#include #include #include "parser.hpp" #include "lexer.hpp" #include "debug.hpp" #include "mul.h" #include "constant.h" namespace GiNaC { /// identifier_expr: identifier | identifier '(' expression* ')' ex parser::parse_identifier_expr() { std::string name = scanner->str; get_next_tok(); // eat identifier. if (token != '(') // symbol return find_or_insert_symbol(name, syms, strict); // function/ctor call. get_next_tok(); // eat ( exvector args; if (token != ')') { while (true) { ex e = parse_expression(); args.push_back(e); if (token == ')') break; if (token != ',') Parse_error("expected ')' or ',' in argument list"); get_next_tok(); } } // Eat the ')'. get_next_tok(); prototype the_prototype = make_pair(name, args.size()); prototype_table::const_iterator reader = funcs.find(the_prototype); if (reader == funcs.end()) { Parse_error_("no function \"" << name << "\" with " << args.size() << " arguments"); } ex ret = reader->second(args); return ret; } /// paren_expr: '(' expression ')' ex parser::parse_paren_expr() { get_next_tok(); // eat (. ex e = parse_expression(); if (token != ')') Parse_error("expected ')'"); get_next_tok(); // eat ). return e; } extern numeric* _num_1_p; extern ex _ex0; /// unary_expr: [+-] expression ex parser::parse_unary_expr() { // Unlike most other parse_* method this one does NOT consume // current token so parse_binop_rhs() knows what kind of operator // is being parsed. // There are different kinds of expressions which need to be handled: // -a+b // -(a) // +a // +(a) // Delegete the work to parse_binop_rhs(), otherwise we end up // duplicating it here. ex lhs = _ex0; // silly trick ex e = parse_binop_rhs(0, lhs); return e; } /// primary: identifier_expr | number_expr | paren_expr | unary_expr ex parser::parse_primary() { switch (token) { case lexer::token_type::identifier: return parse_identifier_expr(); case lexer::token_type::number: return parse_number_expr(); case '(': return parse_paren_expr(); case '-': case '+': return parse_unary_expr(); case lexer::token_type::literal: return parse_literal_expr(); case lexer::token_type::eof: default: Parse_error("unexpected token"); } } /// expression ::= primary binoprhs ex parser::parse_expression() { ex lhs = parse_primary(); ex res = parse_binop_rhs(0, lhs); return res; } /// number_expr: number ex parser::parse_number_expr() { ex n = numeric(scanner->str.c_str()); get_next_tok(); // consume the number return n; } /// literal_expr: 'I' | 'Pi' | 'Euler' | 'Catalan' ex parser::parse_literal_expr() { get_next_tok(); // consume the literal if (scanner->str == "I") return I; else if (scanner->str == "Pi") return Pi; else if (scanner->str == "Euler") return Euler; else if (scanner->str == "Catalan") return Catalan; bug("unknown literal: \"" << scanner->str << "\""); } ex parser::operator()(std::istream& input) { scanner->switch_input(&input); get_next_tok(); ex ret = parse_expression(); return ret; } ex parser::operator()(const std::string& input) { std::istringstream is(input); ex ret = operator()(is); return ret; } int parser::get_next_tok() { token = scanner->gettok(); return token; } parser::parser(const symtab& syms_, const bool strict_, const prototype_table& funcs_) : strict(strict_), funcs(funcs_), syms(syms_) { scanner = new lexer(); } parser::~parser() { delete scanner; } } // namespace GiNaC