[GiNaC-devel] ginac homepage

Chris Dams Chris.Dams at mi.infn.it
Fri Nov 11 12:15:54 CET 2005

Dear all,

On Thu, 10 Nov 2005, Richard B. Kreckel wrote:

> Why not?  I could, for instance, explain what the difficulties were with 
> Sasaki-Murao for somebody interested to pick up the work.  Or, 
> implementation ideas could be layed out.
> Wait!  This sounds more and more like a Wiki, doesn't it?  Or maybe this 
> is going too far.  What do other people think?

A Wiki could certainly be interesting as it could be a very low-threshold
way of discussing things. I sometimes come at http://senseis.xmp.net and
the nice thing is that there are both sections that contain reference
material and section where free discussion is going on. I certainly think
that some ideas that now only exist in my head would be more readily
discussed on a wiki than on the mailing list. Besides that, nobody is
likely to look at mailing list discussions anymore if they are a bit old.  
It could be sort of like the coffee-machine discussions that would occur
if the GiNaC community was not scattered all over the world.

On the other hand, it could well be that the GiNaC community is a bit 
small to support a Wiki. I don't know.


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