/** @file ex.h * * Interface to GiNaC's light-weight expression handles. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2020 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef GINAC_EX_H #define GINAC_EX_H #include "basic.h" #include "ptr.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace GiNaC { #ifdef _MSC_VER // MSVC produces a different symbol for _ex0 when it is declared inside // ex::is_zero() than when it is declared at top level as follows extern const ex _ex0; #endif /** Helper class to initialize the library. There must be one static object * of this class in every object file that makes use of our flyweights in * order to guarantee proper initialization. Hence we put it into this * file which is included by every relevant file anyways. This is modeled * after section [ios::Init] of the C++ standard, where cout and friends are * set up. * * @see utils.cpp */ class library_init { static void init_unarchivers(); public: library_init(); ~library_init(); private: static int count; }; /** For construction of flyweights, etc. */ static library_init library_initializer; class scalar_products; class const_iterator; class const_preorder_iterator; class const_postorder_iterator; /** Lightweight wrapper for GiNaC's symbolic objects. It holds a pointer to * the other object in order to do garbage collection by the method of * reference counting. I.e., it is a smart pointer. Also, the constructor * ex::ex(const basic & other) calls the methods that do automatic * evaluation. E.g., x-x turns automatically into 0. */ class ex { friend class archive_node; friend inline bool are_ex_trivially_equal(const ex &, const ex &); template friend inline const T &ex_to(const ex &); template friend inline bool is_a(const ex &); template friend inline bool is_exactly_a(const ex &); // default constructor, copy constructor and assignment operator public: ex() noexcept; // other constructors public: ex(const basic & other); ex(int i); ex(unsigned int i); ex(long i); ex(unsigned long i); ex(long long i); ex(unsigned long long i); ex(double const d); /** Construct ex from string and a list of symbols. The input grammar is * similar to the GiNaC output format. All symbols and indices to be used * in the expression must be specified in a lst in the second argument. * Undefined symbols and other parser errors will throw an exception. */ ex(const std::string &s, const ex &l); public: // non-virtual functions in this class public: /** Efficiently swap the contents of two expressions. */ void swap(ex & other) noexcept { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); GINAC_ASSERT(other.bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); bp.swap(other.bp); } // iterators const_iterator begin() const noexcept; const_iterator end() const noexcept; const_preorder_iterator preorder_begin() const; const_preorder_iterator preorder_end() const noexcept; const_postorder_iterator postorder_begin() const; const_postorder_iterator postorder_end() const noexcept; // evaluation ex eval() const { return bp->eval(); } ex evalf() const { return bp->evalf(); } ex evalm() const { return bp->evalm(); } ex eval_ncmul(const exvector & v) const { return bp->eval_ncmul(v); } ex eval_integ() const { return bp->eval_integ(); } // printing void print(const print_context & c, unsigned level = 0) const; void dbgprint() const; void dbgprinttree() const; // info bool info(unsigned inf) const { return bp->info(inf); } // operand access size_t nops() const { return bp->nops(); } ex op(size_t i) const { return bp->op(i); } ex operator[](const ex & index) const { return (*bp)[index]; } ex operator[](size_t i) const { return (*bp)[i]; } ex & let_op(size_t i); ex & operator[](const ex & index); ex & operator[](size_t i); ex lhs() const; ex rhs() const; // function for complex expressions ex conjugate() const { return bp->conjugate(); } ex real_part() const { return bp->real_part(); } ex imag_part() const { return bp->imag_part(); } // pattern matching bool has(const ex & pattern, unsigned options = 0) const { return bp->has(pattern, options); } bool find(const ex & pattern, exset& found) const; bool match(const ex & pattern) const; bool match(const ex & pattern, exmap & repls) const { return bp->match(pattern, repls); } // substitutions ex subs(const exmap & m, unsigned options = 0) const; ex subs(const lst & ls, const lst & lr, unsigned options = 0) const; ex subs(const ex & e, unsigned options = 0) const; // function mapping ex map(map_function & f) const { return bp->map(f); } ex map(ex (*f)(const ex & e)) const; // visitors and tree traversal void accept(visitor & v) const { bp->accept(v); } void traverse_preorder(visitor & v) const; void traverse_postorder(visitor & v) const; void traverse(visitor & v) const { traverse_preorder(v); } // degree/coeff bool is_polynomial(const ex & vars) const; int degree(const ex & s) const { return bp->degree(s); } int ldegree(const ex & s) const { return bp->ldegree(s); } ex