/** @file inifcns_trans.cpp * * Implementation of transcendental (and trigonometric and hyperbolic) * functions. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include "inifcns.h" #include "ex.h" #include "constant.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "power.h" #include "relational.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "pseries.h" #include "utils.h" namespace GiNaC { ////////// // exponential function ////////// static ex exp_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return exp(ex_to(x)); return exp(x).hold(); } static ex exp_eval(const ex & x) { // exp(0) -> 1 if (x.is_zero()) { return _ex1; } // exp(n*Pi*I/2) -> {+1|+I|-1|-I} const ex TwoExOverPiI=(_ex2*x)/(Pi*I); if (TwoExOverPiI.info(info_flags::integer)) { const numeric z = mod(ex_to(TwoExOverPiI),_num4); if (z.is_equal(_num0)) return _ex1; if (z.is_equal(_num1)) return ex(I); if (z.is_equal(_num2)) return _ex_1; if (z.is_equal(_num3)) return ex(-I); } // exp(log(x)) -> x if (is_ex_the_function(x, log)) return x.op(0); // exp(float) if (x.info(info_flags::numeric) && !x.info(info_flags::crational)) return exp(ex_to(x)); return exp(x).hold(); } static ex exp_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx exp(x) -> exp(x) return exp(x); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(exp, eval_func(exp_eval). evalf_func(exp_evalf). derivative_func(exp_deriv). latex_name("\\exp")); ////////// // natural logarithm ////////// static ex log_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return log(ex_to(x)); return log(x).hold(); } static ex log_eval(const ex & x) { if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { if (x.is_zero()) // log(0) -> infinity throw(pole_error("log_eval(): log(0)",0)); if (x.info(info_flags::real) && x.info(info_flags::negative)) return (log(-x)+I*Pi); if (x.is_equal(_ex1)) // log(1) -> 0 return _ex0; if (x.is_equal(I)) // log(I) -> Pi*I/2 return (Pi*I*_num1_2); if (x.is_equal(-I)) // log(-I) -> -Pi*I/2 return (Pi*I*_num_1_2); // log(float) if (!x.info(info_flags::crational)) return log(ex_to(x)); } // log(exp(t)) -> t (if -Pi < t.imag() <= Pi): if (is_ex_the_function(x, exp)) { const ex &t = x.op(0); if (t.info(info_flags::numeric)) { const numeric &nt = ex_to(t); if (nt.is_real()) return t; } } return log(x).hold(); } static ex log_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx log(x) -> 1/x return power(x, _ex_1); } // This is a strange workaround for a compiliation problem with the try statement // below. With -O1 the exception is not caucht properly as of GCC-2.95.2, at // least on i386. Version 2.95.4 seems to have fixed this silly problem, though. // Funnily, with a simple extern declaration here it mysteriously works again. #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__==2) extern "C" int putchar(int); #endif static ex log_series(const ex &arg, const relational &rel, int order, unsigned options) { GINAC_ASSERT(is_a(rel.lhs())); ex arg_pt; bool must_expand_arg = false; // maybe substitution of rel into arg fails because of a pole try { arg_pt = arg.subs(rel); } catch (pole_error) { must_expand_arg = true; } // or we are at the branch point anyways if (arg_pt.is_zero()) must_expand_arg = true; if (must_expand_arg) { // method: // This is the branch point: Series expand the argument first, then // trivially factorize it to isolate that part which has constant // leading coefficient in this fashion: // x^n + x^(n+1) +...+ Order(x^(n+m)) -> x^n * (1 + x +...