/** @file ncmul.cpp * * Implementation of GiNaC's non-commutative products of expressions. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2022 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "ncmul.h" #include "ex.h" #include "add.h" #include "mul.h" #include "clifford.h" #include "matrix.h" #include "archive.h" #include "indexed.h" #include "utils.h" #include #include #include namespace GiNaC { GINAC_IMPLEMENT_REGISTERED_CLASS_OPT(ncmul, exprseq, print_func(&ncmul::do_print). print_func(&ncmul::do_print_tree). print_func(&ncmul::do_print_csrc). print_func(&ncmul::do_print_csrc)) ////////// // default constructor ////////// ncmul::ncmul() { } ////////// // other constructors ////////// // public ncmul::ncmul(const ex & lh, const ex & rh) : inherited{lh,rh} { } ncmul::ncmul(const ex & f1, const ex & f2, const ex & f3) : inherited{f1,f2,f3} { } ncmul::ncmul(const ex & f1, const ex & f2, const ex & f3, const ex & f4) : inherited{f1,f2,f3,f4} { } ncmul::ncmul(const ex & f1, const ex & f2, const ex & f3, const ex & f4, const ex & f5) : inherited{f1,f2,f3,f4,f5} { } ncmul::ncmul(const ex & f1, const ex & f2, const ex & f3, const ex & f4, const ex & f5, const ex & f6) : inherited{f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6} { } ncmul::ncmul(const exvector & v) : inherited(v) { } ncmul::ncmul(exvector && v) : inherited(std::move(v)) { } ////////// // archiving ////////// ////////// // functions overriding virtual functions from base classes ////////// // public void ncmul::do_print(const print_context & c, unsigned level) const { printseq(c, '(', '*', ')', precedence(), level); } void ncmul::do_print_csrc(const print_context & c, unsigned level) const { c.s << class_name(); printseq(c, '(', ',', ')', precedence(), precedence()); } bool ncmul::info(unsigned inf) const { return inherited::info(inf); } typedef std::vector uintvector; ex ncmul::expand(unsigned options) const { // First, expand the children exvector v = expandchildren(options); const exvector &expanded_seq = v.empty() ? this->seq : v; // Now, look for all the factors that are sums and remember their // position and number of terms. uintvector positions_of_adds(expanded_seq.size()); uintvector number_of_add_operands(expanded_seq.size()); size_t number_of_adds = 0; size_t number_of_expanded_terms = 1; size_t current_position = 0; for (auto & it : expanded_seq) { if (is_exactly_a(it)) { positions_of_adds[number_of_adds] = current_position; size_t num_ops = it.nops(); number_of_add_operands[number_of_adds] = num_ops; number_of_expanded_terms *= num_ops; number_of_adds++; } ++current_position; } // If there are no sums, we are done if (number_of_adds == 0) { if (!v.empty()) return dynallocate(std::move(v)).setflag(options == 0 ? status_flags::expanded : 0); else return *this; } // Now, form all possible products of the terms of the sums with the // remaining factors, and add them together exvector distrseq; distrseq.reserve(number_of_expanded_terms); uintvector k(number_of_adds); /* Rename indices in the static members of the product */ exvector expanded_seq_mod; size_t j = 0; exvector va; for (size_t i=0; i(std::move(term)).setflag(options == 0 ? status_flags::expanded : 0)); // increment k[] int l = number_of_adds-1; while ((l>=0) && ((++k[l]) >= number_of_add_operands[l])) { k[l] = 0; l--; } if (l<0) break; } return dynallocate(distrseq).setflag(options == 0 ? status_flags::expanded : 0); } int ncmul::degree(const ex & s) const { if (is_equal(ex_to(s))) return 1; // Sum up degrees of factors int deg_sum = 0; for (auto & i : seq) deg_sum += i.degree(s); return deg_sum; } int ncmul::ldegree(const ex & s) const { if (is_equal(ex_to(s))) return 1; // Sum up degrees of factors int deg_sum = 0; for (auto & i : seq) deg_sum += i.degree(s); return deg_sum; } ex ncmul::coeff(const ex & s, int n) const { if (is_equal(ex_to(s))) return n==1 ? _ex1 : _ex0; exvector coeffseq; coeffseq.reserve(seq.size()); if (n == 0) { // product of individual coeffs // if a non-zero power of s is found, the resulting product will be 0 for (auto & it : seq) coeffseq.push_back(it.coeff(s,n)); return dynallocate(std::move(coeffseq)); } bool coeff_found = false; for (auto & i : seq) { ex c = i.coeff(s,n); if (c.is_zero()) { coeffseq.push_back(i); } else { coeffseq.push_back(c); coeff_found = true; } } if (coeff_found) return dynallocate(std::move(coeffseq)); return _ex0; } size_t ncmul::count_factors(const ex & e) const { if ((is_exactly_a(e)&&(e.return_type()!