]> www.ginac.de Git - ginac.git/history - doc/reference/DoxyfileHTML
added wildcard and spinormetric classes to check
[ginac.git] / doc / reference / DoxyfileHTML
2001-02-28 Richard Kreckel* Tweak around problem with unexpanded GINAC_DECLARE_RE...
2001-02-17 Richard KreckelMinor fixes.
2001-02-14 Richard KreckelAdapted to new version 1.2.5.
2000-08-10 Richard Kreckel- Complete revamp of methods in class matrix. Some...
2000-02-16 Richard Kreckel- Updated for doxygen v1.0.0.
2000-01-30 Richard Kreckel- Renamed flag NO_GINAC_NAMESPACE to NO_NAMESPACE_GINAC...
1999-12-20 Richard Kreckel- Changed a few switches.
1999-12-10 Richard Kreckel- changed behaviour of numeric::is_rational() and added...
1999-12-10 Richard Kreckel- Introduced exception do_taylor to signal Taylor expan...
1999-11-18 Richard Kreckel- adapted for new and enhanced version of doxygen
1999-11-12 Christian Bauer- docs now under automake control