[GiNaC-devel] Univariate GCD benchmark (Was: some questions)

Alexei Sheplyakov varg at metalica.kh.ua
Fri Feb 6 09:18:00 CET 2009


On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 01:42:59PM +0100, Richard B. Kreckel wrote:

> Strange. I just ran current master HEAD ten times and it finished fine.
> Also: it is stopping at the old code, right?

Short answer: no (it's a bug on its own).

Long(er) answer:

The benchmark is intended to 
a) check for bugs in mod_gcd (modular GCD algorithm for univariate
   polynomials using vector of coefficients to store polynomials),
b) find out how (in)efficient GiNaC::ex is as a representation of univariate
   polynomials. To do this it calls different implementations of the same
   GCD calculation method.

So, it's not supposed to call chinrem_gcd() in first place, but for some
reason it does. It's a bug in the test itself. Fortunately this bug uncovered
much more severe bug (in multivariate GCD code). I'll fix the test after
I find out what is wrong with chinrem_gcd().

Best regards,

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