[GiNaC-devel] Volunteer to continue the work on NTL factorisation bindings

Remco Bloemen remco.bloemen at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 18:02:08 CEST 2007

I have created a simple factorisation for polynomials in Q[x] with real roots 
(source attached, based on [2]) but it's really slow. Creating a reasonable 
implementation would require much work.

An NTL based implementation would be very powerfull and feasible, as said in 
[1]. I would like to volunteer to continue this work.

I have the following questions:

1) Where can I obtain the source of this binding?
   (or should I start from the code in gTybalt, or from scratch?)

2) Is there any chance such a patch will be included?
    (this would imply dependecy on NTL)

2a) And if it is compile-time optional?

2b) And if it also included integration of rational functions?

2c) And if it also included integration of trancedental functions?

3) Do you have any related advice, hints or pointers?

[1] http://www.ginac.de/pipermail/ginac-devel/2004-August/000695.html
[2] http://yacas.sourceforge.net/Algochapter3.html
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