[GiNaC-devel] multivariate factorization (ginac/ginsh)

Jens Vollinga jensv at nikhef.nl
Sun Feb 21 10:29:40 CET 2010

Hi Jörg,

Am 21.02.2010 08:59, schrieb Joerg Arndt:
> [could someone please forward to ginac-devel, I am
>   not subscribed there]

I am also reading cln-list :-)

> # but it appears to do multivariate factorization as well:

yes it does.

> # The following seems to take forever:
>> t;
> -E20^16*E4^8*E5^8*E1^16*q^4-(E10^24-E20^8*E5^16)*E4^16*E1^8+E2^24*E20^16*E5^8*q^4
>> factor(t);
> # ctrl-C
>   ginsh  815.46s user 3.39s system 94% cpu 14:26.22 total
> Is the latter a huge-ish task or does ginac have a
> performance issue here?

I ran the example and I get an exception! So, it seems there is a bug 
somewhere. I'll have a look at it.


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