[CLN-list] More bugs.

Isidro Cachadiña Gutiérrez icacha at unex.es
Tue Dec 14 09:20:04 CET 2004

Hello again.  It seems that I am "improving" the list traffic, :-).
> > Can I expect that these numbers will be represented with 332 mantissa
> > bits, or not?.
> No.  Use cl_float(x,y) for that.  And remember that cl_float returns a
> cl_F, not a cl_LF.
Yes.  Now all my floats are cl_F.

> > If not, there is a bug cause the global variable has not effect.  Or it
> > is a feature?, I'll discuss it later...
> Feature.  goto later;
> > If yes, there is a bug cause  in the result the b is truncated about
> > 1e-20 which is approximately 60 mantissa bits, and it is so close to the
> > number of mantissa bit of the double type.
> Just one hopefully clarifying remark: This is because you specifically
> asked CLN to construct a cl_LF, which is at least as large as double.
> You end up with two machine words, which is 64 Bit and that is quite close
> to 20 decimal digits.
Then.  The main difference is that, by default, cl_F and cl_LF have different 
precission unless you specify it, right?.  If it is true it was not clear for 
me in the documentation. 

> > > `cl_F' objects with low precision are most easily constructed from C
> > > `float' and `double'. See *Note Conversions::.
> >
> > I think, because I have not read all the source code that there is a
> > problem in the decimal to binary conversion that don't read the
> > default_float_format variable before convert it to numbers), and then it
> > has not effect.
> later:
> Nobody expects you to read all the sources.   But the documentation
> clearly states (4.11.1 Conversion to floating-point numbers):
>     `float_format_t default_float_format'
>          Global variable: the default float format used when converting
>          rational numbers to floats.
>     To convert a real number to a float, each of the types `cl_R', `cl_F',
>     `cl_I', `cl_RA', `int', `unsigned int', `float', `double' defines the
>     following operations:
>     `cl_F cl_float (const TYPE&x, float_format_t f)'
>          Returns `x' as a float of format `f'.
>     `cl_F cl_float (const TYPE&x, const cl_F& y)'
>          Returns `x' in the float format of `y'.
>     `cl_F cl_float (const TYPE&x)'
>          Returns `x' as a float of format `default_float_format' if it is
>          an exact number, or `x' itself if it is already a float.
> I think that you are doing things with floating point numbers that are
> documented to work with rationals only.

Yes,  maybe.  

> No.  In a large project this would not be a good idea because any
> deterioration of precision due to lower precision in some of the input
> variables would go undetected.

Ok.  This is the phylosophy of your library, but it is tedious for me (I don't 
know if  for other people also) , to rewrite all sources and conversions of 
numbers as cl_float(x,y).
> I do think it was a brilliant idea to require people to write down the
> complete cl_float(double,float_format_t) spell.
> I also think that something in your approach is broken if you wish to
> control the imact of double precision floating point variables on 100
> decimal digit precision floating point variables.


> >
> >   b = a*cl_float(2.72,precission)/c*cl_float(7.28,precision);
> Unless that statement is inside a loop anyway (in which case the constant
> factor ought to be hoisted out) I would write that such things rather as
>     b = cl_float( 2.72*7.28, precision ) * a / c;

Yes, of course, It was only an example.  I was two days working in my program 
in order to write all floats as cl_float(float,precision) on arithmetic 
expressions and checking for the correct precission.  But I am writing 


> You are not implying that it makes a difference if you use your own
> variable of type float_format_t instead of the global
> default_float_format, are you?  If you think you have found a bug, please
> send a test program as small as possible, tell us what it does for you,
> and what you expected it to do.  Otherwise, we won't be able to help you.
> >                                         and the conversion of 1e-1 was
> > done with approximately the double precission cause the noisy digits
> > 55111... are about the 19 decimal digit not about the desired 100.
> Maybe you aren't confused.  But your bug reports sure are confusing.  :-)

Well.  Is this a bug and is it well reported? ..
#include <iostream>
#include <cln/float.h>
#include <cln/float_io.h>

using namespace cln;
int main(int argc, char **argv)

  // Wrong result?

  float_format_t prec;

  cl_F a,b,c;
  std::cerr << "Incorrect: " << std::endl;

  std::cerr << "c=" << c << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "c=" << c << std::endl;

  // Right result

  std::cerr << "Correct:" << std::endl;

  std::cerr << "c=" << c << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "c=" << c << std::endl;
The output in my computer.

A ver si esta vez...

*                    Dr. Isidro Cachadiña Gutiérrez                       * 
*                        Departamento de Física                           * 
*                         Facultad de Ciencias                            *
*                      Universidad de Extremadura                         *
*                        06071  Badajoz ( SPAIN )                         * 
*                         email: icacha at unex.es                           * 
*    Teléfono: +34 924 289 300 Ext. 6826     Fax: +34 924 289 651   *
* Usuario Linux: 8569         *
* Para clave pública GnuPG: http://onsager.unex.es/firma.pub.asc          *
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