[GiNaC-devel] Roots of polynomial

Rekha Penmetsa rekhapenmets at gmail.com
Fri Nov 8 03:09:58 CET 2013


I am using GiNaC in my project. I want to find roots of a univariate
polynomial. I am deriving a polynomial from a matrix determinant,
which is coming to,


I am using RealAlgebraicNumberFactory::realRoots() method as in the
below code to find roots. I have installed GiNaCRA as well and example
programs are compiling and running fine.

RationalUnivariatePolynomial p(det,r);
list<RealAlgebraicNumberPtr> roots = RealAlgebraicNumberFactory::realRoots( p );

This call is returning a list of zero size. Am I missing anything ?
how to solve for roots for polynomials of this type?


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