coeff(const ex & s, int n = 1) const { return bp->coeff(s, n); } ex lcoeff(const ex & s) const { return coeff(s, degree(s)); } ex tcoeff(const ex & s) const { return coeff(s, ldegree(s)); } // expand/collect ex expand(unsigned options=0) const; ex collect(const ex & s, bool distributed = false) const { return bp->collect(s, distributed); } // differentiation and series expansion ex diff(const symbol & s, unsigned nth = 1) const; ex series(const ex & r, int order, unsigned options = 0) const; // rational functions ex normal() const; ex to_rational(exmap & repl) const; ex to_polynomial(exmap & repl) const; ex numer() const; ex denom() const; ex numer_denom() const; // polynomial algorithms ex unit(const ex &x) const; ex content(const ex &x) const; numeric integer_content() const; ex primpart(const ex &x) const; ex primpart(const ex &x, const ex &cont) const; void unitcontprim(const ex &x, ex &u, ex &c, ex &p) const; ex smod(const numeric &xi) const { return bp->smod(xi); } numeric max_coefficient() const; // indexed objects exvector get_free_indices() const { return bp->get_free_indices(); } ex simplify_indexed(unsigned options = 0) const; ex simplify_indexed(const scalar_products & sp, unsigned options = 0) const; // comparison int compare(const ex & other) const; bool is_equal(const ex & other) const; bool is_zero() const { #ifndef _MSC_VER extern const ex _ex0; #endif return is_equal(_ex0); } bool is_zero_matrix() const; // symmetry ex symmetrize() const; ex symmetrize(const lst & l) const; ex antisymmetrize() const; ex antisymmetrize(const lst & l) const; ex symmetrize_cyclic() const; ex symmetrize_cyclic(const lst & l) const; // noncommutativity unsigned return_type() const { return bp->return_type(); } return_type_t return_type_tinfo() const { return bp->return_type_tinfo(); } unsigned gethash() const { return bp->gethash(); } private: static ptr construct_from_basic(const basic & other); static basic & construct_from_int(int i); static basic & construct_from_uint(unsigned int i); static basic & construct_from_long(long i); static basic & construct_from_ulong(unsigned long i); static basic & construct_from_longlong(long long i); static basic & construct_from_ulonglong(unsigned long long i); static basic & construct_from_double(double d); static ptr construct_from_string_and_lst(const std::string &s, const ex &l); void makewriteable(); void share(const ex & other) const; // member variables private: mutable ptr bp; ///< pointer to basic object managed by this }; // performance-critical inlined method implementations // This needs to be a basic* because we don't know that numeric is derived // from basic and we need a basic& for the ex default constructor extern const basic *_num0_bp; inline ex::ex() noexcept : bp(*const_cast(_num0_bp)) { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } inline ex::ex(const basic & other) : bp(construct_from_basic(other)) { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } inline ex::ex(int i) : bp(construct_from_int(i)) { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } inline ex::ex(unsigned int i) : bp(construct_from_uint(i)) { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } inline ex::ex(long i) : bp(construct_from_long(i)) { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } inline ex::ex(unsigned long i) : bp(construct_from_ulong(i)) { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } inline ex::ex(long long i) : bp(construct_from_longlong(i)) { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } inline ex::ex(unsigned long long i) : bp(construct_from_ulonglong(i)) { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } inline ex::ex(double const d) : bp(construct_from_double(d)) { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } inline ex::ex(const std::string &s, const ex &l) : bp(construct_from_string_and_lst(s, l)) { GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); } inline int ex::compare(const ex & other) const { #ifdef GINAC_COMPARE_STATISTICS compare_statistics.total_compares++; #endif if (bp == other.bp) // trivial case: both expressions point to same basic return 0; #ifdef GINAC_COMPARE_STATISTICS compare_statistics.nontrivial_compares++; #endif const int cmpval = bp->compare(*other.bp); #if 1 if (cmpval == 0) { // Expressions point to different, but equal, trees: conserve // memory and make subsequent compare() operations faster by // making both expressions point to the same tree. share(other); } #endif return cmpval; } inline bool ex::is_equal(const ex & other) const { #ifdef GINAC_COMPARE_STATISTICS compare_statistics.total_is_equals++; #endif if (bp == other.bp) // trivial case: both expressions point to same basic return true; #ifdef GINAC_COMPARE_STATISTICS compare_statistics.nontrivial_is_equals++; #endif const bool equal = bp->is_equal(*other.bp); #if 0 if (equal) { // Expressions point to different, but equal, trees: conserve // memory and make subsequent