[GiNaC-devel] release 1.3.6

Sheplyakov Alexei varg at theor.jinr.ru
Wed Dec 13 09:04:55 CET 2006

Hello, Jens!

> @Alexei: I had to apply two of your patches manually, because the format
> was somehow broken. I hope I did everything correctly.

Yes, modulo minor whitespace damage :)

> >I'm little bit busy now, could you please wait till tomorrow?
> okay. I will wait (as long as it takes).

I've found yet another bug (seems to be fixed in HEAD):

#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <ginac/ginac.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace GiNaC;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	idx a(symbol("a"), 8), b(symbol("b"), 8), c(symbol("c"), 8),
			d(symbol("d"), 8), e(symbol("e"), 8), f(symbol("f"), 8);
	ex H1 = color_f(a, c, e)*color_f(b, d, e)
		   	+	color_f(a, d, e)*color_f(b, c, e);

	ex test = (H1*H1).expand(expand_options::expand_indexed);
	cout << test << endl;
  // 2*f.e.b.d*f.e.b.c*f.e.a.c*f.e.a.d+f.symbol8.b.c*f.symbol8.a.d*f.e.b.c*f.e.a.d+f.symbol7.b.d*f.symbol7.a.c*f.e.b.d*f.e.a.c
	// inconsistent indices!

	cout << test.simplify_indexed() << endl;
	// prints 288, should be 216

	return 0;

I wonder if it is possible to backport the fix...

Best regards,

All science is either physics or stamp collecting.

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