[GiNaC-devel] Fixed problem on 64-bit machines and introduced has_options::algebraic.

Chris Dams Chris.Dams at mi.infn.it
Tue Feb 14 17:49:36 CET 2006

Dear all,

I found out that the new tinfo() system does not compile on AMD 64-bit
machines because integers are still 32 bit on them. This makes the cast
from void* to unsigned illegal. I solved this problem.

I also introduced an extra optional argument for .has() that can be used
to pass a has_option. I defined has_options::algebraic. This is
analogous to subs_options::algebraic. For example
(x*y*z).has(x*y,has_options::algebraic) will return true. I also
included some checks for correct behavior of this feature in the check
directory and documented it in the tutorial.


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