[GiNaC-devel] new function class

Jens Vollinga vollinga at physik.uni-wuppertal.de
Wed Feb 1 15:30:59 CET 2006


here is a short example code to demonstrate the changes I plan to make 
to GiNaC's function system (like discussed in November on this list).

- every function is now a C++ class derived from class function (here 
still called newfunction to avoid name clashes).

- the 14 functions already present in the standard C library have a 
special naming convention (here _ginac is appended to the class name) 
and supporting C functions for creation.

- the definition of the functions is rather long, but will be made more 
comfortable with the help of new macros like GINAC_DECLARE_FUNCTION ... 
(not included here yet).


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