/** @file ex.h * * Interface to GiNaC's light-weight expression handles. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __GINAC_EX_H__ #define __GINAC_EX_H__ #include "basic.h" #include "operators.h" namespace GiNaC { // Sorry, this is the only constant to pollute the global scope, the other ones // are defined in utils.h and not visible from outside. class ex; extern const ex & _ex0(void); ///< single ex(numeric(0)) class symbol; class lst; class scalar_products; /** Lightweight wrapper for GiNaC's symbolic objects. Basically all it does is * to hold a pointer to the other objects, manage the reference counting and * provide methods for manipulation of these objects. */ class ex { friend class basic; // member functions // default ctor, dtor, copy ctor assignment operator and helpers public: ex(); ~ex(); ex(const ex & other); const ex & operator=(const ex & other); // other ctors public: ex(const basic & other); ex(int i); ex(unsigned int i); ex(long i); ex(unsigned long i); ex(double const d); /** Construct ex from string and a list of symbols. The input grammar is * similar to the GiNaC output format. All symbols to be used in the * expression must be specified in a lst in the second argument. Undefined * symbols and other parser errors will throw an exception. */ ex(const std::string &s, const ex &l); // functions overriding virtual functions from bases classes // none // new virtual functions which can be overridden by derived classes // none // non-virtual functions in this class public: void swap(ex & other); void printraw(std::ostream & os) const; void printtree(std::ostream & os, unsigned indent=0) const; void print(std::ostream & os, unsigned upper_precedence=0) const; void printcsrc(std::ostream & os, unsigned type, const char *var_name) const; void dbgprint(void) const; void dbgprinttree(void) const; bool info(unsigned inf) const; unsigned nops() const; ex expand(unsigned options=0) const; bool has(const ex & other) const; int degree(const symbol & s) const; int ldegree(const symbol & s) const; ex coeff(const symbol & s, int n=1) const; ex lcoeff(const symbol & s) const { return coeff(s, degree(s)); } ex tcoeff(const symbol & s) const { return coeff(s, ldegree(s)); } ex numer(void) const; ex denom(void) const; ex unit(const symbol &x) const; ex content(const symbol &x) const; numeric integer_content(void) const; ex primpart(const symbol &x) const; ex primpart(const symbol &x, const ex &cont) const; ex normal(int level = 0) const; ex to_rational(lst &repl_lst) const; ex smod(const numeric &xi) const; numeric max_coefficient(void) const; ex collect(const symbol & s) const; ex eval(int level = 0) const; ex evalf(int level = 0) const; ex diff(const symbol & s, unsigned nth = 1) const; ex series(const ex & r, int order, unsigned options = 0) const; ex subs(const lst & ls, const lst & lr) const; ex subs(const ex & e) const; exvector get_free_indices(void) const; ex simplify_indexed(void) const; ex simplify_indexed(const scalar_products & sp) const; ex simplify_ncmul(const exvector & v) const; ex operator[](const ex & index) const; ex operator[](int i) const; ex op(int i) const; ex & let_op(int i); ex lhs(void) const; ex rhs(void) const; int compare(const ex & other) const; bool is_equal(const ex & other) const; bool is_zero(void) const { return is_equal(_ex0()); } unsigned return_type(void) const; unsigned return_type_tinfo(void) const; unsigned gethash(void) const; ex exadd(const ex & rh) const; ex exmul(const ex & rh) const; ex exncmul(const ex & rh) const; private: void construct_from_basic(const basic & other); void construct_from_int(int i); void construct_from_uint(unsigned int i); void construct_from_long(long i); void construct_from_ulong(unsigned long i); void construct_from_double(double d); void construct_from_string_and_lst(const std::string &s, const ex &l); void makewriteable(); #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK public: static bool last_created_or_assigned_bp_can_be_converted_to_ex(void) { if (last_created_or_assigned_bp==0) return false; if ((last_created_or_assigned_bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated)==0) return false; if ((last_created_or_assigned_bp->flags & status_flags::evaluated)==0) return false; return true; } protected: void update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(void) { if (last_created_or_assigned_bp!=0) { if (--last_created_or_assigned_bp->refcount == 0) { delete last_created_or_assigned_bp; } } last_created_or_assigned_bp = bp; ++last_created_or_assigned_bp->refcount; last_created_or_assigned_exp = (long)(void *)(this); } #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK // member variables public: basic *bp; ///< pointer to basic object managed by this #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK static basic * last_created_or_assigned_bp; static basic * dummy_bp; static long last_created_or_assigned_exp; #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK }; // performance-critical inlined method implementations inline ex::ex() : bp(_ex0().bp) { /*debugmsg("ex default ctor",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT);*/ GINAC_ASSERT(_ex0().bp!=0); GINAC_ASSERT(_ex0().bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); GINAC_ASSERT(bp!