[GiNaC-devel] GiNaC 1.3.3 release]

Chris Dams C.Dams at science.ru.nl
Tue Oct 25 14:27:49 CEST 2005

Dear Jens,

On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Jens Vollinga wrote:

> It seems like cumulative patches confuse me too: I thought the patches
> were all for HEAD, not 1.3. Sorry!!
> Also, I will not deal with HEAD for the next two weeks.

If I can find some time, I will check again what could go into 1.3 and
what not and send a patch for that. I do understand that cumulative
patches are inconvenient.  However, for me making non-cumulative patches
is equally inconvenient. The way to make it convenient for both of us is
for you to respond more quickly to patches. If I have multiple more or
less orthogonal changes to the same C-files some of which have to go into
a different version of GiNaC, separatating these is really inconvenient.

Why don't you simply keep two GiNaC trees on your computer: one for 1.3
and one for HEAD. That way you can immediately apply patches in the right
place. If anything is unclear about a patch I will be happy to expain.


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