_ones % 10; if (tens < 2) fprint(stream,cl_format_ones[tens_and_ones]); else { fprint(stream,cl_format_tens[tens]); if (ones > 0) { fprintchar(stream,'-'); fprint(stream,cl_format_ones[ones]); } } } } void format_cardinal (std::ostream& stream, const cl_I& argument) { if (zerop(argument)) fprint(stream,"zero"); else { var cl_I arg = argument; if (minusp(arg)) { fprint(stream,"minus "); arg = -arg; } // amerikanisch (billion=10^9) static const char * const illions[] = { "", " thousand", " million", " billion", " trillion", " quadrillion", " quintillion", " sextillion", " septillion", " octillion", " nonillion", " decillion", " undecillion", " duodecillion", " tredecillion", " quattuordecillion", " quindecillion", " sexdecillion", " septendecillion", " octodecillion", " novemdecillion", " vigintillion", NULL }; var uintL small_pieces [sizeof(illions)/sizeof(illions[0])]; // Let the recursion begin. var const char * const * illion_ptr = &illions[0]; var uintL * small_piece_ptr = &small_pieces[0]; do { if (*illion_ptr == NULL) { std::ostringstream buf; fprint(buf, "format_cardinal: argument too large: "); fprint(buf, argument); throw runtime_exception(buf.str()); } var cl_I_div_t div = floor2(arg,1000); var const cl_I& thousands = div.quotient; var uintL small = cl_I_to_UL(div.remainder); illion_ptr++; *small_piece_ptr++ = small; arg = thousands; } while (arg > 0); // Roll back the recursion. var bool first_piece = true; do { var uintL small = *--small_piece_ptr; var const char * illion = *--illion_ptr; if (small > 0) { if (!first_piece) fprint(stream,", "); format_small_cardinal(stream,small); fprint(stream,illion); first_piece = false; } } until (illion_ptr == &illions[0]); } } } // namespace cln