compare() operations faster by // making both expressions point to the same tree. share(other); } #endif return equal; } // Iterators class const_iterator : public std::iterator { friend class ex; friend class const_preorder_iterator; friend class const_postorder_iterator; public: const_iterator() noexcept {} private: const_iterator(const ex &e_, size_t i_) noexcept : e(e_), i(i_) {} public: // This should return an ex&, but that would be a reference to a // temporary value ex operator*() const { return e.op(i); } // This should return an ex*, but that would be a pointer to a // temporary value std::unique_ptr operator->() const { return std::unique_ptr(new ex(operator*())); } ex operator[](difference_type n) const { return e.op(i + n); } const_iterator &operator++() noexcept { ++i; return *this; } const_iterator operator++(int) noexcept { const_iterator tmp = *this; ++i; return tmp; } const_iterator &operator+=(difference_type n) noexcept { i += n; return *this; } const_iterator operator+(difference_type n) const noexcept { return const_iterator(e, i + n); } inline friend const_iterator operator+(difference_type n, const const_iterator &it) noexcept { return const_iterator(it.e, it.i + n); } const_iterator &operator--() noexcept { --i; return *this; } const_iterator operator--(int) noexcept { const_iterator tmp = *this; --i; return tmp; } const_iterator &operator-=(difference_type n) noexcept { i -= n; return *this; } const_iterator operator-(difference_type n) const noexcept { return const_iterator(e, i - n); } inline friend difference_type operator-(const const_iterator &lhs, const const_iterator &rhs) noexcept { return lhs.i - rhs.i; } bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const noexcept { return are_ex_trivially_equal(e, other.e) && i == other.i; } bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const noexcept { return !(*this == other); } bool operator<(const const_iterator &other) const noexcept { return i < other.i; } bool operator>(const const_iterator &other) const noexcept { return other < *this; } bool operator<=(const const_iterator &other) const noexcept { return !(other < *this); } bool operator>=(const const_iterator &other) const noexcept { return !(*this < other); } protected: ex e; // this used to be a "const basic *", but in view of object fusion that wouldn't be safe size_t i; }; namespace internal { struct _iter_rep { _iter_rep(const ex &e_, size_t i_, size_t i_end_) : e(e_), i(i_), i_end(i_end_) {} bool operator==(const _iter_rep &other) const noexcept { return are_ex_trivially_equal(e, other.e) && i == other.i; } bool operator!=(const _iter_rep &other) const noexcept { return !(*this == other); } ex e; size_t i; size_t i_end; }; } // namespace internal class const_preorder_iterator : public std::iterator { public: const_preorder_iterator() noexcept {} const_preorder_iterator(const ex &e, size_t n) { s.push(internal::_iter_rep(e, 0, n)); } public: reference operator*() const { return s.top().e; } pointer operator->() const { return &(s.top().e); } const_preorder_iterator &operator++() { increment(); return *this; } const_preorder_iterator operator++(int) { const_preorder_iterator tmp = *this; increment(); return tmp; } bool operator==(const const_preorder_iterator &other) const noexcept { return s == other.s; } bool operator!=(const const_preorder_iterator &other) const noexcept { return !(*this == other); } private: std::stack> s; void increment() { while (!s.empty() && s.top().i == s.top().i_end) { s.pop(); if (s.empty()) return; ++s.top().i; } internal::_iter_rep & current = s.top(); if (current.i != current.i_end) { const ex & child = current.e.op(current.i); s.push(internal::_iter_rep(child, 0, child.nops())); } } }; class const_postorder_iterator : public std::iterator { public: const_postorder_iterator() noexcept {} const_postorder_iterator(const ex &e, size_t n) { s.push(internal::_iter_rep(e, 0, n)); descend(); } public: reference operator*() const { return s.top().e; } pointer operator->() const { return &(s.top().e); } const_postorder_iterator &operator++() { increment(); return *this; } const_postorder_iterator operator++(int) { const_postorder_iterator tmp = *this; increment(); return tmp; } bool operator==(const const_postorder_iterator &other) const noexcept { return s == other.s; } bool operator!=(const const_postorder_iterator &other) const noexcept { return !