[CLN-list] thread-safety for CLN

Kort Travis kat at physics.utexas.edu
Wed Nov 22 09:47:05 CET 2006

[ P.S.: If this email is inappropriate for the general list, please let me know... ]

I am presently working on a port of code-libraries which make extensive use of CLN to multi-threaded code (e.g. using OpenMP or explicit "by hand" threading), for use on multi-core and SMP systems.

CLN release 1.1.13 is not re-entrant, and as far as I can tell from preliminary evaluation (and a large number of tests which produce major heap corruption), this is primarily because of the non-atomic reference counting (and possibly other mechanisms that I have not yet located).  This means that I have the choice of either (a) switching to another, comparable class library (which as you know, probably doesn't exist) or (b) assisting in developing a thread-safe version of CLN.  With this latter in mind, is anyone else working on this?  If there is already a specification for this transition, please let me know how I can interface with the development work.  Please note that this modification is something that I need urgently, and so I can potentially offer quite a bit of work to this project.


Kort Travis
Department of Physics, RLM 5.208
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712

email:   kat at physics.utexas.edu

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