collect TeX output

Richard B. Kreckel kreckel at
Thu Dec 13 12:54:41 CET 2001


On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Chris Dams wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Richard B. Kreckel wrote:
> > Because I am surprised to hear that TeX actually breaks expressions.  Does
> > it?  It certainly never did for my own work!  Are you using some packages
> > to do this or am I using packages that prevent breaking or does the
> > computer just not like me???
> TeX does so automatically. In formulas typed in text it automatically
> inserts a \relpenalty after every relation symbol (such as =) and
> \binoppenalty after every binary operation (such as +). You can set these
> to 10000 if you want to prohibit line-breaking in text-formulas. LaTeX and
> TeX both set \relpenalty=500 and \binoppenalty=700 (of course, classes and
> packages can change this). If you put an expression into braces, it
> becomes a subexpression that can't be broken anymore.

Sorry for the confusion.  I was talking about equation mode, all others
seem to have been talking about in-text math mode, i.e. the one delimited
by `$' or by `\(' and `\)'.

Anyway, the offending braces come from file add.cpp, lines 163 and 214,
just in case anybody wants to play around with them.  But careful, I guess
they were intentional and meant just for the purpose of not breaking
lines.  Please report to this list if you are absolutely sure that they
should be removed.

Richard B. Kreckel
<Richard.Kreckel at Uni-Mainz.DE>

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