=return_types::commutative))|| (is_exactly_a(e))) { size_t factors=0; for (size_t i=0; i(e)&&(e.return_type()!=return_types::commutative))|| (is_exactly_a(e))) { for (size_t i=0; i unsignedvector; typedef std::vector exvectorvector; /** Perform automatic term rewriting rules in this class. In the following * x, x1, x2,... stand for a symbolic variables of type ex and c, c1, c2... * stand for such expressions that contain a plain number. * - ncmul(...,*(x1,x2),...,ncmul(x3,x4),...) -> ncmul(...,x1,x2,...,x3,x4,...) (associativity) * - ncmul(x) -> x * - ncmul() -> 1 * - ncmul(...,c1,...,c2,...) -> *(c1,c2,ncmul(...)) (pull out commutative elements) * - ncmul(x1,y1,x2,y2) -> *(ncmul(x1,x2),ncmul(y1,y2)) (collect elements of same type) * - ncmul(x1,x2,x3,...) -> x::eval_ncmul(x1,x2,x3,...) */ ex ncmul::eval() const { // The following additional rule would be nice, but produces a recursion, // which must be trapped by introducing a flag that the sub-ncmuls() // are already evaluated (maybe later...) // ncmul(x1,x2,...,X,y1,y2,...) -> // ncmul(ncmul(x1,x2,...),X,ncmul(y1,y2,...) // (X noncommutative_composite) if (flags & status_flags::evaluated) { return *this; } // ncmul(...,*(x1,x2),...,ncmul(x3,x4),...) -> // ncmul(...,x1,x2,...,x3,x4,...) (associativity) size_t factors = 0; for (auto & it : seq) factors += count_factors(it); exvector assocseq; assocseq.reserve(factors); make_flat_inserter mf(seq, true); for (auto & it : seq) { ex factor = mf.handle_factor(it, 1); append_factors(assocseq, factor); } // ncmul(x) -> x if (assocseq.size()==1) return *(seq.begin()); // ncmul() -> 1 if (assocseq.empty()) return _ex1; // determine return types unsignedvector rettypes(assocseq.size()); size_t i = 0; size_t count_commutative=0; size_t count_noncommutative=0; size_t count_noncommutative_composite=0; for (auto & it : assocseq) { rettypes[i] = it.return_type(); switch (rettypes[i]) { case return_types::commutative: count_commutative++; break; case return_types::noncommutative: count_noncommutative++; break; case return_types::noncommutative_composite: count_noncommutative_composite++; break; default: throw(std::logic_error("ncmul::eval(): invalid return type")); } ++i; } GINAC_ASSERT(count_commutative+count_noncommutative+count_noncommutative_composite==assocseq.size()); // ncmul(...,c1,...,c2,...) -> // *(c1,c2,ncmul(...)) (pull out commutative elements) if (count_commutative!=0) { exvector commutativeseq; commutativeseq.reserve(count_commutative+1); exvector noncommutativeseq; noncommutativeseq.reserve(assocseq.size()-count_commutative); size_t num = assocseq.size(); for (size_t i=0; i(std::move(noncommutativeseq))); return dynallocate(std::move(commutativeseq)); } // ncmul(x1,y1,x2,y2) -> *(ncmul(x1,x2),ncmul(y1,y2)) // (collect elements of same type) if (count_noncommutative_composite==0) { // there are neither commutative nor noncommutative_composite // elements in assocseq GINAC_ASSERT(count_commutative==0); size_t assoc_num = assocseq.size(); exvectorvector evv; std::vector rttinfos; evv.reserve(assoc_num); rttinfos.reserve(assoc_num); for (auto & it : assocseq) { return_type_t ti = it.return_type_tinfo(); size_t rtt_num = rttinfos.size(); // search type in vector of known types for (i=0; i= rtt_num) { // new type rttinfos.push_back(ti); evv.push_back(exvector()); (evv.end()-1)->reserve(assoc_num); (evv.end()-1)->push_back(it); } } size_t evv_num = evv.size(); #ifdef DO_GINAC_ASSERT GINAC_ASSERT(evv_num == rttinfos.size()); GINAC_ASSERT(evv_num > 0); size_t s=0; for (i=0; i(evv[i])); return