/** @file add.h * * Interface to GiNaC's sums of expressions. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2023 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef GINAC_ADD_H #define GINAC_ADD_H #include "expairseq.h" namespace GiNaC { /** Sum of expressions. */ class add : public expairseq { GINAC_DECLARE_REGISTERED_CLASS(add, expairseq) friend class mul; friend class power; // other constructors public: add(const ex & lh, const ex & rh); add(const exvector & v); add(const epvector & v); add(const epvector & v, const ex & oc); add(epvector && v); add(epvector && v, const ex & oc); // functions overriding virtual functions from base classes public: unsigned precedence() const override {return 40;} bool info(unsigned inf) const override; bool is_polynomial(const ex & var) const override; int degree(const ex & s) const override; int ldegree(const ex & s) const override; ex coeff(const ex & s, int n=1) const override; ex eval() const override; ex evalm() const override; ex series(const relational & r, int order, unsigned options = 0) const override; ex normal(exmap & repl, exmap & rev_lookup, lst & modifier) const override; numeric integer_content() const override; ex smod(const numeric &xi) const override; numeric max_coefficient() const override; ex conjugate() const override; ex real_part() const override; ex imag_part() const override; exvector get_free_indices() const override; ex eval_ncmul(const exvector & v) const override; protected: ex derivative(const symbol & s) const override; unsigned return_type() const override; return_type_t return_type_tinfo() const override; ex thisexpairseq(const epvector & v, const ex & oc, bool do_index_renaming = false) const override; ex thisexpairseq(epvector && vp, const ex & oc, bool do_index_renaming = false) const override; expair split_ex_to_pair(const ex & e) const override; expair combine_ex_with_coeff_to_pair(const ex & e, const ex & c) const override; expair combine_pair_with_coeff_to_pair(const expair & p, const ex & c) const override; ex recombine_pair_to_ex(const expair & p) const override; ex expand(unsigned options=0) const override; // non-virtual functions in this class protected: void print_add(const print_context & c, const char *openbrace, const char *closebrace, const char *mul_sym, unsigned level) const; void do_print(const print_context & c, unsigned level) const; void do_print_latex(const print_latex & c, unsigned level) const; void do_print_csrc(const print_csrc & c, unsigned level) const; void do_print_python_repr(const print_python_repr & c, unsigned level) const; }; GINAC_DECLARE_UNARCHIVER(add); } // namespace GiNaC #endif // ndef GINAC_ADD_H