[GiNaC-devel] [SCM] GiNaC -- a C++ library for symbolic computations branch, master, updated. release_1-4-0-182-gfc16eff

Jens Vollinga git at ginac.de
Fri Feb 6 16:51:45 CET 2009

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "GiNaC -- a C++ library for symbolic computations".

The branch, master has been updated
       via  fc16effeefb35845d77d98b2173160131bafa9b3 (commit)
       via  0d22af8982798509662a897ce72f546fe2149d0c (commit)
       via  2251ede3f4b3e7066f83fbedba53181c03f633f7 (commit)
       via  bf08e105894751acc66f337074be6a5b9e738220 (commit)
       via  1602530f716ba1d425a0667b897182b99c374823 (commit)
      from  3627c2c0f2fe8fe04816703c5fc6dad9c96fb0a6 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit fc16effeefb35845d77d98b2173160131bafa9b3
Author: Jens Vollinga <jensv at balin.nikhef.nl>
Date:   Fri Feb 6 16:49:47 2009 +0100

    Adjusted NEWS and INSTALL documentation.

commit 0d22af8982798509662a897ce72f546fe2149d0c
Author: Jens Vollinga <jensv at balin.nikhef.nl>
Date:   Fri Feb 6 16:35:22 2009 +0100

    Missed to change one date in function.pl.

commit 2251ede3f4b3e7066f83fbedba53181c03f633f7
Author: Jens Vollinga <jensv at balin.nikhef.nl>
Date:   Fri Feb 6 16:24:58 2009 +0100

    Changed name of debugging macro (to avoid warning cause by multiple definition).

commit bf08e105894751acc66f337074be6a5b9e738220
Author: Jens Vollinga <jensv at balin.nikhef.nl>
Date:   Fri Feb 6 16:22:58 2009 +0100

    Fixed returning of test result (++result was +result).

commit 1602530f716ba1d425a0667b897182b99c374823
Author: Jens Vollinga <jensv at balin.nikhef.nl>
Date:   Fri Feb 6 16:07:10 2009 +0100

    Prettified source code.
    - Added copyright and GPL licencing to new files.
    - Increased year to 2009.
    - Changed guarding macros in header to uniform pattern without leading or
      trailing __ (double underscores).
    - Put includes of system wide header consistently below own includes (help
      a tiny bit to clarify dependencies).