dynallocate(splitseq); } return dynallocate(assocseq).setflag(status_flags::evaluated); } ex ncmul::evalm() const { // Evaluate children first exvector s; s.reserve(seq.size()); for (auto & it : seq) s.push_back(it.evalm()); // If there are only matrices, simply multiply them auto it = s.begin(), itend = s.end(); if (is_a(*it)) { matrix prod(ex_to(*it)); it++; while (it != itend) { if (!is_a(*it)) goto no_matrix; prod = prod.mul(ex_to(*it)); it++; } return prod; } no_matrix: return dynallocate(std::move(s)); } ex ncmul::thiscontainer(const exvector & v) const { return dynallocate(v); } ex ncmul::thiscontainer(exvector && v) const { return dynallocate(std::move(v)); } ex ncmul::conjugate() const { if (return_type() != return_types::noncommutative) { return exprseq::conjugate(); } if (!is_clifford_tinfo(return_type_tinfo())) { return exprseq::conjugate(); } exvector ev; ev.reserve(nops()); for (auto i=end(); i!=begin();) { --i; ev.push_back(i->conjugate()); } return dynallocate(std::move(ev)); } ex ncmul::real_part() const { return basic::real_part(); } ex ncmul::imag_part() const { return basic::imag_part(); } // protected /** Implementation of ex::diff() for a non-commutative product. It applies * the product rule. * @see ex::diff */ ex ncmul::derivative(const symbol & s) const { size_t num = seq.size(); exvector addseq; addseq.reserve(num); // D(a*b*c) = D(a)*b*c + a*D(b)*c + a*b*D(c) exvector ncmulseq = seq; for (size_t i=0; i(ncmulseq)); e.swap(ncmulseq[i]); } return dynallocate(addseq); } int ncmul::compare_same_type(const basic & other) const { return inherited::compare_same_type(other); } unsigned ncmul::return_type() const { if (seq.empty()) return return_types::commutative; bool all_commutative = true; exvector::const_iterator noncommutative_element; // point to first found nc element auto i = seq.begin(), end = seq.end(); while (i != end) { unsigned rt = i->return_type(); if (rt == return_types::noncommutative_composite) return rt; // one ncc -> mul also ncc if ((rt == return_types::noncommutative) && (all_commutative)) { // first nc element found, remember position noncommutative_element = i; all_commutative = false; } if ((rt == return_types::noncommutative) && (!all_commutative)) { // another nc element found, compare type_infos if(noncommutative_element->return_type_tinfo() != i->return_type_tinfo()) return return_types::noncommutative_composite; } ++i; } // all factors checked GINAC_ASSERT(!all_commutative); // not all factors should commutate, because this is a ncmul(); return all_commutative ? return_types::commutative : return_types::noncommutative; } return_type_t ncmul::return_type_tinfo() const { if (seq.empty()) return make_return_type_t(); // return type_info of first noncommutative element for (auto & i : seq) if (i.return_type() == return_types::noncommutative) return i.return_type_tinfo(); // no noncommutative element found, should not happen return make_return_type_t(); } ////////// // new virtual functions which can be overridden by derived classes ////////// // none ////////// // non-virtual functions in this class ////////// exvector ncmul::expandchildren(unsigned options) const { auto cit = this->seq.begin(), end = this->seq.end(); while (cit != end) { const ex & expanded_ex = cit->expand(options); if (!are_ex_trivially_equal(*cit, expanded_ex)) { // copy first part of seq which hasn't changed exvector s(this->seq.begin(), cit); s.reserve(this->seq.size()); // insert changed element s.push_back(expanded_ex); ++cit; // copy rest while (cit != end) { s.push_back(cit->expand(options)); ++cit; } return s; } ++cit; } return exvector(); // nothing has changed } const exvector & ncmul::get_factors() const { return seq; } ////////// // friend functions ////////// ex reeval_ncmul(const exvector & v) { return dynallocate(v); } ex hold_ncmul(const exvector & v) { if (v.empty()) return _ex1; else if (v.size() == 1) return v[0]; else return dynallocate(v).setflag(status_flags::evaluated); } GINAC_BIND_UNARCHIVER(ncmul); } // namespace GiNaC