[GiNaC-devel] Numerical evaluation for tgamma, lgamma and beta.
Alexei Sheplyakov
varg at theor.jinr.ru
Tue Dec 12 13:44:44 CET 2006
On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 05:51:24PM +0100, Chris Dams wrote:
> Dear all,
> I added numerical evaluation for the functions tgamma, lgamma and beta to
> the CVS. The method employed is the Lanczos approximation as described on
> Wikepedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanczos_approximation . (I also
> corrected some small errors on that page.)
> This method uses a fixed precision and tables are used to store
> coefficients. Currently the tables available are for maximally 20, 50, 100
> and 200 digits. If Digits exceeds 200, no numerical evaluation is
> available.
+class lanczos_coeffs
+ public:
+ lanczos_coeffs();
+ bool sufficiently_accurate(int digits);
+ int get_order() const { return current_vector->size(); }
+ numeric calc_lanczos_A(const numeric &) const;
+ private:
+ static std::vector<numeric> coeffs_12; // Use in case Digits <= 20
+ static std::vector<numeric> coeffs_30; // Use in case Digits <= 50
+ static std::vector<numeric> coeffs_60; // Use in case Digits <= 100
+ static std::vector<numeric> coeffs_120; // Use in case Digits <= 200
With such a code one need to break ABI (add extra class members) in
order to increase the precision. May be replacing all these with
static std::vector<std::vector<numeric> > (see attached patch) would be
better solution?
+{ if (coeffs_12[0] != 0)
+ return;
I think coeffs_12[0] might be not initialized at this stage (and
contain random garbage).
const numeric lgamma(const numeric &x)
- throw dunno();
+ lanczos_coeffs lc;
+ if (lc.sufficiently_accurate(Digits)) {
+ numeric pi_val(cln::pi(cln::default_float_format));
What happens here if Digits > default_float_format?
+ numeric result
+ = sqrt(numeric(2).mul(pi_val))
+ .mul(temp.power(x.add(numeric(-1,2))))
+ .mul(exp(temp.mul(-1)))
+ .mul(A);
All these foo.mul(bar).add(baz) are plain ugly. Any objections
against s/numeric/cl_N/g (so it is possible to use natural syntax)?
Best regards,
All science is either physics or stamp collecting.
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