[GiNaC-devel] [PATCH] check: indicate the test failures with non-zero exit code; split test programs.

Richard B. Kreckel kreckel at ginac.de
Tue Mar 4 21:54:58 CET 2008

Jens Vollinga wrote:
> Richard B. Kreckel wrote:
>> When I last met Jens, he was eager to try out git, too. And we finally 
>> have git on www.ginac.de. Alexei, how would you propose to organize 
> oh, where is it? I couldn't find it.

In /usr/bin/.  :)

Seriously, after Cebix has upgraded the machine to SuSE 10.2 I've only 
installed the git-core and git-email packages. An empty dir /srv/git/ 
came with that.

So what next? Try to convert CVS and set it up there? Being a git 
novice, I would appreciate any hints.

Richard B. Kreckel

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