(*this == other); } private: std::stack> s; void descend() { while (s.top().i != s.top().i_end) { internal::_iter_rep & current = s.top(); const ex & child = current.e.op(current.i); s.push(internal::_iter_rep(child, 0, child.nops())); } } void increment() { if (s.top().i == s.top().i_end) s.pop(); if (!s.empty()) { ++s.top().i; descend(); } } }; inline const_iterator ex::begin() const noexcept { return const_iterator(*this, 0); } inline const_iterator ex::end() const noexcept { return const_iterator(*this, nops()); } inline const_preorder_iterator ex::preorder_begin() const { return const_preorder_iterator(*this, nops()); } inline const_preorder_iterator ex::preorder_end() const noexcept { return const_preorder_iterator(); } inline const_postorder_iterator ex::postorder_begin() const { return const_postorder_iterator(*this, nops()); } inline const_postorder_iterator ex::postorder_end() const noexcept { return const_postorder_iterator(); } // utility functions /** Compare two objects of class quickly without doing a deep tree traversal. * @return "true" if they are equal * "false" if equality cannot be established quickly (e1 and e2 may * still be equal, in this case. */ inline bool are_ex_trivially_equal(const ex &e1, const ex &e2) { return e1.bp == e2.bp; } /* Function objects for STL sort() etc. */ struct ex_is_less { bool operator() (const ex &lh, const ex &rh) const { return lh.compare(rh) < 0; } }; struct ex_is_equal { bool operator() (const ex &lh, const ex &rh) const { return lh.is_equal(rh); } }; struct op0_is_equal { bool operator() (const ex &lh, const ex &rh) const { return lh.op(0).is_equal(rh.op(0)); } }; struct ex_swap { void operator() (ex &lh, ex &rh) const { lh.swap(rh); } }; // Make it possible to print exvectors and exmaps std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const exvector & e); std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const exset & e); std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const exmap & e); // wrapper functions around member functions inline size_t nops(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.nops(); } inline ex expand(const ex & thisex, unsigned options = 0) { return thisex.expand(options); } inline ex conjugate(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.conjugate(); } inline ex real_part(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.real_part(); } inline ex imag_part(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.imag_part(); } inline bool has(const ex & thisex, const ex & pattern, unsigned options = 0) { return thisex.has(pattern, options); } inline bool find(const ex & thisex, const ex & pattern, exset& found) { return thisex.find(pattern, found); } inline bool is_polynomial(const ex & thisex, const ex & vars) { return thisex.is_polynomial(vars); } inline int degree(const ex & thisex, const ex & s) { return thisex.degree(s); } inline int ldegree(const ex & thisex, const ex & s) { return thisex.ldegree(s); } inline ex coeff(const ex & thisex, const ex & s, int n=1) { return thisex.coeff(s, n); } inline ex numer(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.numer(); } inline ex denom(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.denom(); } inline ex numer_denom(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.numer_denom(); } inline ex normal(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.normal(); } inline ex to_rational(const ex & thisex, exmap & repl) { return thisex.to_rational(repl); } inline ex to_polynomial(const ex & thisex, exmap & repl) { return thisex.to_polynomial(repl); } inline ex collect(const ex & thisex, const ex & s, bool distributed = false) { return thisex.collect(s, distributed); } inline ex eval(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.eval(); } inline ex evalf(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.evalf(); } inline ex evalm(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.evalm(); } inline ex eval_integ(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.eval_integ(); } inline ex diff(const ex & thisex, const symbol & s, unsigned nth = 1) { return thisex.diff(s, nth); } inline ex series(const ex & thisex, const ex & r, int order, unsigned options = 0) { return thisex.series(r, order, options); } inline bool match(const ex & thisex, const ex & pattern, exmap& repl_lst) { return thisex.match(pattern, repl_lst); } inline ex simplify_indexed(const ex & thisex, unsigned options = 0) { return thisex.simplify_indexed(options); } inline ex simplify_indexed(const ex & thisex, const scalar_products & sp, unsigned options = 0) { return thisex.simplify_indexed(sp, options); } inline ex symmetrize(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.symmetrize(); } inline ex symmetrize(const ex & thisex, const lst & l) { return thisex.symmetrize(l); } inline ex antisymmetrize(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.antisymmetrize(); } inline ex antisymmetrize(const ex & thisex, const lst & l) { return thisex.antisymmetrize(l); } inline ex symmetrize_cyclic(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.symmetrize_cyclic(); } inline ex symmetrize_cyclic(const ex & thisex, const lst & l) { return thisex.symmetrize_cyclic(l); } inline ex op(const ex & thisex, size_t i) { return thisex.op(i); } inline ex lhs(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.lhs(); } inline ex rhs(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.rhs(); } inline bool is_zero(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.is_zero(); } inline