+ Order(x^m)). // Return a plain n*log(x) for the x^n part and series expand the // other part. Add them together and reexpand again in order to have // one unnested pseries object. All this also works for negative n. pseries argser; // series expansion of log's argument unsigned extra_ord = 0; // extra expansion order do { // oops, the argument expanded to a pure Order(x^something)... argser = ex_to(arg.series(rel, order+extra_ord, options)); ++extra_ord; } while (!argser.is_terminating() && argser.nops()==1); const symbol &s = ex_to(rel.lhs()); const ex &point = rel.rhs(); const int n = argser.ldegree(s); epvector seq; // construct what we carelessly called the n*log(x) term above const ex coeff = argser.coeff(s, n); // expand the log, but only if coeff is real and > 0, since otherwise // it would make the branch cut run into the wrong direction if (coeff.info(info_flags::positive)) seq.push_back(expair(n*log(s-point)+log(coeff), _ex0)); else seq.push_back(expair(log(coeff*pow(s-point, n)), _ex0)); if (!argser.is_terminating() || argser.nops()!=1) { // in this case n more (or less) terms are needed // (sadly, to generate them, we have to start from the beginning) const ex newarg = ex_to((arg/coeff).series(rel, order+n, options)).shift_exponents(-n).convert_to_poly(true); return pseries(rel, seq).add_series(ex_to(log(newarg).series(rel, order, options))); } else // it was a monomial return pseries(rel, seq); } if (!(options & series_options::suppress_branchcut) && arg_pt.info(info_flags::negative)) { // method: // This is the branch cut: assemble the primitive series manually and // then add the corresponding complex step function. const symbol &s = ex_to(rel.lhs()); const ex &point = rel.rhs(); const symbol foo; const ex replarg = series(log(arg), s==foo, order).subs(foo==point); epvector seq; seq.push_back(expair(-I*csgn(arg*I)*Pi, _ex0)); seq.push_back(expair(Order(_ex1), order)); return series(replarg - I*Pi + pseries(rel, seq), rel, order); } throw do_taylor(); // caught by function::series() } REGISTER_FUNCTION(log, eval_func(log_eval). evalf_func(log_evalf). derivative_func(log_deriv). series_func(log_series). latex_name("\\ln")); ////////// // sine (trigonometric function) ////////// static ex sin_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return sin(ex_to(x)); return sin(x).hold(); } static ex sin_eval(const ex & x) { // sin(n/d*Pi) -> { all known non-nested radicals } const ex SixtyExOverPi = _ex60*x/Pi; ex sign = _ex1; if (SixtyExOverPi.info(info_flags::integer)) { numeric z = mod(ex_to(SixtyExOverPi),_num120); if (z>=_num60) { // wrap to interval [0, Pi) z -= _num60; sign = _ex_1; } if (z>_num30) { // wrap to interval [0, Pi/2) z = _num60-z; } if (z.is_equal(_num0)) // sin(0) -> 0 return _ex0; if (z.is_equal(_num5)) // sin(Pi/12) -> sqrt(6)/4*(1-sqrt(3)/3) return sign*_ex1_4*sqrt(_ex6)*(_ex1+_ex_1_3*sqrt(_ex3)); if (z.is_equal(_num6)) // sin(Pi/10) -> sqrt(5)/4-1/4 return sign*(_ex1_4*sqrt(_ex5)+_ex_1_4); if (z.is_equal(_num10)) // sin(Pi/6) -> 1/2 return sign*_ex1_2; if (z.is_equal(_num15)) // sin(Pi/4) -> sqrt(2)/2 return sign*_ex1_2*sqrt(_ex2); if (z.is_equal(_num18)) // sin(3/10*Pi) -> sqrt(5)/4+1/4 return sign*(_ex1_4*sqrt(_ex5)+_ex1_4); if (z.is_equal(_num20)) // sin(Pi/3) -> sqrt(3)/2 return sign*_ex1_2*sqrt(_ex3); if (z.is_equal(_num25)) // sin(5/12*Pi) -> sqrt(6)/4*(1+sqrt(3)/3) return sign*_ex1_4*sqrt(_ex6)*(_ex1+_ex1_3*sqrt(_ex3)); if (z.is_equal(_num30)) // sin(Pi/2) -> 1 return sign; } if (is_exactly_a(x)) { const ex &t = x.op(0); // sin(asin(x)) -> x if (is_ex_the_function(x, asin)) return t; // sin(acos(x)) -> sqrt(1-x^2) if (is_ex_the_function(x, acos)) return sqrt(_ex1-power(t,_ex2)); // sin(atan(x)) -> x/sqrt(1+x^2) if (is_ex_the_function(x, atan)) return