[CLN-list] Build problems on Solaris 8

Robert W. Johnstone rjohnsto at sfu.ca
Fri May 18 01:20:25 CEST 2007


I've tried building CLN 1.1.13 on a machine using Solaris 8.  I'm
having difficulty getting the library to pass all its tests.

I've tried building CLN using gcc 4.1.1, with the following
combinations of flags: "-O", "-O1", and "-O1 -fno-schedule-insns".
The library fails many of the integer_floor_tests.  I've attached the
log from running tests/exam.

Additionally, I've tried compiling with gcc 3.4.0 with the flags "-O
-fno-schedule_insns".  The library then fails sfloat_mul_tests 72
through 75.

I'm uncertain what would be causing the errors.


Robert Johnstone
Simon Fraser University
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