Form is really slow and fast for me. What could this mean?
Richard Fateman
fateman at
Thu Mar 28 20:14:03 CET 2002
Thanks for this data. Your timings look like mine for the
ones that overlap. The difference between 1Gh and 933Mhz
is not that great, and I guess the other parameters are
close too. It is odd that Maple 7 is so much slower than Maple4 etc.
Maybe the change to longer forms slowed it down.
I tried downloading form3.0, and I find it mysterious. Maybe I am not using
it correctly. My first version took 101.23 seconds. I repeated it and
it took 97 seconds
This is what I did:
C:\form>form sample3.frm
form sample3.frm
FORM by J.Vermaseren,version 3.0(Jan 28 2001) Run at: Thu Mar 28
10:26:41 2002
Symbols x,y,z;
Local q=(1+x+y+z)^20;
Local q1=q+1;
Local res=q*q1;
This changed program however took only
0.98 second:
C:\form>form sample7.frm
form sample7.frm
FORM by J.Vermaseren,version 3.0(Jan 28 2001) Run at: Thu Mar 28
10:50:53 2002
Symbols x,y,z;
Local q2=(1+x+y+z)^20*(1+(1+x+y+z)^20);
Time = 1.04 sec Generated terms = 14112
q2 Terms in output = 12341
Bytes used = 305378
Richard B. Kreckel wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Richard Fateman wrote:
>>This seems to me to be a design that should be revisited. For
>>the univariate case it is particularly bad since multiplying polynomials
>>of degree u and v gives you only degree u+v, and you will have
>>allocated (u+1)*(v+1) cells.
> Sure. Done now.
>>When this problem works on GiNaC I'd like to know its speed!
> Here are timings on a P-III, 1GHz, 512kB cache, running Linux, with
> approximate memory usage:
> System time Memory
> --------------------------------------------------+--------+---------
> GiNaC-1.0.8 (from CVS), using GCC-3.1 prerelease: 57.3s 8MB
> MuPAD 1.4.2: 119.2s 25MB
> MuPAD 2.0: 117.0s 30MB
> Form 3.0: 0.5s 6MB
> Maxima 5.6 (GCL 2.4.0): 51.0s 8MB
> MapleVR3: 16.7s 7MB
> MapleVR4: 17.9s 8MB
> MapleVR5: 18.4s 8MB
> Mathematica 4.1: 80.5s 11MB
> Reduce 3.6: Segmentation Fault
> Yacas 1.0.48: N/A (smaller examples fail to expand fully)
> Richard, I noticed a mistake in the printed version of the Mathematica
> program (missing Expand[]) and the MockMMA doesn't seem right to me
> either. Note that Form can really only do ring operations like in this
> test, but its speed there should come as no surprise. You probably just
> cannot beat it with any more general system.
> Regards
> -richy.
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