t*power(_ex1+power(t,_ex2),_ex_1_2); } // sin(float) -> float if (x.info(info_flags::numeric) && !x.info(info_flags::crational)) return sin(ex_to(x)); return sin(x).hold(); } static ex sin_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx sin(x) -> cos(x) return cos(x); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(sin, eval_func(sin_eval). evalf_func(sin_evalf). derivative_func(sin_deriv). latex_name("\\sin")); ////////// // cosine (trigonometric function) ////////// static ex cos_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return cos(ex_to(x)); return cos(x).hold(); } static ex cos_eval(const ex & x) { // cos(n/d*Pi) -> { all known non-nested radicals } const ex SixtyExOverPi = _ex60*x/Pi; ex sign = _ex1; if (SixtyExOverPi.info(info_flags::integer)) { numeric z = mod(ex_to(SixtyExOverPi),_num120); if (z>=_num60) { // wrap to interval [0, Pi) z = _num120-z; } if (z>=_num30) { // wrap to interval [0, Pi/2) z = _num60-z; sign = _ex_1; } if (z.is_equal(_num0)) // cos(0) -> 1 return sign; if (z.is_equal(_num5)) // cos(Pi/12) -> sqrt(6)/4*(1+sqrt(3)/3) return sign*_ex1_4*sqrt(_ex6)*(_ex1+_ex1_3*sqrt(_ex3)); if (z.is_equal(_num10)) // cos(Pi/6) -> sqrt(3)/2 return sign*_ex1_2*sqrt(_ex3); if (z.is_equal(_num12)) // cos(Pi/5) -> sqrt(5)/4+1/4 return sign*(_ex1_4*sqrt(_ex5)+_ex1_4); if (z.is_equal(_num15)) // cos(Pi/4) -> sqrt(2)/2 return sign*_ex1_2*sqrt(_ex2); if (z.is_equal(_num20)) // cos(Pi/3) -> 1/2 return sign*_ex1_2; if (z.is_equal(_num24)) // cos(2/5*Pi) -> sqrt(5)/4-1/4x return sign*(_ex1_4*sqrt(_ex5)+_ex_1_4); if (z.is_equal(_num25)) // cos(5/12*Pi) -> sqrt(6)/4*(1-sqrt(3)/3) return sign*_ex1_4*sqrt(_ex6)*(_ex1+_ex_1_3*sqrt(_ex3)); if (z.is_equal(_num30)) // cos(Pi/2) -> 0 return _ex0; } if (is_exactly_a(x)) { const ex &t = x.op(0); // cos(acos(x)) -> x if (is_ex_the_function(x, acos)) return t; // cos(asin(x)) -> sqrt(1-x^2) if (is_ex_the_function(x, asin)) return sqrt(_ex1-power(t,_ex2)); // cos(atan(x)) -> 1/sqrt(1+x^2) if (is_ex_the_function(x, atan)) return power(_ex1+power(t,_ex2),_ex_1_2); } // cos(float) -> float if (x.info(info_flags::numeric) && !x.info(info_flags::crational)) return cos(ex_to(x)); return cos(x).hold(); } static ex cos_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx cos(x) -> -sin(x) return -sin(x); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(cos, eval_func(cos_eval). evalf_func(cos_evalf). derivative_func(cos_deriv). latex_name("\\cos")); ////////// // tangent (trigonometric function) ////////// static ex tan_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return tan(ex_to(x)); return tan(x).hold(); } static ex tan_eval(const ex & x) { // tan(n/d*Pi) -> { all known non-nested radicals } const ex SixtyExOverPi = _ex60*x/Pi; ex sign = _ex1; if (SixtyExOverPi.info(info_flags::integer)) { numeric z = mod(ex_to(SixtyExOverPi),_num60); if (z>=_num60) { // wrap to interval [0, Pi) z -= _num60; } if (z>=_num30) { // wrap to interval [0, Pi/2) z = _num60-z; sign = _ex_1; } if (z.is_equal(_num0)) // tan(0) -> 0 return _ex0; if (z.is_equal(_num5)) // tan(Pi/12) -> 2-sqrt(3) return sign*(_ex2-sqrt(_ex3)); if (z.is_equal(_num10)) // tan(Pi/6) -> sqrt(3)/3 return sign*_ex1_3*sqrt(_ex3); if (z.is_equal(_num15)) // tan(Pi/4) -> 1 return sign; if (z.is_equal(_num20)) // tan(Pi/3) -> sqrt(3) return sign*sqrt(_ex3); if (z.is_equal(_num25)) // tan(5/12*Pi) -> 2+sqrt(3) return sign*(sqrt(_ex3)+_ex2); if (z.is_equal(_num30)) // tan(Pi/2) -> infinity throw (pole_error("tan_eval(): simple pole",1)); } if (is_exactly_a(x)) { const ex &t = x.op(0); // tan(atan(x)) -> x if (is_ex_the_function(x, atan)) return