Isidro Cachadiña Gutiérrez icacha at unex.es
Wed Dec 1 18:24:03 CET 2004

El Martes, 30 de Noviembre de 2004 22:19, Richard B. Kreckel escribió:
> On Tue, 30 Nov 2004, Isidro [iso-8859-15] Cachadiña Gutiérrez wrote:
> > Are there any way to declare all variables with a number digits for
> > example, something like.
> >
> > funcion_foo (DIGITS);
> >
> > And then you are sure that all floating points variables are of number of
> > decimal digits given by DIGITS.
> Sort of, yes.  Please search the documentation for default_float_format.

Yes, I've read the documentation for default_float_format and  I want 
something like 

default_float_format  float_format(50);

cause float_format (uintL n) "gives the smalles float format which guarantees 
at least n decimal digits in the mantisa."

Then, if I want that all numbers with 50 decimal digits the global variable 
default_float_format has to be equalled with this function, or am I wrong?

default_float_format and float_format are of the type float_format_t and 
the compiler doesn't want compile it, perhaps I am doing someting wrong.   


*                    Dr. Isidro Cachadiña Gutiérrez                       * 
*                        Departamento de Física                           * 
*                         Facultad de Ciencias                            *
*                      Universidad de Extremadura                         *
*                        06071  Badajoz ( SPAIN )                         * 
*                         email: icacha at unex.es                           * 
*    Teléfono: +34 924 289 300 Ext. 6826     Fax: +34 924 289 651   *
* Usuario Linux: 8569         *
* Para clave pública GnuPG: http://onsager.unex.es/firma.pub.asc          *
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