[GiNaC-devel] Improved dummy index renaming -> clifford exam fails
Vladimir Kisil
kisilv at maths.leeds.ac.uk
Fri Aug 11 19:01:17 CEST 2006
Dear All,
I am going to fix problems pointed out by Chris in
clifford.cpp. However I looking for developer's advises before that.
>>>>> "CD" == Chris Dams <Chris.Dams at mi.infn.it> writes:
CD> Anyone who writes code like
CD> indexed(squared_metric, alpha, alpha)
CD> where alpha is a varidx should realize that he is in a state of
CD> sin and really doing something that might break anytime.
Please give me a hint why this is wrong.
CD> By the way. Wouldn't it be a good idea to remove the restriction
CD> that indices of clifford objects should be varidxes?
I am going to remove this if nobody objects.
CD> varidxes. Doesn't an up-index mean exactly the same as a down
CD> one in that case?
In the recent paper (p. 4)
http://euklid.bauing.uni-weimar.de/templates/papers/f34.pdf the
following defining identities of a Clifford algebra in a space with
a metric g.i.j are used:
e.i e.j + e.j e.i = g.i.j
e~i e~j + e~j e~i = g~i~j
e.i e~j + e~j e.i = delta.i~j
Does any one object to implementation of the last identity in GiNaC?
Or e.i e~j + e~j e.i = g.i~j should be used instead?
CD> What I also would like to know, is what on earth it means that
CD> "generators satisfying the identities e~i e~j + e~j e~i = M(i,
CD> j) for some matrix (metric) M(i, j), which may be
CD> non-symmetric".
Where did you see this? My ginac.info tells that
e~i e~j + e~j e~i = M(i, j) + M(j, i)
which is meaningful for non-symmetric M.
Best wishes,
Vladimir V. Kisil email: kisilv at maths.leeds.ac.uk
-- www: http://maths.leeds.ac.uk/~kisilv/
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