t; // tan(asin(x)) -> x/sqrt(1+x^2) if (is_ex_the_function(x, asin)) return t*power(_ex1-power(t,_ex2),_ex_1_2); // tan(acos(x)) -> sqrt(1-x^2)/x if (is_ex_the_function(x, acos)) return power(t,_ex_1)*sqrt(_ex1-power(t,_ex2)); } // tan(float) -> float if (x.info(info_flags::numeric) && !x.info(info_flags::crational)) { return tan(ex_to(x)); } return tan(x).hold(); } static ex tan_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx tan(x) -> 1+tan(x)^2; return (_ex1+power(tan(x),_ex2)); } static ex tan_series(const ex &x, const relational &rel, int order, unsigned options) { GINAC_ASSERT(is_a(rel.lhs())); // method: // Taylor series where there is no pole falls back to tan_deriv. // On a pole simply expand sin(x)/cos(x). const ex x_pt = x.subs(rel); if (!(2*x_pt/Pi).info(info_flags::odd)) throw do_taylor(); // caught by function::series() // if we got here we have to care for a simple pole return (sin(x)/cos(x)).series(rel, order+2, options); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(tan, eval_func(tan_eval). evalf_func(tan_evalf). derivative_func(tan_deriv). series_func(tan_series). latex_name("\\tan")); ////////// // inverse sine (arc sine) ////////// static ex asin_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return asin(ex_to(x)); return asin(x).hold(); } static ex asin_eval(const ex & x) { if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { // asin(0) -> 0 if (x.is_zero()) return x; // asin(1/2) -> Pi/6 if (x.is_equal(_ex1_2)) return numeric(1,6)*Pi; // asin(1) -> Pi/2 if (x.is_equal(_ex1)) return _num1_2*Pi; // asin(-1/2) -> -Pi/6 if (x.is_equal(_ex_1_2)) return numeric(-1,6)*Pi; // asin(-1) -> -Pi/2 if (x.is_equal(_ex_1)) return _num_1_2*Pi; // asin(float) -> float if (!x.info(info_flags::crational)) return asin(ex_to(x)); } return asin(x).hold(); } static ex asin_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx asin(x) -> 1/sqrt(1-x^2) return power(1-power(x,_ex2),_ex_1_2); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(asin, eval_func(asin_eval). evalf_func(asin_evalf). derivative_func(asin_deriv). latex_name("\\arcsin")); ////////// // inverse cosine (arc cosine) ////////// static ex acos_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return acos(ex_to(x)); return acos(x).hold(); } static ex acos_eval(const ex & x) { if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { // acos(1) -> 0 if (x.is_equal(_ex1)) return _ex0; // acos(1/2) -> Pi/3 if (x.is_equal(_ex1_2)) return _ex1_3*Pi; // acos(0) -> Pi/2 if (x.is_zero()) return _ex1_2*Pi; // acos(-1/2) -> 2/3*Pi if (x.is_equal(_ex_1_2)) return numeric(2,3)*Pi; // acos(-1) -> Pi if (x.is_equal(_ex_1)) return Pi; // acos(float) -> float if (!x.info(info_flags::crational)) return acos(ex_to(x)); } return acos(x).hold(); } static ex acos_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx acos(x) -> -1/sqrt(1-x^2) return -power(1-power(x,_ex2),_ex_1_2); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(acos, eval_func(acos_eval). evalf_func(acos_evalf). derivative_func(acos_deriv). latex_name("\\arccos")); ////////// // inverse tangent (arc tangent) ////////// static ex atan_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return atan(ex_to(x)); return atan(x).hold(); } static ex atan_eval(const ex & x) { if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { // atan(0) -> 0 if (x.is_zero()) return _ex0; // atan(1) -> Pi/4 if (x.is_equal(_ex1)) return _ex1_4*Pi; // atan(-1) -> -Pi/4 if (x.is_equal(_ex_1)) return _ex_1_4*Pi; if (x.is_equal(I) || x.is_equal(-I)) throw (pole_error("atan_eval(): logarithmic pole",0)); // atan(float) -> float if (!x.info(info_flags::crational)) return