void swap(ex & e1, ex & e2) { e1.swap(e2); } inline ex ex::subs(const exmap & m, unsigned options) const { return bp->subs(m, options); } inline ex subs(const ex & thisex, const exmap & m, unsigned options = 0) { return thisex.subs(m, options); } inline ex subs(const ex & thisex, const lst & ls, const lst & lr, unsigned options = 0) { return thisex.subs(ls, lr, options); } inline ex subs(const ex & thisex, const ex & e, unsigned options = 0) { return thisex.subs(e, options); } /* Convert function pointer to function object suitable for map(). */ class pointer_to_map_function : public map_function { protected: ex (*ptr)(const ex &); public: explicit pointer_to_map_function(ex x(const ex &)) : ptr(x) {} ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return ptr(e); } }; template class pointer_to_map_function_1arg : public map_function { protected: ex (*ptr)(const ex &, T1); T1 arg1; public: explicit pointer_to_map_function_1arg(ex x(const ex &, T1), T1 a1) : ptr(x), arg1(a1) {} ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return ptr(e, arg1); } }; template class pointer_to_map_function_2args : public map_function { protected: ex (*ptr)(const ex &, T1, T2); T1 arg1; T2 arg2; public: explicit pointer_to_map_function_2args(ex x(const ex &, T1, T2), T1 a1, T2 a2) : ptr(x), arg1(a1), arg2(a2) {} ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return ptr(e, arg1, arg2); } }; template class pointer_to_map_function_3args : public map_function { protected: ex (*ptr)(const ex &, T1, T2, T3); T1 arg1; T2 arg2; T3 arg3; public: explicit pointer_to_map_function_3args(ex x(const ex &, T1, T2, T3), T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3) : ptr(x), arg1(a1), arg2(a2), arg3(a3) {} ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return ptr(e, arg1, arg2, arg3); } }; template class pointer_to_member_to_map_function : public map_function { protected: ex (C::*ptr)(const ex &); C &c; public: explicit pointer_to_member_to_map_function(ex (C::*member)(const ex &), C &obj) : ptr(member), c(obj) {} ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return (c.*ptr)(e); } }; template class pointer_to_member_to_map_function_1arg : public map_function { protected: ex (C::*ptr)(const ex &, T1); C &c; T1 arg1; public: explicit pointer_to_member_to_map_function_1arg(ex (C::*member)(const ex &, T1), C &obj, T1 a1) : ptr(member), c(obj), arg1(a1) {} ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return (c.*ptr)(e, arg1); } }; template class pointer_to_member_to_map_function_2args : public map_function { protected: ex (C::*ptr)(const ex &, T1, T2); C &c; T1 arg1; T2 arg2; public: explicit pointer_to_member_to_map_function_2args(ex (C::*member)(const ex&, T1, T2), C &obj, T1 a1, T2 a2) : ptr(member), c(obj), arg1(a1), arg2(a2) {} ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return (c.*ptr)(e, arg1, arg2); } }; template class pointer_to_member_to_map_function_3args : public map_function { protected: ex (C::*ptr)(const ex &, T1, T2, T3); C &c; T1 arg1; T2 arg2; T3 arg3; public: explicit pointer_to_member_to_map_function_3args(ex (C::*member)(const ex &, T1, T2, T3), C &obj, T1 a1, T2 a2, T3 a3) : ptr(member), c(obj), arg1(a1), arg2(a2), arg3(a3) {} ex operator()(const ex & e) override { return (c.*ptr)(e, arg1, arg2, arg3); } }; inline ex ex::map(ex f(const ex &)) const { pointer_to_map_function fcn(f); return bp->map(fcn); } // convenience type checker template functions /** Check if ex is a handle to a T, including base classes. */ template inline bool is_a(const ex &obj) { return is_a(*obj.bp); } /** Check if ex is a handle to a T, not including base classes. */ template inline bool is_exactly_a(const ex &obj) { return is_exactly_a(*obj.bp); } /** Return a reference to the basic-derived class T object embedded in an * expression. This is fast but unsafe: the result is undefined if the * expression does not contain a T object at its top level. Hence, you * should generally check the type of e first. Also, you shouldn't cache * the returned reference because GiNaC's garbage collector may destroy * the referenced object any time it's used in another expression. * * @param e expression * @return reference to object of class T * @see is_exactly_a() */ template inline const T &ex_to(const ex &e) { GINAC_ASSERT(is_a(e)); return static_cast(*e.bp); } } // namespace GiNaC // Specializations of Standard Library algorithms namespace std { /** Specialization of std::swap() for ex objects. */ template <> inline void swap(GiNaC::ex &a, GiNaC::ex &b) { a.swap(b); } /** Specialization of std::hash() for ex objects. */ template<> struct hash { std::size_t operator()(const GiNaC::ex & e) const noexcept { return e.gethash(); } }; /** Specialization of std::equal_to() for ex objects. */ template<> struct equal_to { bool operator()(const GiNaC::ex &e1, const GiNaC::ex &e2) const noexcept { return e1.is_equal(e2); } }; } // namespace std #endif // ndef GINAC_EX_H