/** @file structure.h * * Wrapper template for making GiNaC classes out of C++ structures. */ /* * GiNaC Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __GINAC_STRUCTURE_H__ #define __GINAC_STRUCTURE_H__ #include #include "ex.h" #include "print.h" namespace GiNaC { extern unsigned next_structure_tinfo_key; /** Comparison policy: all structures of one type are equal */ template class compare_all_equal { protected: static bool struct_is_equal(const T * t1, const T * t2) { return true; } static int struct_compare(const T * t1, const T * t2) { return 0; } // disallow destruction of structure through a compare_all_equal* protected: ~compare_all_equal() {} }; /** Comparison policy: use std::equal_to/std::less (defaults to operators * == and <) to compare structures. */ template class compare_std_less { protected: static bool struct_is_equal(const T * t1, const T * t2) { return std::equal_to()(*t1, *t2); } static int struct_compare(const T * t1, const T * t2) { if (std::less()(*t1, *t2)) return -1; else if (std::less()(*t2, *t1)) return 1; else return 0; } // disallow destruction of structure through a compare_std_less* protected: ~compare_std_less() {} }; /** Comparison policy: use bit-wise comparison to compare structures. */ template class compare_bitwise { protected: static bool struct_is_equal(const T * t1, const T * t2) { const char * cp1 = reinterpret_cast(t1); const char * cp2 = reinterpret_cast(t2); return std::equal(cp1, cp1 + sizeof(T), cp2); } static int struct_compare(const T * t1, const T * t2) { const unsigned char * cp1 = reinterpret_cast(t1); const unsigned char * cp2 = reinterpret_cast(t2); typedef std::pair cppair; cppair res = std::mismatch(cp1, cp1 + sizeof(T), cp2); if (res.first == cp1 + sizeof(T)) return 0; else if (*res.first < *res.second) return -1; else return 1; } // disallow destruction of structure through a compare_bitwise* protected: ~compare_bitwise() {} }; // Select default comparison policy template class ComparisonPolicy = compare_all_equal> class structure; /** Wrapper template for making GiNaC classes out of C++ structures. */ template class ComparisonPolicy> class structure : public basic, public ComparisonPolicy { GINAC_DECLARE_REGISTERED_CLASS(structure, basic) // helpers static unsigned get_tinfo() { return reg_info.tinfo_key; } static const char *get_class_name() { return "structure"; } // constructors public: /** Construct structure as a copy of a given C++ structure. */ structure(const T & t) : inherited(get_tinfo()), obj(t) { } // functions overriding virtual functions from base classes // All these are just defaults that can be specialized by the user public: // evaluation ex eval(int level = 0) const { return hold(); } ex evalf(int level = 0) const { return inherited::evalf(level); } ex evalm() const { return inherited::evalm(); } protected: ex eval_ncmul(const exvector & v) const { return hold_ncmul(v); } public: ex eval_indexed(const basic & i) const { return i.hold(); } // printing void print(const print_context & c, unsigned level = 0) const { inherited::print(c, level); } unsigned precedence() const { return 70; } // info bool info(unsigned inf) const { return false; } // operand access size_t nops() const { return 0; } ex op(size_t i) const { return inherited::op(i); } ex operator[](const ex & index) const { return inherited::operator[](index); } ex operator[](size_t i) const { return inherited::operator[](i); } ex & let_op(size_t i) { return inherited::let_op(i); } ex & operator[](const ex & index) { return inherited::operator[](index); } ex & operator[](size_t i) { return inherited::operator[](i); } // pattern matching bool has(const ex & other) const { return inherited::has(other); } bool match(const ex & pattern, lst & repl_lst) const { return inherited::match(pattern, repl_lst); } protected: bool match_same_type(const basic & other) const { return true; } public: // substitutions ex subs(const exmap & m, unsigned options = 0) const { return inherited::subs(m, options); } // function mapping ex map(map_function & f) const { return inherited::map(f); } // degree/coeff int degree(const ex & s) const { return inherited::degree(s); } int ldegree(const ex & s) const { return inherited::ldegree(s); } ex coeff(const ex & s, int n = 1) const { return inherited::coeff(s, n); } // expand/collect ex expand(unsigned options = 0) const { return inherited::expand(options); } ex collect(const ex & s, bool distributed = false) const { return inherited::collect(s, distributed); } // differentiation and series expansion protected: ex derivative(const symbol & s) const { return inherited::derivative(s); } public: ex series(const relational & r, int order, unsigned options = 0) const { return inherited::series(r, order, options); } // rational functions ex normal(exmap & repl, exmap & rev_lookup, int level = 0) const { return inherited::normal(repl, rev_lookup, level); } ex to_rational(lst & repl_lst) const { return inherited::to_rational(repl_lst); } ex to_polynomial(lst & repl_lst) const { return inherited::to_polynomial(repl_lst); } // polynomial algorithms numeric integer_content() const { return 1; } ex smod(const numeric & xi) const { return *this; } numeric max_coefficient() const { return 1; } // indexed objects exvector get_free_indices() const { return exvector(); } ex add_indexed(const ex & self, const ex & other) const { return self + other; } ex scalar_mul_indexed(const ex & self, const numeric & other) const { return self * other; } bool contract_with(exvector::iterator self, exvector::iterator other, exvector & v) const { return false; } // noncommutativity unsigned return_type() const { return return_types::commutative; } unsigned return_type_tinfo() const { return tinfo(); } protected: bool is_equal_same_type(const basic & other) const { GINAC_ASSERT(is_a(other)); const structure & o = static_cast(other); return struct_is_equal(&obj, &o.obj); } unsigned calchash() const { return inherited::calchash(); } // non-virtual functions in this class public: // access to embedded structure const T *operator->() const { return &obj; } T &get_struct() { return obj; } const T &get_struct() const { return obj; } private: T obj; }; /** Default constructor */ template class CP> structure::structure() : inherited(get_tinfo()) { } /** Construct object from archive_node. */ template class CP> structure::structure(const archive_node &n, lst &sym_lst) : inherited(n, sym_lst) {} /** Unarchive the object. */ template class CP> ex structure::unarchive(const archive_node &n, lst &sym_lst) { return (new structure(n, sym_lst))->setflag(status_flags::dynallocated); } /** Archive the object. */ template class CP> void structure::archive(archive_node &n) const { inherited::archive(n); } /** Compare two structures of the same type. */ template class CP> int structure::compare_same_type(const basic & other) const { GINAC_ASSERT(is_a(other)); const structure & o = static_cast(other); return struct_compare(&obj, &o.obj); } template class CP> registered_class_info structure::reg_info(structure::get_class_name(), "basic", next_structure_tinfo_key++, &structure::unarchive); template class CP> const char *structure::class_name() const { return reg_info.name; } } // namespace GiNaC #endif // ndef __GINAC_STRUCTURE_H__