atan(ex_to(x)); } return atan(x).hold(); } static ex atan_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx atan(x) -> 1/(1+x^2) return power(_ex1+power(x,_ex2), _ex_1); } static ex atan_series(const ex &arg, const relational &rel, int order, unsigned options) { GINAC_ASSERT(is_a(rel.lhs())); // method: // Taylor series where there is no pole or cut falls back to atan_deriv. // There are two branch cuts, one runnig from I up the imaginary axis and // one running from -I down the imaginary axis. The points I and -I are // poles. // On the branch cuts and the poles series expand // (log(1+I*x)-log(1-I*x))/(2*I) // instead. const ex arg_pt = arg.subs(rel); if (!(I*arg_pt).info(info_flags::real)) throw do_taylor(); // Re(x) != 0 if ((I*arg_pt).info(info_flags::real) && abs(I*arg_pt)<_ex1) throw do_taylor(); // Re(x) == 0, but abs(x)<1 // care for the poles, using the defining formula for atan()... if (arg_pt.is_equal(I) || arg_pt.is_equal(-I)) return ((log(1+I*arg)-log(1-I*arg))/(2*I)).series(rel, order, options); if (!(options & series_options::suppress_branchcut)) { // method: // This is the branch cut: assemble the primitive series manually and // then add the corresponding complex step function. const symbol &s = ex_to(rel.lhs()); const ex &point = rel.rhs(); const symbol foo; const ex replarg = series(atan(arg), s==foo, order).subs(foo==point); ex Order0correction = replarg.op(0)+csgn(arg)*Pi*_ex_1_2; if ((I*arg_pt)<_ex0) Order0correction += log((I*arg_pt+_ex_1)/(I*arg_pt+_ex1))*I*_ex_1_2; else Order0correction += log((I*arg_pt+_ex1)/(I*arg_pt+_ex_1))*I*_ex1_2; epvector seq; seq.push_back(expair(Order0correction, _ex0)); seq.push_back(expair(Order(_ex1), order)); return series(replarg - pseries(rel, seq), rel, order); } throw do_taylor(); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(atan, eval_func(atan_eval). evalf_func(atan_evalf). derivative_func(atan_deriv). series_func(atan_series). latex_name("\\arctan")); ////////// // inverse tangent (atan2(y,x)) ////////// static ex atan2_evalf(const ex &y, const ex &x) { if (is_exactly_a(y) && is_exactly_a(x)) return atan2(ex_to(y), ex_to(x)); return atan2(y, x).hold(); } static ex atan2_eval(const ex & y, const ex & x) { if (y.info(info_flags::numeric) && !y.info(info_flags::crational) && x.info(info_flags::numeric) && !x.info(info_flags::crational)) { return atan2_evalf(y,x); } return atan2(y,x).hold(); } static ex atan2_deriv(const ex & y, const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param<2); if (deriv_param==0) { // d/dy atan(y,x) return x*power(power(x,_ex2)+power(y,_ex2),_ex_1); } // d/dx atan(y,x) return -y*power(power(x,_ex2)+power(y,_ex2),_ex_1); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(atan2, eval_func(atan2_eval). evalf_func(atan2_evalf). derivative_func(atan2_deriv)); ////////// // hyperbolic sine (trigonometric function) ////////// static ex sinh_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return sinh(ex_to(x)); return sinh(x).hold(); } static ex sinh_eval(const ex & x) { if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { if (x.is_zero()) // sinh(0) -> 0 return _ex0; if (!x.info(info_flags::crational)) // sinh(float) -> float return sinh(ex_to(x)); } if ((x/Pi).info(info_flags::numeric) && ex_to(x/Pi).real().is_zero()) // sinh(I*x) -> I*sin(x) return I*sin(x/I); if (is_exactly_a(x)) { const ex &t = x.op(0); // sinh(asinh(x)) -> x if (is_ex_the_function(x, asinh)) return t; // sinh(acosh(x)) -> sqrt(x-1) * sqrt(x+1) if (is_ex_the_function(x, acosh)) return sqrt(t-_ex1)*sqrt(t+_ex1); // sinh(atanh(x)) -> x/sqrt(1-x^2) if (is_ex_the_function(x, atanh)) return