Summary of changes:
 INSTALL                                   |    2 +-
 NEWS                                      |    3 +-
 check/bugme_chinrem_gcd.cpp               |   36 ++++++++++++++-----
 check/check_inifcns.cpp                   |    9 +++--
 check/check_lsolve.cpp                    |    9 +++--
 check/check_matrices.cpp                  |    9 +++--
 check/check_numeric.cpp                   |    9 +++--
 check/error_report.h                      |   33 ++++++++++++++---
 check/exam_archive.cpp                    |    9 +++--
 check/exam_clifford.cpp                   |    7 ++--
 check/exam_color.cpp                      |    7 ++--
 check/exam_cra.cpp                        |   34 ++++++++++++++---
 check/exam_differentiation.cpp            |    7 ++--
 check/exam_factor.cpp                     |    7 ++--
 check/exam_hashmap.cpp                    |    9 +++--
 check/exam_indexed.cpp                    |    7 ++--
 check/exam_inifcns.cpp                    |    7 ++--
 check/exam_inifcns_nstdsums.cpp           |    8 ++--
 check/exam_inifcns_nstdsums.h             |   22 +++++++++++
 check/exam_lsolve.cpp                     |    7 ++--
 check/exam_matrices.cpp                   |    9 +++--
 check/exam_misc.cpp                       |    7 ++--
 check/exam_mod_gcd.cpp                    |   33 ++++++++++++++---
 check/exam_normalization.cpp              |    7 ++--
 check/exam_numeric.cpp                    |    8 ++--
 check/exam_paranoia.cpp                   |    7 ++--
 check/exam_polygcd.cpp                    |    7 ++--
 check/exam_powerlaws.cpp                  |    7 ++--
 check/exam_pseries.cpp                    |    7 ++--
 check/exam_structure.cpp                  |    6 ++--
 check/genex.cpp                           |    7 ++--
 check/heur_gcd_bug.cpp                    |   33 +++++++++++++----
 check/match_bug.cpp                       |   33 +++++++++++++----
 check/mul_eval_memleak.cpp                |   31 ++++++++--------
 check/numeric_archive.cpp                 |   38 +++++++++++++++-----
 check/parser_bugs.cpp                     |   31 +++++++++++++---
 check/parser_memleak.cpp                  |   37 +++++++++++++++----
 check/randomize_serials.cpp               |   30 +++++++++++++--
 check/test_runner.h                       |   33 ++++++++++++++---
 check/time_antipode.cpp                   |   17 +++++----
 check/time_dennyfliegner.cpp              |    9 +++--
 check/time_fateman_expand.cpp             |    7 ++--
 check/time_gammaseries.cpp                |    9 +++--
 check/time_hashmap.cpp                    |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_A.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_B.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_C.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_D.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_E.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_F.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_G.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_H.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_IJKL.cpp                    |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_M1.cpp                      |    7 ++--
 check/time_lw_M2.cpp                      |    7 ++--
 check/time_lw_N.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_O.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_P.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_Pprime.cpp                  |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_Q.cpp                       |    9 +++--
 check/time_lw_Qprime.cpp                  |    9 +++--
 check/time_parser.cpp                     |   40 ++++++++++++++++----
 check/time_toeplitz.cpp                   |    9 +++--
 check/time_uvar_gcd.cpp                   |   42 ++++++++++++++++-----
 check/time_vandermonde.cpp                |    9 +++--
 check/timer.cpp                           |    8 ++--
 check/timer.h                             |    3 +-
 doc/tutorial/ginac.texi                   |    6 ++--
 ginac/add.cpp                             |   12 +++---
 ginac/add.h                               |    8 ++--
 ginac/archive.cpp                         |    8 ++--
 ginac/archive.h                           |   11 +++---
 ginac/assertion.h                         |    8 ++--
 ginac/basic.cpp                           |   10 +++---
 ginac/basic.h                             |   24 ++++++------
 ginac/class_info.h                        |   16 ++++----
 ginac/clifford.cpp                        |    6 ++--
 ginac/clifford.h                          |    9 ++---
 ginac/color.cpp                           |    8 ++--
 ginac/color.h                             |   10 ++---
 ginac/compiler.h                          |   28 +++++++++++++--
 ginac/constant.cpp                        |   10 +++---
 ginac/constant.h                          |   11 +++---
 ginac/container.h                         |   23 ++++++------
 ginac/ex.cpp                              |    8 ++--
 ginac/ex.h                                |   17 ++++-----
 ginac/excompiler.cpp                      |   23 ++++++------
 ginac/excompiler.h                        |   16 ++++-----
 ginac/expair.cpp                          |    6 ++--
 ginac/expair.h                            |    8 ++--
 ginac/expairseq.cpp                       |   13 +++----
 ginac/expairseq.h                         |   20 +++++-----
 ginac/exprseq.cpp                         |    2 +-
 ginac/exprseq.h                           |   12 +++---
 ginac/factor.cpp                          |    2 +-
 ginac/factor.h                            |   12 +++----
 ginac/fail.cpp                            |    6 ++--
 ginac/fail.h                              |    8 ++--
 ginac/fderivative.cpp                     |    6 ++--
 ginac/fderivative.h                       |   13 +++----
 ginac/flags.h                             |    8 ++--
 ginac/function.pl                         |   31 ++++++++--------
 ginac/ginac.h                             |    8 ++--
 ginac/hash_map.h                          |   13 +++----
 ginac/idx.cpp                             |   10 +++---
 ginac/idx.h                               |    9 ++---
 ginac/indexed.cpp                         |   12 +++---
 ginac/indexed.h                           |   13 +++----
 ginac/inifcns.cpp                         |    8 ++--
 ginac/inifcns.h                           |    8 ++--
 ginac/inifcns_gamma.cpp                   |    8 ++--
 ginac/inifcns_nstdsums.cpp                |   11 +++---
