configure cannot find headers for libreadline

Chris Dams chrisd at
Thu Jul 12 14:15:24 CEST 2001

Hello everybody,

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, Richard B. Kreckel wrote:

> Usually exporting CPPFLAGS is it.  At least for finding the headers.  Then

Well, I found the source of the problem. The result of looking for the
headers is stored in the cache file of configure, so if you run configure,
see that it cannot find a header file, set CPPFLAGS, run configure again,
it does not do anything with the CPPFLAGS but it uses the cache file that
says the header file is not present. sigh...

The solution is saying somehting like
./configure --prefix=/home/thef/chrisd/c++ --cache-file=/dev/null

Chris Dams

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