t*power(_ex1-power(t,_ex2),_ex_1_2); } return sinh(x).hold(); } static ex sinh_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx sinh(x) -> cosh(x) return cosh(x); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(sinh, eval_func(sinh_eval). evalf_func(sinh_evalf). derivative_func(sinh_deriv). latex_name("\\sinh")); ////////// // hyperbolic cosine (trigonometric function) ////////// static ex cosh_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return cosh(ex_to(x)); return cosh(x).hold(); } static ex cosh_eval(const ex & x) { if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { if (x.is_zero()) // cosh(0) -> 1 return _ex1; if (!x.info(info_flags::crational)) // cosh(float) -> float return cosh(ex_to(x)); } if ((x/Pi).info(info_flags::numeric) && ex_to(x/Pi).real().is_zero()) // cosh(I*x) -> cos(x) return cos(x/I); if (is_exactly_a(x)) { const ex &t = x.op(0); // cosh(acosh(x)) -> x if (is_ex_the_function(x, acosh)) return t; // cosh(asinh(x)) -> sqrt(1+x^2) if (is_ex_the_function(x, asinh)) return sqrt(_ex1+power(t,_ex2)); // cosh(atanh(x)) -> 1/sqrt(1-x^2) if (is_ex_the_function(x, atanh)) return power(_ex1-power(t,_ex2),_ex_1_2); } return cosh(x).hold(); } static ex cosh_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx cosh(x) -> sinh(x) return sinh(x); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(cosh, eval_func(cosh_eval). evalf_func(cosh_evalf). derivative_func(cosh_deriv). latex_name("\\cosh")); ////////// // hyperbolic tangent (trigonometric function) ////////// static ex tanh_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return tanh(ex_to(x)); return tanh(x).hold(); } static ex tanh_eval(const ex & x) { if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { if (x.is_zero()) // tanh(0) -> 0 return _ex0; if (!x.info(info_flags::crational)) // tanh(float) -> float return tanh(ex_to(x)); } if ((x/Pi).info(info_flags::numeric) && ex_to(x/Pi).real().is_zero()) // tanh(I*x) -> I*tan(x); return I*tan(x/I); if (is_exactly_a(x)) { const ex &t = x.op(0); // tanh(atanh(x)) -> x if (is_ex_the_function(x, atanh)) return t; // tanh(asinh(x)) -> x/sqrt(1+x^2) if (is_ex_the_function(x, asinh)) return t*power(_ex1+power(t,_ex2),_ex_1_2); // tanh(acosh(x)) -> sqrt(x-1)*sqrt(x+1)/x if (is_ex_the_function(x, acosh)) return sqrt(t-_ex1)*sqrt(t+_ex1)*power(t,_ex_1); } return tanh(x).hold(); } static ex tanh_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx tanh(x) -> 1-tanh(x)^2 return _ex1-power(tanh(x),_ex2); } static ex tanh_series(const ex &x, const relational &rel, int order, unsigned options) { GINAC_ASSERT(is_a(rel.lhs())); // method: // Taylor series where there is no pole falls back to tanh_deriv. // On a pole simply expand sinh(x)/cosh(x). const ex x_pt = x.subs(rel); if (!(2*I*x_pt/Pi).info(info_flags::odd)) throw do_taylor(); // caught by function::series() // if we got here we have to care for a simple pole return (sinh(x)/cosh(x)).series(rel, order+2, options); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(tanh, eval_func(tanh_eval). evalf_func(tanh_evalf). derivative_func(tanh_deriv). series_func(tanh_series). latex_name("\\tanh")); ////////// // inverse hyperbolic sine (trigonometric function) ////////// static ex asinh_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return asinh(ex_to(x)); return asinh(x).hold(); } static ex asinh_eval(const ex & x) { if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { // asinh(0) -> 0 if (x.is_zero()) return _ex0; // asinh(float) -> float if (!x.info(info_flags::crational)) return asinh(ex_to(x)); } return asinh(x).hold(); } static ex