/** @file printcsrc.cpp * * The methods .printcsrc() are responsible for C-source output of * objects. All related helper-functions go in here as well. */ #include #include "ginac.h" /** Print expression as a C++ statement. The output looks like * " = ;". The "type" parameter has an effect * on how number literals are printed. * * @param os output stream * @param type variable type (one of the csrc_types) * @param var_name variable name to be printed */ void ex::printcsrc(ostream & os, unsigned type, const char *var_name) const { debugmsg("ex print csrc", LOGLEVEL_PRINT); ASSERT(bp!=0); switch (type) { case csrc_types::ctype_float: os << "float "; break; case csrc_types::ctype_double: os << "double "; break; case csrc_types::ctype_cl_N: os << "cl_N "; break; } os << var_name << " = "; bp->printcsrc(os, type, 0); os << ";\n"; } void basic::printcsrc(ostream & os, unsigned type, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("basic print csrc", LOGLEVEL_PRINT); } void numeric::printcsrc(ostream & os, unsigned type, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("numeric print csrc", LOGLEVEL_PRINT); ios::fmtflags oldflags = os.flags(); os.setf(ios::scientific); if (is_rational() && !is_integer()) { if (compare(numZERO()) > 0) { os << "("; if (type == csrc_types::ctype_cl_N) os << "cl_F(\"" << numer().evalf() << "\")"; else os << numer().to_double(); } else { os << "-("; if (type == csrc_types::ctype_cl_N) os << "cl_F(\"" << -numer().evalf() << "\")"; else os << -numer().to_double(); } os << "/"; if (type == csrc_types::ctype_cl_N) os << "cl_F(\"" << denom().evalf() << "\")"; else os << denom().to_double(); os << ")"; } else { if (type == csrc_types::ctype_cl_N) os << "cl_F(\"" << evalf() << "\")"; else os << to_double(); } os.flags(oldflags); } void symbol::printcsrc(ostream & os, unsigned type, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("symbol print csrc", LOGLEVEL_PRINT); os << name; } void constant::printcsrc(ostream & os, unsigned type, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("constant print csrc",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); os << name; } static void print_sym_pow(ostream & os, unsigned type, const symbol &x, int exp) { // Optimal output of integer powers of symbols to aid compiler CSE if (exp == 1) { x.printcsrc(os, type, 0); } else if (exp == 2) { x.printcsrc(os, type, 0); os << "*"; x.printcsrc(os, type, 0); } else if (exp & 1) { x.printcsrc(os, 0); os << "*"; print_sym_pow(os, type, x, exp-1); } else { os << "("; print_sym_pow(os, type, x, exp >> 1); os << ")*("; print_sym_pow(os, type, x, exp >> 1); os << ")"; } } void power::printcsrc(ostream & os, unsigned type, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("power print csrc", LOGLEVEL_PRINT); // Integer powers of symbols are printed in a special, optimized way if (exponent.info(info_flags::integer) && (is_ex_exactly_of_type(basis, symbol) || is_ex_exactly_of_type(basis, constant))) { int exp = ex_to_numeric(exponent).to_int(); if (exp > 0) os << "("; else { exp = -exp; if (type == csrc_types::ctype_cl_N) os << "recip("; else os << "1.0/("; } print_sym_pow(os, type, static_cast(*basis.bp), exp); os << ")"; // ^-1 is printed as "1.0/" or with the recip() function of CLN } else if (exponent.compare(numMINUSONE()) == 0) { if (type == csrc_types::ctype_cl_N) os << "recip("; else os << "1.0/("; basis.bp->printcsrc(os, type, 0); os << ")"; // Otherwise, use the pow() or expt() (CLN) functions } else { if (type == csrc_types::ctype_cl_N) os << "expt("; else os << "pow("; basis.bp->printcsrc(os, type, 0); os << ","; exponent.bp->printcsrc(os, type, 0); os << ")"; } } void add::printcsrc(ostream & os, unsigned type, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("add