/** @file exam_powerlaws.cpp * * Tests for power laws. You shouldn't try to draw much inspiration from * this code, it is a sanity check rather deeply rooted in GiNaC's classes. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2016 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "ginac.h" using namespace GiNaC; #include using namespace std; static unsigned exam_powerlaws1() { // (x^a)^b = x^(a*b) symbol x("x"); symbol a("a"); symbol b("b"); ex e1 = power(power(x,a), b); if (!(is_exactly_a(e1) && is_exactly_a(e1.op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e1.op(0).op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e1.op(0).op(1)) && is_exactly_a(e1.op(1)) && e1.is_equal(power(power(x,a),b)) )) { clog << "(x^a)^b, x,a,b symbolic wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e1 << endl; return 1; } ex e2 = e1.subs(a==1); if (!(is_exactly_a(e2) && is_exactly_a(e2.op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e2.op(1)) && e2.is_equal(power(x,b)) )) { clog << "(x^a)^b, x,b symbolic, a==1 wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e2 << endl; return 1; } ex e3 = e1.subs(a==-1); if (!(is_exactly_a(e3) && is_exactly_a(e3.op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e3.op(0).op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e3.op(0).op(1)) && is_exactly_a(e3.op(1)) && e3.is_equal(power(power(x,-1),b)) )) { clog << "(x^a)^b, x,b symbolic, a==-1 wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e3 << endl; return 1; } ex e4 = e1.subs(lst(a==-1, b==-2.5)); if (!(is_exactly_a(e4) && is_exactly_a(e4.op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e4.op(0).op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e4.op(0).op(1)) && is_exactly_a(e4.op(1)) && e4.is_equal(power(power(x,-1),-2.5)) )) { clog << "(x^a)^b, x symbolic, a==-1, b==-2.5 wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e4 << endl; return 1; } ex e5 = e1.subs(lst(a==-0.9, b==2.5)); if (!(is_exactly_a(e5) && is_exactly_a(e5.op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e5.op(1)) && e5.is_equal(power(x,numeric(-0.9)*numeric(2.5))) )) { clog << "(x^a)^b, x symbolic, a==-0.9, b==2.5 wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e5 << endl; return 1; } ex e6 = e1.subs(lst(a==numeric(3)+numeric(5.3)*I, b==-5)); if (!(is_exactly_a(e6) && is_exactly_a(e6.op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e6.op(1)) && e6.is_equal(power(x,numeric(-15)+numeric(5.3)*numeric(-5)*I)) )) { clog << "(x^a)^b, x symbolic, a==3+5.3*I, b==-5 wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e6 << endl; return 1; } return 0; } static unsigned exam_powerlaws2() { // (a*x)^b = a^b * x^b symbol x("x"); symbol a("a"); symbol b("b"); ex e1 = power(a*x,b); if (!(is_exactly_a(e1) && is_exactly_a(e1.op(0)) && (e1.op(0).nops()==2) && is_exactly_a(e1.op(0).op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e1.op(0).op(1)) && is_exactly_a(e1.op(1)) && e1.is_equal(power(a*x,b)) )) { clog << "(a*x)^b, x,a,b symbolic wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e1 << endl; return 1; } ex e2 = e1.subs(a==3); if (!(is_exactly_a(e2) && is_exactly_a(e2.op(0)) && (e2.op(0).nops()==2) && is_exactly_a(e2.op(0).op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e2.op(0).op(1)) && is_exactly_a(e2.op(1)) && e2.is_equal(power(3*x,b)) )) { clog << "(a*x)^b, x,b symbolic, a==3 wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e2 << endl; return 1; } ex e3 = e1.subs(b==-3); if (!(is_exactly_a(e3) && (e3.nops()==2) && is_exactly_a(e3.op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e3.op(1)) && e3.is_equal(power(a,-3)*power(x,-3)) )) { clog << "(a*x)^b, x,a symbolic, b==-3 wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e3 << endl; return 1; } ex e4 = e1.subs(b==4.5); if (!(is_exactly_a(e4) && is_exactly_a(e4.op(0)) && (e4.op(0).nops()==2) && is_exactly_a(e4.op(0).op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e4.op(0).op(1)) && is_exactly_a(e4.op(1)) && e4.is_equal(power(a*x,4.5)) )) { clog << "(a*x)^b, x,a symbolic, b==4.5 wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e4 << endl; return 1; } ex e5 = e1.subs(lst(a==3.2, b==3+numeric(5)*I)); if (!