/** @file integral.cpp * * Implementation of GiNaC's symbolic integral. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "integral.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "symbol.h" #include "add.h" #include "mul.h" #include "power.h" #include "inifcns.h" #include "wildcard.h" #include "archive.h" #include "registrar.h" #include "utils.h" #include "operators.h" #include "relational.h" using namespace std; namespace GiNaC { GINAC_IMPLEMENT_REGISTERED_CLASS_OPT(integral, basic, print_func(&integral::do_print). print_func(&integral::do_print_latex)) ////////// // default constructor ////////// integral::integral() : x(dynallocate()) {} ////////// // other constructors ////////// // public integral::integral(const ex & x_, const ex & a_, const ex & b_, const ex & f_) : x(x_), a(a_), b(b_), f(f_) { if (!is_a(x)) { throw(std::invalid_argument("first argument of integral must be of type symbol")); } } ////////// // archiving ////////// void integral::read_archive(const archive_node& n, lst& sym_lst) { inherited::read_archive(n, sym_lst); n.find_ex("x", x, sym_lst); n.find_ex("a", a, sym_lst); n.find_ex("b", b, sym_lst); n.find_ex("f", f, sym_lst); } void integral::archive(archive_node & n) const { inherited::archive(n); n.add_ex("x", x); n.add_ex("a", a); n.add_ex("b", b); n.add_ex("f", f); } ////////// // functions overriding virtual functions from base classes ////////// void integral::do_print(const print_context & c, unsigned level) const { c.s << "integral("; x.print(c); c.s << ","; a.print(c); c.s << ","; b.print(c); c.s << ","; f.print(c); c.s << ")"; } void integral::do_print_latex(const print_latex & c, unsigned level) const { string varname = ex_to(x).get_name(); if (level > precedence()) c.s << "\\left("; c.s << "\\int_{"; a.print(c); c.s << "}^{"; b.print(c); c.s << "} d"; if (varname.size() > 1) c.s << "\\," << varname << "\\:"; else c.s << varname << "\\,"; f.print(c,precedence()); if (level > precedence()) c.s << "\\right)"; } int integral::compare_same_type(const basic & other) const { GINAC_ASSERT(is_exactly_a(other)); const integral &o = static_cast(other); int cmpval = x.compare(o.x); if (cmpval) return cmpval; cmpval = a.compare(o.a); if (cmpval) return cmpval; cmpval = b.compare(o.b); if (cmpval) return cmpval; return f.compare(o.f); } ex integral::eval(int level) const { if ((level==1) && (flags & status_flags::evaluated)) return *this; if (level == -max_recursion_level) throw(std::runtime_error("max recursion level reached")); ex eintvar = (level==1) ? x : x.eval(level-1); ex ea = (level==1) ? a : a.eval(level-1); ex eb = (level==1) ? b : b.eval(level-1); ex ef = (level==1) ? f : f.eval(level-1); if (!ef.has(eintvar) && !haswild(ef)) return eb*ef-ea*ef; if (ea==eb) return _ex0; if (are_ex_trivially_equal(eintvar,x) && are_ex_trivially_equal(ea,a) && are_ex_trivially_equal(eb,b) && are_ex_trivially_equal(ef,f)) return this->hold(); return dynallocate(eintvar, ea, eb, ef).setflag(status_flags::evaluated); } ex integral::evalf(int level) const { ex ea; ex eb; ex ef; if (level==1) { ea = a; eb = b; ef = f; } else if (level == -max_recursion_level) { throw(runtime_error("max recursion level reached")); } else { ea = a.evalf(level-1); eb = b.evalf(level-1); ef = f.evalf(level-1); } // 12.34 is just an arbitrary number used to check whether a number // results after substituting a number for the integration variable. if (is_exactly_a(ea) && is_exactly_a(eb) && is_exactly_a(ef.subs(x==12.34).evalf())) { return adaptivesimpson(x, ea, eb, ef); } if (are_ex_trivially_equal(a, ea) && are_ex_trivially_equal(b, eb) && are_ex_trivially_equal(f, ef)) return *this; else return dynallocate(x, ea, eb, ef); } int integral::max_integration_level = 15; ex integral::relative_integration_error = 1e-8; ex subsvalue(const ex & var, const ex & value, const ex & fun) { ex result = fun.subs(var==value).evalf(); if (is_a(result)) return result; throw logic_error("integrand does not evaluate to numeric"); } struct error_and_integral { error_and_integral(const ex &err, const ex &integ) :error(err), integral(integ){} ex error; ex integral; }; struct error_and_integral_is_less { bool operator()(const error_and_integral &e1,const error_and_integral &e2) const { int c = e1.integral.compare(e2.integral); if(c < 0) return true; if(c > 0) return false; return ex_is_less()(e1.error, e2.error); } }; typedef map lookup_map; /** Numeric integration routine based upon the "Adaptive Quadrature" one * in "Numerical Analysis" by Burden and Faires. Parameters are integration * variable, left boundary, right boundary, function to be integrated and * the relative integration error. The function should evalf into a number * after substituting the integration variable by a number. Another thing * to note is that this implementation is no good at integrating functions * with discontinuities. */ ex adaptivesimpson(const ex & x, const ex & a_in, const ex & b_in, const ex & f, const ex & error) { // Check whether boundaries and error are numbers. ex a = is_exactly_a(a_in) ? a_in : a_in.evalf(); ex b = is_exactly_a(b_in) ? b_in : b_in.evalf(); if(!is_exactly_a(a) || !is_exactly_a(b)) throw std::runtime_error("For numerical integration the boundaries of the integral should evalf into numbers."); if(!is_exactly_a(error)) throw std::runtime_error("For numerical integration the error should be a number."); // Use lookup table to be potentially much faster. static lookup_map lookup; static symbol ivar("ivar"); ex lookupex = integral(ivar,a,b,f.subs(x==ivar)); lookup_map::iterator emi = lookup.find(error_and_integral(error, lookupex)); if (emi!=lookup.end()) return emi->second; ex app = 0; int i = 1; exvector avec(integral::max_integration_level+1); exvector hvec(integral::max_integration_level+1); exvector favec(integral::max_integration_level+1); exvector fbvec(integral::max_integration_level+1); exvector fcvec(integral::max_integration_level+1); exvector svec(integral::max_integration_level+1); exvector errorvec(integral::max_integration_level+1); vector lvec(integral::max_integration_level+1); avec[i] = a; hvec[i] = (b-a)/2; favec[i] = subsvalue(x, a, f); fcvec[i] = subsvalue(x, a+hvec[i], f); fbvec[i] = subsvalue(x, b, f); svec[i] = hvec[i]*(favec[i]+4*fcvec[i]+fbvec[i])/3; lvec[i] = 1; errorvec[i] = error*abs(svec[i]); while (i>0) { ex fd = subsvalue(x, avec[i]+hvec[i]/2, f); ex fe = subsvalue(x, avec[i]+3*hvec[i]/2, f); ex s1 = hvec[i]*(favec[i]+4*fd+fcvec[i])/6; ex s2 = hvec[i]*(fcvec[i]+4*fe+fbvec[i])/6; ex nu1 = avec[i]; ex nu2 = favec[i]; ex nu3 = fcvec[i]; ex nu4 = fbvec[i]; ex nu5 = hvec[i]; // hopefully prevents a crash if the function is zero sometimes. ex nu6 = max(errorvec[i], abs(s1+s2)*error); ex nu7 = svec[i]; int nu8 = lvec[i]; --i; if (abs(ex_to(s1+s2-nu7)) <= nu6) app+=(s1+s2); else { if (nu8>=integral::max_integration_level) throw runtime_error("max integration level reached"); ++i; avec[i] = nu1+nu5; favec[i] = nu3; fcvec[i] = fe; fbvec[i] = nu4; hvec[i] = nu5/2; errorvec[i]=nu6/2; svec[i] = s2; lvec[i] = nu8+1; ++i; avec[i] = nu1; favec[i] = nu2; fcvec[i] = fd; fbvec[i] = nu3; hvec[i] = hvec[i-1]; errorvec[i]=errorvec[i-1]; svec[i] = s1; lvec[i] = lvec[i-1]; } } lookup[error_and_integral(error, lookupex)]=app; return app; } int integral::degree(const ex & s) const { return ((b-a)*f).degree(s); } int integral::ldegree(const ex & s) const { return ((b-a)*f).ldegree(s); } ex integral::eval_ncmul(const exvector & v) const { return f.eval_ncmul(v); } size_t integral::nops() const { return 4; } ex integral::op(size_t i) const { GINAC_ASSERT(i<4); switch (i) { case 0: return x; case 1: return a; case 2: return b; case 3: return f; default: throw (std::out_of_range("integral::op() out of range")); } } ex & integral::let_op(size_t i) { ensure_if_modifiable(); switch (i) { case 0: return x; case 1: return a; case 2: return b; case 3: return f; default: throw (std::out_of_range("integral::let_op() out of range")); } } ex integral::expand(unsigned options) const { if (options==0 && (flags & status_flags::expanded)) return *this; ex newa = a.expand(options); ex newb = b.expand(options); ex newf = f.expand(options); if (is_a(newf)) { exvector v; v.reserve(newf.nops()); for (size_t i=0; i(newf)) { ex prefactor = 1; ex rest = 1; for (size_t i=0; isetflag(status_flags::expanded); return *this; } const integral & newint = dynallocate(x, newa, newb, newf); if (options == 0) newint.setflag(status_flags::expanded); return newint; } ex integral::derivative(const symbol & s) const { if (s==x) throw(logic_error("differentiation with respect to dummy variable")); return b.diff(s)*f.subs(x==b)-a.diff(s)*f.subs(x==a)+integral(x, a, b, f.diff(s)); } unsigned integral::return_type() const { return f.return_type(); } return_type_t integral::return_type_tinfo() const { return f.return_type_tinfo(); } ex integral::conjugate() const { ex conja = a.conjugate(); ex conjb = b.conjugate(); ex conjf = f.conjugate().subs(x.conjugate()==x); if (are_ex_trivially_equal(a, conja) && are_ex_trivially_equal(b, conjb) && are_ex_trivially_equal(f, conjf)) return *this; return dynallocate(x, conja, conjb, conjf); } ex integral::eval_integ() const { if (!(flags & status_flags::expanded)) return this->expand().eval_integ(); if (f==x) return b*b/2-a*a/2; if (is_a(f) && f.op(0)==x) { if (f.op(1)==-1) return log(b/a); if (!f.op(1).has(x)) { ex primit = power(x,f.op(1)+1)/(f.op(1)+1); return primit.subs(x==b)-primit.subs(x==a); } } return *this; } GINAC_BIND_UNARCHIVER(integral); } // namespace GiNaC