Physics is Phun.

Ron Alford ronwalf at
Mon Feb 21 15:37:06 CET 2000

I'm just starting a class project to implement formal manipulation for
various functions useful for physics.  Just looking at the basis though,
I'm not sure whether to implement this as an object with ginac as a
component class, or an extension to ginac.  The results of my doodling
will be released of course.
The first means my project is independant of ginac insofar that I don't
care about the version unless the interface changes.  The second seems
more ideologically pure, but implies much patching and such headaches
for every version.

I'm guessing the first, unless someone wants me to integrate my efforts
with ginac, which I'm not sure belong to the project.

For reference, some of the functions I plan to implement
Sperical harmonics
Bessel functions
And blah and blah and blah reading out of my mathematics for physicists

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