 ginac/inifcns_trans.cpp                   |    8 ++--
 ginac/integral.cpp                        |    2 +-
 ginac/integral.h                          |    8 ++--
 ginac/lst.cpp                             |    2 +-
 ginac/lst.h                               |   12 +++---
 ginac/matrix.cpp                          |   16 ++++----
 ginac/matrix.h                            |   14 ++++----
 ginac/mul.cpp                             |   12 +++---
 ginac/mul.h                               |    8 ++--
 ginac/ncmul.cpp                           |   10 +++---
 ginac/ncmul.h                             |    8 ++--
 ginac/normal.cpp                          |    8 ++--
 ginac/normal.h                            |    8 ++--
 ginac/numeric.cpp                         |   14 ++++----
 ginac/numeric.h                           |   14 +++----
 ginac/operators.cpp                       |    8 ++--
 ginac/operators.h                         |    8 ++--
 ginac/parser/debug.h                      |   34 +++++++++++++++---
 ginac/parser/lexer.cpp                    |   34 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/parser/lexer.h                      |   34 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/parser/parse_binop_rhs.cpp          |   31 +++++++++++++---
 ginac/parser/parse_context.cpp            |   30 +++++++++++++--
 ginac/parser/parse_context.h              |   40 ++++++++++++++++-----
 ginac/parser/parser.cpp                   |   30 +++++++++++++--
 ginac/parser/parser.h                     |   35 ++++++++++++++----
 ginac/parser/parser_compat.cpp            |   34 ++++++++++++++----
 ginac/polynomial/chinrem_gcd.cpp          |   27 ++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/chinrem_gcd.h            |   31 +++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/collect_vargs.cpp        |   39 +++++++++++++++-----
 ginac/polynomial/collect_vargs.h          |   35 +++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/cra_garner.cpp           |   34 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/cra_garner.h             |   34 +++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/debug.h                  |   57 ++++++++++++++++++++---------
 ginac/polynomial/divide_in_z_p.cpp        |   28 +++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/divide_in_z_p.h          |   29 +++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/euclid_gcd_wrap.h        |   28 +++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/eval_point_finder.h      |   32 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/eval_uvar.h              |   33 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/gcd_euclid.h             |   33 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/gcd_uvar.cpp             |   29 +++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/heur_gcd_uvar.h          |   34 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/interpolate_padic_uvar.h |   37 +++++++++++++++----
 ginac/polynomial/mgcd.cpp                 |   29 +++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/mod_gcd.cpp              |   32 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/mod_gcd.h                |   35 +++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/newton_interpolate.h     |   32 ++++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/normalize.h              |   33 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/optimal_vars_finder.cpp  |   35 ++++++++++++++----
 ginac/polynomial/optimal_vars_finder.h    |   36 ++++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/pgcd.cpp                 |   26 ++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/pgcd.h                   |   28 +++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/poly_cra.h               |   32 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/prem_uvar.h              |   35 ++++++++++++++----
 ginac/polynomial/primes_factory.h         |   34 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/primpart_content.cpp     |   26 ++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/remainder.h              |   35 +++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/ring_traits.h            |   34 ++++++++++++++---
 ginac/polynomial/smod_helpers.h           |   31 ++++++++++++++--
 ginac/polynomial/sr_gcd_uvar.h            |   36 +++++++++++++++----
 ginac/polynomial/upoly.h                  |   48 ++++++++++++++++++-------
 ginac/polynomial/upoly_io.cpp             |   50 ++++++++++++++++++-------
 ginac/polynomial/upoly_io.h               |   39 ++++++++++++++++----
 ginac/power.cpp                           |   12 +++---
 ginac/power.h                             |    8 ++--
 ginac/print.cpp                           |    6 ++--
 ginac/print.h                             |   15 ++++----
 ginac/pseries.cpp                         |   10 +++---
 ginac/pseries.h                           |    8 ++--
 ginac/ptr.h                               |   13 +++----
 ginac/registrar.cpp                       |    8 ++--
 ginac/registrar.h                         |   18 +++++-----
 ginac/relational.cpp                      |    8 ++--
 ginac/relational.h                        |    8 ++--
 ginac/remember.cpp                        |    6 ++--
 ginac/remember.h                          |   10 +++---
 ginac/structure.h                         |   14 +++----
 ginac/symbol.cpp                          |   10 +++---
 ginac/symbol.h                            |   13 ++++---
 ginac/symmetry.cpp                        |   12 +++---
 ginac/symmetry.h                          |   13 +++----
 ginac/tensor.cpp                          |   10 +++---
 ginac/tensor.h                            |    9 ++---
 ginac/tostring.h                          |    8 ++--
 ginac/utils.cpp                           |    2 +-
 ginac/utils.h                             |   14 +++----
 ginac/wildcard.cpp                        |    6 ++--
 ginac/wildcard.h                          |    9 ++---
 ginsh/ginsh.1.in                          |    2 +-
 ginsh/ginsh.h                             |    2 +-
 ginsh/ginsh_extensions.h                  |    2 +-
 ginsh/ginsh_lexer.ll                      |    2 +-
 ginsh/ginsh_parser.yy                     |    4 +-
 tools/viewgar.1.in                        |    2 +-
 tools/viewgar.cpp                         |   11 +++---
 206 files changed, 2366 insertions(+), 1039 deletions(-)

GiNaC -- a C++ library for symbolic computations

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