(is_exactly_a(e5) && (e5.nops()==2) && is_exactly_a(e5.op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e5.op(1)) && e5.is_equal(power(x,3+numeric(5)*I)* power(numeric(3.2),3+numeric(5)*I)) )) { clog << "(a*x)^b, x symbolic, a==3.2, b==3+5*I wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e5 << endl; return 1; } ex e6 = e1.subs(lst(a==-3.2, b==3+numeric(5)*I)); if (!(is_exactly_a(e6) && (e6.nops()==2) && is_exactly_a(e6.op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e6.op(1)) && e6.is_equal(power(-x,3+numeric(5)*I)* power(numeric(3.2),3+numeric(5)*I)) )) { clog << "(a*x)^b, x symbolic, a==-3.2, b==3+5*I wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e6 << endl; return 1; } ex e7 = e1.subs(lst(a==3+numeric(5)*I, b==3.2)); if (!(is_exactly_a(e7) && is_exactly_a(e7.op(0)) && (e7.op(0).nops()==2) && is_exactly_a(e7.op(0).op(0)) && is_exactly_a(e7.op(0).op(1)) && is_exactly_a(e7.op(1)) && e7.is_equal(power((3+numeric(5)*I)*x,3.2)) )) { clog << "(a*x)^b, x symbolic, a==3+5*I, b==3.2 wrong" << endl; clog << "returned: " << e7 << endl; return 1; } return 0; } static unsigned exam_powerlaws3() { // numeric evaluation ex e1 = power(numeric(4),numeric(1,2)); if (e1 != 2) { clog << "4^(1/2) wrongly returned " << e1 << endl; return 1; } ex e2 = power(numeric(27),numeric(2,3)); if (e2 != 9) { clog << "27^(2/3) wrongly returned " << e2 << endl; return 1; } ex e3 = power(numeric(5),numeric(1,2)); if (!(is_exactly_a(e3) && e3.op(0).is_equal(numeric(5)) && e3.op(1).is_equal(numeric(1,2)))) { clog << "5^(1/2) wrongly returned " << e3 << endl; return 1; } ex e4 = power(numeric(5),evalf(numeric(1,2))); if (!(is_exactly_a(e4))) { clog << "5^(0.5) wrongly returned " << e4 << endl; return 1; } ex e5 = power(evalf(numeric(5)),numeric(1,2)); if (!(is_exactly_a(e5))) { clog << "5.0^(1/2) wrongly returned " << e5 << endl; return 1; } return 0; } static unsigned exam_powerlaws4() { // test for mul::eval() symbol a("a"); symbol b("b"); symbol c("c"); ex f1 = power(a*b,ex(1)/ex(2)); ex f2 = power(a*b,ex(3)/ex(2)); ex f3 = c; exvector v; v.push_back(f1); v.push_back(f2); v.push_back(f3); ex e1 = mul(v); if (e1!=a*a*b*b*c) { clog << "(a*b)^(1/2)*(a*b)^(3/2)*c wrongly returned " << e1 << endl; return 1; } return 0; } static unsigned exam_powerlaws5() { // cabinet of slightly pathological cases symbol a("a"); ex e1 = pow(1,a); if (e1 != 1) { clog << "1^a wrongly returned " << e1 << endl; return 1; } ex e2 = pow(0,a); if (!(is_exactly_a(e2))) { clog << "0^a was evaluated to " << e2 << " though nothing is known about a." << endl; return 1; } return 0; } static unsigned exam_powerlaws6() { // check expansion rules for positive symbols symbol a("a"); symbol b("b"); symbol c("c"); realsymbol x("x"); realsymbol y("y"); possymbol p("p"); possymbol q("q"); numeric half=numeric(1,2); ex e1 = pow(5*pow(3*a*b*x*y*p*q,2),7*half*c).expand(); ex e2 = pow(p,7*c)*pow(q,7*c)*pow(pow(a*b*x*y,2),numeric(7,2)*c)*pow(45,numeric(7,2)*c); if (!e1.is_equal(e2)) { clog << "Could not expand exponents with positive bases in " << e1 << endl; return 1; } ex e3 = pow(-pow(-a*x*p,3)*pow(b*y*p,3),half*c).expand().normal(); ex e4 = pow(p,3*c)*pow(pow(a*b*x*y,3),half*c); if (!e3.is_equal(e4)) { clog << "Could not expand exponents with positive bases in " << e3 << endl; return 1; } return 0; } unsigned exam_powerlaws() { unsigned result = 0; cout << "examining power laws" << flush; result += exam_powerlaws1(); cout << '.' << flush; result += exam_powerlaws2(); cout << '.' << flush; result += exam_powerlaws3(); cout << '.' << flush; result += exam_powerlaws4(); cout << '.' << flush; result += exam_powerlaws5(); cout << '.' << flush; result += exam_powerlaws6(); cout << '.' << flush; return result; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { return exam_powerlaws(); }