error while loading shared libraries:

Ben Sapp bsapp at
Tue Jul 3 00:22:48 CEST 2001

Wolfgang wrote:
> I've done a standard installation (no flags, no special directories) of cln
> 1.1.1 with gcc 2.96. After 'make check' it said 'All tests passed'. Now I can
> compile a cln example file, but when I want to run the binary I get the above
> error message. Do I have to set certain gcc flags when compiling the example
> file, or how can solve that problem?

You can add a flag like this to gcc.(GNU ld is also assumed in this


Another solution would be to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
variable to include the directory where CLN library is located.  This
would allow you to move CLN easier.  

For example,
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/home/me/lib

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib:/home/me/lib 

Ben Sapp                         Los Alamos National Laboratory
email: <mailto:bsapp at>   Phone: (505)667-3277
Fax:   (505)665-7920             URL:
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