[GiNaC-devel] New in GiNaC: step function

Vladimir Kisil kisilv at maths.leeds.ac.uk
Thu Mar 9 17:31:13 CET 2006

>>>>> "CD" == Chris Dams <Chris.Dams at mi.infn.it> writes:
    CD> ignored. Furthermore step(0)=1/2. This, however, should not be
    CD> taken too seriously as there is also the automatic evaluation
    CD> step(x)^2 -> step(x). 

	For a bigger consistency I would prefer to have either step(0)=0 or
  step(0)=1. Such a small features which is easy to overlook sometimes
  takes hours to realise. 
  If three-values are really needed we may have another function
  sign(x)=1, x>0
  sign(x)=0, x=0
  sign(x)=-1, x<0
  with the property sign(x)^3 -> sign(x). The current step(x) is then

  Best wishes,
Vladimir V. Kisil     email: kisilv at maths.leeds.ac.uk
--                      www: http://maths.leeds.ac.uk/~kisilv/

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