asinh_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx asinh(x) -> 1/sqrt(1+x^2) return power(_ex1+power(x,_ex2),_ex_1_2); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(asinh, eval_func(asinh_eval). evalf_func(asinh_evalf). derivative_func(asinh_deriv)); ////////// // inverse hyperbolic cosine (trigonometric function) ////////// static ex acosh_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return acosh(ex_to(x)); return acosh(x).hold(); } static ex acosh_eval(const ex & x) { if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { // acosh(0) -> Pi*I/2 if (x.is_zero()) return Pi*I*numeric(1,2); // acosh(1) -> 0 if (x.is_equal(_ex1)) return _ex0; // acosh(-1) -> Pi*I if (x.is_equal(_ex_1)) return Pi*I; // acosh(float) -> float if (!x.info(info_flags::crational)) return acosh(ex_to(x)); } return acosh(x).hold(); } static ex acosh_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx acosh(x) -> 1/(sqrt(x-1)*sqrt(x+1)) return power(x+_ex_1,_ex_1_2)*power(x+_ex1,_ex_1_2); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(acosh, eval_func(acosh_eval). evalf_func(acosh_evalf). derivative_func(acosh_deriv)); ////////// // inverse hyperbolic tangent (trigonometric function) ////////// static ex atanh_evalf(const ex & x) { if (is_exactly_a(x)) return atanh(ex_to(x)); return atanh(x).hold(); } static ex atanh_eval(const ex & x) { if (x.info(info_flags::numeric)) { // atanh(0) -> 0 if (x.is_zero()) return _ex0; // atanh({+|-}1) -> throw if (x.is_equal(_ex1) || x.is_equal(_ex_1)) throw (pole_error("atanh_eval(): logarithmic pole",0)); // atanh(float) -> float if (!x.info(info_flags::crational)) return atanh(ex_to(x)); } return atanh(x).hold(); } static ex atanh_deriv(const ex & x, unsigned deriv_param) { GINAC_ASSERT(deriv_param==0); // d/dx atanh(x) -> 1/(1-x^2) return power(_ex1-power(x,_ex2),_ex_1); } static ex atanh_series(const ex &arg, const relational &rel, int order, unsigned options) { GINAC_ASSERT(is_a(rel.lhs())); // method: // Taylor series where there is no pole or cut falls back to atanh_deriv. // There are two branch cuts, one runnig from 1 up the real axis and one // one running from -1 down the real axis. The points 1 and -1 are poles // On the branch cuts and the poles series expand // (log(1+x)-log(1-x))/2 // instead. const ex arg_pt = arg.subs(rel); if (!(arg_pt).info(info_flags::real)) throw do_taylor(); // Im(x) != 0 if ((arg_pt).info(info_flags::real) && abs(arg_pt)<_ex1) throw do_taylor(); // Im(x) == 0, but abs(x)<1 // care for the poles, using the defining formula for atanh()... if (arg_pt.is_equal(_ex1) || arg_pt.is_equal(_ex_1)) return ((log(_ex1+arg)-log(_ex1-arg))*_ex1_2).series(rel, order, options); // ...and the branch cuts (the discontinuity at the cut being just I*Pi) if (!(options & series_options::suppress_branchcut)) { // method: // This is the branch cut: assemble the primitive series manually and // then add the corresponding complex step function. const symbol &s = ex_to(rel.lhs()); const ex &point = rel.rhs(); const symbol foo; const ex replarg = series(atanh(arg), s==foo, order).subs(foo==point); ex Order0correction = replarg.op(0)+csgn(I*arg)*Pi*I*_ex1_2; if (arg_pt<_ex0) Order0correction += log((arg_pt+_ex_1)/(arg_pt+_ex1))*_ex1_2; else Order0correction += log((arg_pt+_ex1)/(arg_pt+_ex_1))*_ex_1_2; epvector seq; seq.push_back(expair(Order0correction, _ex0)); seq.push_back(expair(Order(_ex1), order)); return series(replarg - pseries(rel, seq), rel, order); } throw do_taylor(); } REGISTER_FUNCTION(atanh, eval_func(atanh_eval). evalf_func(atanh_evalf). derivative_func(atanh_deriv). series_func(atanh_series)); } // namespace GiNaC