[CLN-list] More bugs.

Isidro Cachadiña Gutiérrez icacha at unex.es
Mon Dec 13 10:35:03 CET 2004

El Viernes, 10 de Diciembre de 2004 22:48, Richard B. Kreckel escribió:
> Hi otra vez,
> On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Isidro [iso-8859-15] Cachadiña Gutiérrez wrote:
> > #include <iostream>
> > #include <cln/lfloat.h>
> > #include <cln/lfloat_io.h>
> >
> >
> > using namespace cln;
> > int main(int argc, char **argv)
> > {
> >
> >   default_float_format=float_format(100);
> >   cl_LF a,b,c;
> >   b="1e-60";
> >   a="1.0";
> >   c=a+b;
> >   std::cerr << "c=" << c << std::endl;
> >   c=c-a;
> >   std::cerr << "c=" << c << std::endl;
> > }
> >
> > And the outputs are 1.0L and 0.0L  ¿What happen with the
> > default_float_format?.  If I write a="1.00000000000000000000000 ..." 
> > (100 zeros here)  I obtain the same result, then b is lost somewhere.
> >
> > More, when b about  < 1e-20 then it is lost.  Maybe an error in the
> > conversion?
> >
> >From the documentation:
>     4.1.3 Constructing floating-point numbers
>     -----------------------------------------
>     `cl_F' objects with low precision are most easily constructed from C
>     `float' and `double'. See *Note Conversions::.
>   ........

Hello Richard and Bruno:

I'm sorry to tell you that you don't understand that I wanted to say, because 
it is related to the use of the global variable default_float_format, and not 
with the floating point representation but I will explain it.

Lets begin.

First, with your documentation the function 

float_format_t float_format( uintL n) 

"Returns the smallest float format wich guarantees at least n _decimal_ digits 
in the mantissa (after the decimal point)" (see _undelined_ the word decimal 

That is,  being q the number of binary digits of the mantisa  can be 
established the relation

    2^-q = 10^-n
then   q = n log 10/log 2

and with n = 100 then q = 332 bits approximately.  Then,  following the 
documentation the line 


should guarantize at least 332 bits in the mantissa, aproximately ¿right?.

When I define 


Can I expect that these numbers will be represented with 332 mantissa bits, or 

If not, there is a bug cause the global variable has not effect.  Or it is a 
feature?, I'll discuss it later...

If yes, there is a bug cause  in the result the b is truncated about 1e-20 
which is approximately 60 mantissa bits, and it is so close to the number of 
mantissa bit of the double type.  

> `cl_F' objects with low precision are most easily constructed from C
> `float' and `double'. See *Note Conversions::.

I think, because I have not read all the source code that there is a problem 
in the decimal to binary conversion that don't read the default_float_format 
variable before convert it to numbers), and then it has not effect.

>     To construct a `cl_F' with high precision, you can use the conversion
>     from `const char *', but you have to specify the desired precision
>     within the string. (See *Note Internal and printed representation::.)
>     Example:
>             cl_F e =
>     "0.271828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996e+1_40";
>     will set `e' to the given value, with a precision of 40 decimal digits.

Then is you don't consider the above behaviour as bugs, then I have a wish.   
The "programatic way" to define a number with the desired precission is good 
when you know how many decimal digits you need, but, for example I have a 
case in which I don't know how many digits I will need and I have to do with  
trial and error  procedure.  Then, the default_float_format must behave in 
this way:

   a = 5.0;

then 5.0 have to be converted to a 330 bits (if I choose 100 decimal digits) 
and in all algebraical operations like 


all numbers have to be converted to the default_float_format that I have 


>     The programmatic way to construct a `cl_F' with high precision is
>     through the `cl_float' conversion function, see *Note Conversion to
>     floating-point numbers::. For example, to compute `e' to 40 decimal
>     places, first construct 1.0 to 40 decimal places and then apply the
>     exponential function:
>             float_format_t precision = float_format(40);
>             cl_F e = exp(cl_float(1,precision));
Then programatic way that you have proposed is not good for long proyects 
cause you have to define a variable number of digits and then apply to all 
the conversions and things like b=a*2.72/c*7.28 become as the ugly 

  b = a*cl_float(2.72,precission)/c*cl_float(7.28,precision);

But, .....let us read my first e-mail...

>#include <iostream>
>#include <cln/real.h>
>#include <cln/real_io.h>

>using namespace cln;

>int main(int argc, char **argv)
> default_float_format=float_format(100);
> cl_R a,b;
>  b=cl_float(1e-1,default_float_format);
>  a=cl_float(1,default_float_format);
> a=a+b;
>  std::cerr << "a=" << a << std::endl;

>The output is:

 >                                        ^ ¿Why are here these noisy digits?.               
>They are so close ..

Upss.  It doesn't work. ¿a bug?.  The difference it is that I used 
default_float_format instead precission and the conversion of 1e-1 was done 
with approximately the double precission cause the noisy digits 55111... are 
about the 19 decimal digit not about the desired 100.   

> It appears like you are still totally confused about the relation between
> decimal and binary representation.  Please do have a close look at the
> paper by David Goldberg that Bruno Haible has recommended in an earlier
> thread!

If with all things that I wrote above you still think that I am confused with 
the relation between decimal and binary representation then I have a big 
problem, cause I think that two first mails were so clear about the problem.  

> What do you think a close approximation of 1/10 decimal in binary float
> is, provided you have 300 binary digits?  Hint: the mantissa doesn't end
> in all zeros.  Rather in 11001100110011001100....
> Since CLN neither does BCD nor is psychic, all decimal numbers must be
> approximated for a binary representation.  Now, since your input was not
> an (exact) rational number, but rather some float with limited precision,
> CLN did approximate as much as was reasonable.  But not more.
> Hasta la proxima
>   -richy.

A ver si esta vez nos enteramos del problema.
*                    Dr. Isidro Cachadiña Gutiérrez                       * 
*                        Departamento de Física                           * 
*                         Facultad de Ciencias                            *
*                      Universidad de Extremadura                         *
*                        06071  Badajoz ( SPAIN )                         * 
*                         email: icacha at unex.es                           * 
*    Teléfono: +34 924 289 300 Ext. 6826     Fax: +34 924 289 651   *
* Usuario Linux: 8569         *
* Para clave pública GnuPG: http://onsager.unex.es/firma.pub.asc          *
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