=0); ++bp->refcount; #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(); #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK } inline ex::~ex() { /*debugmsg("ex dtor",LOGLEVEL_DESTRUCT);*/ GINAC_ASSERT(bp!=0); GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); if (--bp->refcount == 0) delete bp; } inline ex::ex(const ex & other) : bp(other.bp) { /*debugmsg("ex copy ctor",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT);*/ GINAC_ASSERT(bp!=0); GINAC_ASSERT((bp->flags) & status_flags::dynallocated); ++bp->refcount; #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(); #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK } inline const ex & ex::operator=(const ex & other) { /*debugmsg("ex operator=",LOGLEVEL_ASSIGNMENT);*/ GINAC_ASSERT(bp!=0); GINAC_ASSERT(bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); GINAC_ASSERT(other.bp!=0); GINAC_ASSERT(other.bp->flags & status_flags::dynallocated); if (--bp->refcount==0) delete bp; ++other.bp->refcount; bp = other.bp; #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(); #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK return *this; } inline ex::ex(const basic & other) { /*debugmsg("ex ctor from basic",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT);*/ construct_from_basic(other); #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(); #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK } inline ex::ex(int i) { /*debugmsg("ex ctor from int",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT);*/ construct_from_int(i); #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(); #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK } inline ex::ex(unsigned int i) { /*debugmsg("ex ctor from unsigned int",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT);*/ construct_from_uint(i); #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(); #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK } inline ex::ex(long i) { /*debugmsg("ex ctor from long",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT);*/ construct_from_long(i); #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(); #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK } inline ex::ex(unsigned long i) { /*debugmsg("ex ctor from unsigned long",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT);*/ construct_from_ulong(i); #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(); #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK } inline ex::ex(double const d) { /*debugmsg("ex ctor from double",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT);*/ construct_from_double(d); #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(); #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK } inline ex::ex(const std::string &s, const ex &l) { /*debugmsg("ex ctor from string,lst",LOGLEVEL_CONSTRUCT);*/ construct_from_string_and_lst(s, l); #ifdef OBSCURE_CINT_HACK update_last_created_or_assigned_bp(); #endif // def OBSCURE_CINT_HACK } inline int ex::compare(const ex & other) const { GINAC_ASSERT(bp!=0); GINAC_ASSERT(other.bp!=0); if (bp==other.bp) // trivial case: both expressions point to same basic return 0; return bp->compare(*other.bp); } inline bool ex::is_equal(const ex & other) const { GINAC_ASSERT(bp!=0); GINAC_ASSERT(other.bp!=0); if (bp==other.bp) // trivial case: both expressions point to same basic return true; return bp->is_equal(*other.bp); } // utility functions inline bool are_ex_trivially_equal(const ex &e1, const ex &e2) { return e1.bp == e2.bp; } // wrapper functions around member functions inline unsigned nops(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.nops(); } inline ex expand(const ex & thisex, unsigned options = 0) { return thisex.expand(options); } inline bool has(const ex & thisex, const ex & other) { return thisex.has(other); } inline int degree(const ex & thisex, const symbol & s) { return thisex.degree(s); } inline int ldegree(const ex & thisex, const symbol & s) { return thisex.ldegree(s); } inline ex coeff(const ex & thisex, const symbol & s, int n=1) { return thisex.coeff(s, n); } inline ex numer(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.numer(); } inline ex denom(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.denom(); } inline ex normal(const ex & thisex, int level=0) { return thisex.normal(level); } inline ex to_rational(const ex & thisex, lst & repl_lst) { return thisex.to_rational(repl_lst); } inline ex collect(const ex & thisex, const symbol & s) { return thisex.collect(s); } inline ex eval(const ex & thisex, int level = 0) { return thisex.eval(level); } inline ex evalf(const ex & thisex, int level = 0) { return thisex.evalf(level); } inline ex diff(const ex & thisex, const symbol & s, unsigned nth = 1) { return thisex.diff(s, nth); } inline ex series(const ex & thisex, const ex & r, int order, unsigned options = 0) { return thisex.series(r, order, options); } inline ex subs(const ex & thisex, const ex & e) { return thisex.subs(e); } inline ex subs(const ex & thisex, const lst & ls, const lst & lr) { return thisex.subs(ls, lr); } inline ex op(const ex & thisex, int i) { return thisex.op(i); } inline ex lhs(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.lhs(); } inline ex rhs(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.rhs(); } inline bool is_zero(const ex & thisex) { return thisex.is_zero(); } inline void swap(ex & e1, ex & e2) { e1.swap(e2); } } // namespace GiNaC #endif // ndef __GINAC_EX_H__