[GiNaC-devel] upcoming release

Richard B. Kreckel kreckel at in.terlu.de
Sat Oct 10 15:55:26 CEST 2020

Dear folks,

Judging from the considerable number of citations in high-energy 
preprints, GiNaC's multiple polylogarithms are widely and successfully 
used in this community.

Together with Moriz Walden, Stefan Weinzierl has now prepared routines 
for computing "elliptic multiple polylogarithms" as the next level of 
sophistication for computations of this type. The intend is to add these 
functions to GiNaC in the days ahead and then do a new release.

Stefan has been granted write access to the repo on www.ginac.de.

Happy hacking!
Richard B. Kreckel

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