print csrc", LOGLEVEL_PRINT); if (precedence <= upper_precedence) os << "("; // Print arguments, separated by "+" epvector::const_iterator it = seq.begin(); epvector::const_iterator itend = seq.end(); while (it != itend) { // If the coefficient is -1, it is replaced by a single minus sign if (it->coeff.compare(numONE()) == 0) { it->rest.bp->printcsrc(os, type, precedence); } else if (it->coeff.compare(numMINUSONE()) == 0) { os << "-"; it->rest.bp->printcsrc(os, type, precedence); } else if (ex_to_numeric(it->coeff).numer().compare(numONE()) == 0) { it->rest.bp->printcsrc(os, type, precedence); os << "/"; ex_to_numeric(it->coeff).denom().printcsrc(os, type, precedence); } else if (ex_to_numeric(it->coeff).numer().compare(numMINUSONE()) == 0) { os << "-"; it->rest.bp->printcsrc(os, type, precedence); os << "/"; ex_to_numeric(it->coeff).denom().printcsrc(os, type, precedence); } else { it->coeff.bp->printcsrc(os, type, precedence); os << "*"; it->rest.bp->printcsrc(os, type, precedence); } // Separator is "+", except it the following expression would have a leading minus sign it++; if (it != itend && !(it->coeff.compare(numZERO()) < 0 || (it->coeff.compare(numONE()) == 0 && is_ex_exactly_of_type(it->rest, numeric) && it->rest.compare(numZERO()) < 0))) os << "+"; } if (!overall_coeff.is_equal(exZERO())) { if (overall_coeff > 0) os << '+'; overall_coeff.bp->printcsrc(os,type,precedence); } if (precedence <= upper_precedence) os << ")"; } void mul::printcsrc(ostream & os, unsigned type, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("mul print csrc", LOGLEVEL_PRINT); if (precedence <= upper_precedence) os << "("; if (!overall_coeff.is_equal(exONE())) { overall_coeff.bp->printcsrc(os,type,precedence); os << "*"; } // Print arguments, separated by "*" or "/" epvector::const_iterator it = seq.begin(); epvector::const_iterator itend = seq.end(); while (it != itend) { // If the first argument is a negative integer power, it gets printed as "1.0/" if (it == seq.begin() && ex_to_numeric(it->coeff).is_integer() && it->coeff.compare(numZERO()) < 0) { if (type == csrc_types::ctype_cl_N) os << "recip("; else os << "1.0/"; } // If the exponent is 1 or -1, it is left out if (it->coeff.compare(exONE()) == 0 || it->coeff.compare(numMINUSONE()) == 0) it->rest.bp->printcsrc(os, type, precedence); else // outer parens around ex needed for broken gcc-2.95 parser: (ex(power(it->rest, abs(ex_to_numeric(it->coeff))))).bp->printcsrc(os, type, upper_precedence); // Separator is "/" for negative integer powers, "*" otherwise it++; if (it != itend) { if (ex_to_numeric(it->coeff).is_integer() && it->coeff.compare(numZERO()) < 0) os << "/"; else os << "*"; } } if (precedence <= upper_precedence) os << ")"; } void ncmul::printcsrc(ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("ncmul print csrc",LOGLEVEL_PRINT); exvector::const_iterator it; exvector::const_iterator itend = seq.end()-1; os << "ncmul("; for (it=seq.begin(); it!=itend; ++it) { (*it).bp->printcsrc(os,precedence); os << ","; } (*it).bp->printcsrc(os,precedence); os << ")"; } void relational::printcsrc(ostream & os, unsigned type, unsigned upper_precedence) const { debugmsg("relational print csrc", LOGLEVEL_PRINT); if (precedence<=upper_precedence) os << "("; // Print left-hand expression lh.bp->printcsrc(os, type, precedence); // Print relational operator switch (o) { case equal: os << "=="; break; case not_equal: os << "!="; break; case less: os << "<"; break; case less_or_equal: os << "<="; break; case greater: os << ">"; break; case greater_or_equal: os << ">="; break; default: os << "(INVALID RELATIONAL OPERATOR)"; break; } // Print right-hand operator rh.bp->printcsrc(os, type, precedence); if (precedence <= upper_precedence) os << ")"; }