Version 0.8.2...
Richard B. Kreckel
kreckel at
Tue Apr 24 22:30:49 CEST 2001 to feature the following new stuff:
* degree(), ldegree(), coeff(), lcoeff(), tcoeff() and collect() work with
non-symbols as the second argument in ginsh.
* the argument to collect() can be a list of objects in which case the
result is either a recursively collected polynomial, or a polynomial in
a distributed form with terms like coeff*x1^e1*...*xn^en, as specified by
the second argument to collect().
* Several bugfixes (including a nasty memory leak in .normal()).
* class matrix: solve() doesn't call algorithms redundantly any more and
inverse() falls back to solve() which works in more general cases.
Richard Kreckel
<Richard.Kreckel at Uni-Mainz.DE>
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