]> www.ginac.de Git - ginac.git/history - check/times.cpp
- Fixed a memory corruption in matrix::determinant_minor().
[ginac.git] / check / times.cpp
2000-08-14 Richard Kreckel- Duh, we had some style discussion again...
2000-08-12 Richard Kreckel- Same shit as Christian did yesterday in ginac/.
2000-06-06 Christian Bauer- whoops, accidentally commented out gamma series test...
2000-06-06 Christian Bauer*sigh* when will we move the Makefile.in's out of CVS?
2000-03-30 Richard Kreckel- dramatic speedup for characteristic polynomials of...
2000-03-28 Richard Kreckel- New tests from the Lewis-Wester Paper: I, J, K and L.
2000-03-27 Richard Kreckel- Finally: the test M1 from Lewis and Wester works.
2000-03-26 Richard Kreckel- added test O1 from Lewis-Wester paper.
2000-03-25 Richard Kreckel- Two more tests from the Lewis-Wester paper.
2000-03-25 Richard Kreckel- Added some tests from the Lewis-Wester testsuite.
2000-03-13 Richard Kreckel- Two new timimgs that are interesting for optimizing.
2000-02-29 Richard Kreckel- Completely restructured the checks in subdir check/.