[GiNaC-devel] bugs related to parser

Cedric Studerus cedricstuderus at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 12:59:53 CET 2011

Dear GiNaC developer,

I'm using GiNaC version 1.6.2 with compiler gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro
4.5.2-8ubuntu4) 4.5.2

When working with the parser to read in user defined functions from strings
I noticed 3 things:

parsing a user defined function (declared to have 1 argument) from a string
does not throw an exception when the string contains this function with
zero arguments.

parsing products of user defined non-commutative functions returns a
commutative product

The parser accepts userdefined functions with zero arguments and parsing
such a function does not throw when there is 1 argument.

I have attached a small file "main.cpp" such that you can reproduce this

I'm using these user defined functions with zero arguments but it looks to
me like a hack and I would like to know if you are going to allow them (
e.g. with macro definition) or if you completely suppress them in future
releases of GiNaC.

Thank you very much!
Cedric Studerus
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