News from the gTybalt corner

Stefan Weinzierl stefanw at
Thu Jan 10 14:04:21 CET 2002

Dear all,

I wrote a library based on GiNaC which can handle the expansion
of transcendental functions in a small parameter, like for 

 3F2(-2eps,-2eps;1-eps,1-2eps,1-2eps;x) = 1 + 4 Li2(x) eps^2 
                                            + O(eps3)

This is a domain where commercial CAS usually have no clue at
The library is available under GPL from

I should also say that at the moment you need GiNaC version 0.8.3,
a migration to the actual GiNaC version is planned for the future.

The rest of the mail is more for the developpers of GiNaC:

First of all my thanks to the developpers of GiNaC, GiNaC
proved to be quite a solid piece of software.
For a part of my program I could do a benchmark test with a
corresponding program written in FORM, and it turned out
that the GiNaC/C++ code was roughly a factor two faster
(as long as all expressions fitted into the available RAM).
Since FORM is mainly known for its speed, this is quite an

To the more technical points: 
The algorithms for the expansion of transcendental functions
relies heavily on various algebras, e.g. you have two
elements a1 and a2 in an algebra A and you can multiply them
to get a third element:

   a1 * a2 = a3

Although the algebras are all commutative, I implemented them
as non-commutative objects, then GiNaC automatically groups
elements of the same algebra together and I only have to supply
the actual multiplication routine in the method
I think, this is handled elegantly and effciently in GiNaC.

However, the expand function does not handle cases if not all
types are the same.
I can even blame myself for making the suggestion that the class
add should throw an exception if it encounters an expression like
 1 + A,
where A is non-commutative.
Right now one is supposed to write
 ONE_in_A + A,
where ONE_in_A is the unit in the algebra of A.
With more than one algebra this becomes rather ugly and inefficient.

My suggestion would be therefore to think about a class
 mixed_type_add in GiNaC, which should have a similar relation
with class add as class ncmul has with class mul:
If all terms in a sum are of the same type, they will end up in class 
add, otherwise in this new class.

I think, that can be implemented efficiently, such that users who do not
care about non-commutative objects will not suffer any severe penalty.
In addition pedantics can check at run-time their expressions and
start a panic attack, if they encounter a class mixed_type_add.

In short, one would have a container, where you can put an "apple" and
a "potato" in.

I had a look at the GiNaC source code, how one would do it, but since
it involves quite a bit of cross links, I would not directly volunteer 
for it.
What do you think ?

 Best wishes,


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